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New Rules To Catch Bad Drivers By Scc

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14 minutes ago, buckeroo said:

far more useful than enforcing 32 in a 30 zone (speed seemed to be the only offence of note for motorists for years)

As far as I’m aware most police forces follow NPCC guidelines for speed enforcement, which means you’d be doing an actual 35mph ( ie 10% plus 2mph over the limit) to get a ticket in a 30 zone 

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5 hours ago, buckeroo said:

It's about time. The Police haven't had the time, resources or desire to enforce these rules for decades and some of the congestion (& pollution) in several spots of the city isn't helped by people blocking box junctions, blocking roads whilst waiting to do illegal turns and similar. At the same time I wish they could get the Safety Partnership to add a few more red light camera sites too.


The Abbeydale/Broadfield/Sheldon Road junction is crying out for box junction enforcement and the illegal right turn off the A61 into Halfords that is so common would be handy too! Red light cameras at the top of Banner Cross too, they might as well switch off the lights for the notice they are given.


Cyclists are a separate debate that have hi jacked this thread - there are enough troubles with motorists alone to make this a good thing, far more useful than enforcing 32 in a 30 zone (speed seemed to be the only offence of note for motorists for years)

Having been in the past one of those very officers who has issued fixed penalties for motor offences I can assure you they will not complain as:
- there are far too many other important things to do with our limited time

- we don't get the money, it goes into the same big pot at Westminster that all criminal financial penalties end up in: the Consolidated Fund, which is seen as the Government's current account

thats good news then with the police being allicated extra staff and this helping lower the police load ,then they will have more time for worse crime which in theory means they can lock up more major criminals so its win win win

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Just now, bassett one said:

thats good news then with the police being allicated extra staff and this helping lower the police load ,then they will have more time for worse crime which in theory means they can lock up more major criminals so its win win win

Erm no, not really, they already have no time to deal with issues like this, so nothing will be changing.

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1 minute ago, bassett one said:

if they scc with cameras are doing more police work,surely that will lighten the load the police will have some extra time

Do you read anything in here? Only today a policeman has posted to say they dont bother monitoring offences like this? So no, no new time is going to suddenly appear out of thin air.

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