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Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night .

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Old age should burn and rave at close of day .

Rage , rage against the dying of the light .  Dylan Thomas poem .

I have been giving this some thought of late, This is due to observing people i know of a similar age to me , people who I live among on our little estate consisting of older folks housing .

Not many of them are raging , most are sitting behind half drawn curtains watching TV  , some are drinking  more than is good for them . I know this because I see them on their daily walk to a local  corner shop where the bottle of Scotch or Vodka can be clearly seen  through the blue plastic carrier bag the  shop provides free of charge .

Apart from this my own experiences are telling me that things are changing in my World ,   For instance people are beginning to offer me their seat on a crowded tram or bus , People who I consider to be  not to different in age to me , I always politely decline and wonder why they have any way , In fact in my case I always stand up and ask a lady to take my seat on a crowded bus , again this seems to end up with a smile and  a polite refusal these days when at one time it was  accepted .


The kids are treating me different , , Do we  want shopping bringing in ,  Do I need the lawn cutting or hedge trimming and so .

This leads me to having a little turn sometimes , "I can cut my own bloody grass " or "We  are quite capable of doing our own shop " and so on .


I realise that they are now seeing me in a different light or way , that they think that age is a no , A date on a calendar, what they don't know is that I am not even considering age , that I will carry on as normal as possible for as long as possible even though deep inside I know that one day in the not to distant future I may be sat behind a half shut curtain supping Scotch and watching Emmerdale  bloody Farm with the rest of them .  

Until then I will read Dylan Thomas's poem and Rage rage against the dying of the light .

Edited by cuttsie
Calendar Calender , or whatever
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2 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Old age should burn and rave at close of day .

Rage , rage against the dying of the light .  Dylan Thomas poem .

I have been giving this some thought of late, This is due to observing people i know of a similar age to me , people who I live among on our little estate consisting of older folks housing .

Not many of them are raging , most are sitting behind half drawn curtains watching TV  , some are drinking  more than is good for them . I know this because I see them on their daily walk to a local  corner shop where the bottle of Scotch or Vodka can be clearly seen  through the blue plastic carrier bag the  shop provides free of charge .

Apart from this my own experiences are telling me that things are changing in my World ,   For instance people are beginning to offer me their seat on a crowded tram or bus , People who I consider to be  not to different in age to me , I always politely decline and wonder why they have any way , In fact in my case I always stand up and ask a lady to take my seat on a crowded bus , again this seems to end up with a smile and  a polite refusal these days when at one time it was  accepted .


The kids are treating me different , , Do we  want shopping bringing in ,  Do I need the lawn cutting or hedge trimming and so .

This leads me to having a little turn sometimes , "I can cut my own bloody grass " or "We  are quite capable of doing our own shop " and so on .


I realise that they are now seeing me in a different light or way , that they think that age is a no , A date on a colander , what they don't know is that I am not even considering age , that I will carry on as normal as possible for as long as possible even though deep inside I know that one day in the not to distant future I may be sat behind a half shut curtain supping Scotch and watching Emmerdale  bloody Farm with the rest of them .  

Until then I will read Dylan Thomas's poem and Rage rage against the dying of the light .

Carry on raging :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

Old age should burn and rave at close of day .

Rage , rage against the dying of the light .  Dylan Thomas poem .

I have been giving this some thought of late, This is due to observing people i know of a similar age to me , people who I live among on our little estate consisting of older folks housing .

Not many of them are raging , most are sitting behind half drawn curtains watching TV  , some are drinking  more than is good for them . I know this because I see them on their daily walk to a local  corner shop where the bottle of Scotch or Vodka can be clearly seen  through the blue plastic carrier bag the  shop provides free of charge .

Apart from this my own experiences are telling me that things are changing in my World ,   For instance people are beginning to offer me their seat on a crowded tram or bus , People who I consider to be  not to different in age to me , I always politely decline and wonder why they have any way , In fact in my case I always stand up and ask a lady to take my seat on a crowded bus , again this seems to end up with a smile and  a polite refusal these days when at one time it was  accepted .


The kids are treating me different , , Do we  want shopping bringing in ,  Do I need the lawn cutting or hedge trimming and so .

This leads me to having a little turn sometimes , "I can cut my own bloody grass " or "We  are quite capable of doing our own shop " and so on .


I realise that they are now seeing me in a different light or way , that they think that age is a no , A date on a calendar, what they don't know is that I am not even considering age , that I will carry on as normal as possible for as long as possible even though deep inside I know that one day in the not to distant future I may be sat behind a half shut curtain supping Scotch and watching Emmerdale  bloody Farm with the rest of them .  

Until then I will read Dylan Thomas's poem and Rage rage against the dying of the light .

Nice one cuttsie - about time we had a bit of culture on SF.


I'll be doing a bit of raging in 10 years or so - then I'll move into "And Death Shall Have No Dominion" mode.

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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

Old age should burn and rave at close of day .

Rage , rage against the dying of the light .  Dylan Thomas poem .

I have been giving this some thought of late, This is due to observing people i know of a similar age to me , people who I live among on our little estate consisting of older folks housing .

Not many of them are raging , most are sitting behind half drawn curtains watching TV  , some are drinking  more than is good for them . I know this because I see them on their daily walk to a local  corner shop where the bottle of Scotch or Vodka can be clearly seen  through the blue plastic carrier bag the  shop provides free of charge .

Apart from this my own experiences are telling me that things are changing in my World ,   For instance people are beginning to offer me their seat on a crowded tram or bus , People who I consider to be  not to different in age to me , I always politely decline and wonder why they have any way , In fact in my case I always stand up and ask a lady to take my seat on a crowded bus , again this seems to end up with a smile and  a polite refusal these days when at one time it was  accepted .


The kids are treating me different , , Do we  want shopping bringing in ,  Do I need the lawn cutting or hedge trimming and so .

This leads me to having a little turn sometimes , "I can cut my own bloody grass " or "We  are quite capable of doing our own shop " and so on .


I realise that they are now seeing me in a different light or way , that they think that age is a no , A date on a calendar, what they don't know is that I am not even considering age , that I will carry on as normal as possible for as long as possible even though deep inside I know that one day in the not to distant future I may be sat behind a half shut curtain supping Scotch and watching Emmerdale  bloody Farm with the rest of them .  

Until then I will read Dylan Thomas's poem and Rage rage against the dying of the light .

All I want to know is who's that old guy in the bathroom mirror.


See the source image



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