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New Rules To Catch Bad Drivers By Scc

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2 hours ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

I don't think anyone is questioning the health benefits of regular exercise, Mr Cuttsie...

... just the arrogance of a number of cyclists who believe that everyone should live their lives the same way they do! :roll:

Or the arrogance of a non cyclist suggesting that mirrors are an appropriate method to safely know what's behind you, despite the fact they have little or no experience of using one.


Forum experts, who needs them.

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Guest busdriver1
2 hours ago, bassett one said:

i would love to know the estimates of the income it will bring into scc

enough for a down payment on some shipping containers maybe.

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6 hours ago, bassett one said:

i would love to know the estimates of the income it will bring into scc

Why? Is there an income figure below which bad driving should be tolerated?


What about escooters whizzing round Batemoor? Should they be ignored cos the fines might not cover the policing costs?

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On 16/11/2022 at 15:00, AndrewC said:


This is a fair point, but does bring us on to the main conclusion that largely overrides every other argument in this discussion.


All road users offend at roughly the same proportionate rate, but their impact on society isn't proportional.


I haven't got this years figures to hand, but motorists can trust me when I say that something in region of about 5 people are killed, 70 injured every day by drivers in motor vehicles. The equivalent figures for cycling are practically zero. In fact, I think it's about 5 people killed by cyclists total over the last two decades, not 1 day.


Long story short, when a cyclist breaks the rules it's just a bit irritating. When a driver breaks the rules it can be deadly and costly*.





*speaking of costs (of damage to property etc.) this is also the reason insurance for cars is compulsory, and but compulsory for cyclists. Because bikes cause a tiny, tiny cost in £££s when it comes to damage to other vehicles, other property etc. Meanwhile, even the slightest bump between two cars for example can lead to £100s in costs, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. It's simply not worth it for the government & insurance companies to be that bothered.



About the most sensible non bias comment I've seen on this thread 👍

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4 minutes ago, bassett one said:

i reckon SCC will make fortunes from these cameras,the the police will complain there having there money taken away

There is nothing stopping the police going to these junctions today and issuing moving traffic offence fines to people if they so wish. If they dont want to do this, they cant really moan.


As for them "making a fortune", well there is a really handy tip to avoid getting a fine. Do you want to know what it is? It's an amazing tip.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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It's about time. The Police haven't had the time, resources or desire to enforce these rules for decades and some of the congestion (& pollution) in several spots of the city isn't helped by people blocking box junctions, blocking roads whilst waiting to do illegal turns and similar. At the same time I wish they could get the Safety Partnership to add a few more red light camera sites too.


The Abbeydale/Broadfield/Sheldon Road junction is crying out for box junction enforcement and the illegal right turn off the A61 into Halfords that is so common would be handy too! Red light cameras at the top of Banner Cross too, they might as well switch off the lights for the notice they are given.


Cyclists are a separate debate that have hi jacked this thread - there are enough troubles with motorists alone to make this a good thing, far more useful than enforcing 32 in a 30 zone (speed seemed to be the only offence of note for motorists for years)

12 minutes ago, bassett one said:

i reckon SCC will make fortunes from these cameras,the the police will complain there having there money taken away

Having been in the past one of those very officers who has issued fixed penalties for motor offences I can assure you they will not complain as:
- there are far too many other important things to do with our limited time

- we don't get the money, it goes into the same big pot at Westminster that all criminal financial penalties end up in: the Consolidated Fund, which is seen as the Government's current account

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