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Bird Flu And Egg Shortages.

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12 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

Is it costing the farms that supply eggs more? How do they get products from the farms and to the shops? 


I also read that one supermarket was importing eggs from Italy as it was cheaper but some consumers don't like the idea because they don't have a Lion printed on them!:huh:


And yet the farmers were quite happy to pour it down the drain instead when it suited them!



Yes, it is costing the farmers more.

Many are having to cull their flocks.

Chicken feed has risen in price massively, as has feed for all other farm animals.


Some supermarkets will be importing from abroad because the Bird Flu has caused shortages in this country

I also,  would have poured milk down the drain too if the supermarkets were ripping me off

The supermarkets should not be allowed to up prices at the expense of suppliers. They have proved in the past how greedy they are whilst pretending to be the shoppers friends.

A Prices & Incomes Board would stop this as it did in the 70's. This situation is worse than it was then and government action is needed but, DO THEY CARE?

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31 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Yes, it is costing the farmers more.

Many are having to cull their flocks.

Chicken feed has risen in price massively, as has feed for all other farm animals.

They are culling flocks because of bird flu and if they are culling their flock then they also need less chicken feed.


31 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Some supermarkets will be importing from abroad because the Bird Flu has caused shortages in this country

That's what's happening but again farmers are not happy as they are losing out.


31 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I also,  would have poured milk down the drain too if the supermarkets were ripping me off

Which shows it about control and not money.


31 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

The supermarkets should not be allowed to up prices at the expense of suppliers.

When supermarkets up prices it is not at the expense of suppliers as the suppliers have already agreed to a price. 


31 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

They have proved in the past how greedy they are whilst pretending to be the shoppers friends.

A Prices & Incomes Board would stop this as it did in the 70's. This situation is worse than it was then and government action is needed but, DO THEY CARE?

But it didn't stop it in the 70's that's why it was later abandoned. The unions did not like the fact that it also put a limit on wage rises as well.



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10 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

They are culling flocks because of bird flu and if they are culling their flock then they also need less chicken feed.


That's what's happening but again farmers are not happy as they are losing out.


Which shows it about control and not money.


When supermarkets up prices it is not at the expense of suppliers as the suppliers have already agreed to a price. 


But it didn't stop it in the 70's that's why it was later abandoned. The unions did not like the fact that it also put a limit on wage rises as well.



Some farmers are losing their flocks!

Other farmers are paying much increased prices for Chicken feed etc and the precautions are also costing them money - IS THAT TOO DIFICULT FORR YOU TO UNDERSTAND.?

EVERYONE is losing out except the supermarkets who raise prices when they have not paid more for their eggs.  SAVVY?

Would you let the supermarkets control you.?

The prices would be agreed before the Bird Flu arrived - is that difficult to understand  too?

It did stop it in the 70's and was only discontinued because  companies realised they couldn't get away with it.

I never heard the unions say that.  Whether anyone likes it or not, you cannot cure  inflation with wage rises.

I don't want or need a link and NEVER follow links. I remember what happened..



Unless you own a supermarket you are trying to do down the ordinary citizen  or, be a troll.


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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Some farmers are losing their flocks!

Yes I know and it has nothing to do with supermarkets raising prices!


1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Other farmers are paying much increased prices for Chicken feed etc and the precautions are also costing them money - IS THAT TOO DIFICULT FORR YOU TO UNDERSTAND.?

As you seem to so upset and are shoulting then the best thing for farmers to do is STOP PRODUCING EGGS FOR NOW and wait till it blows over. 


It's the usual case that we have heard over and over again of the poor downtrodden hard done by farmers complaining. If they don't like it then they need to find other ways of creating and income just like everybody else has to. 


1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

EVERYONE is losing out except the supermarkets who raise prices when they have not paid more for their eggs.  SAVVY?



So the cost of transporting distributing and storing those very eggs has risen because of the big increase in fuel and you expect the farmers to be paid more because the supermarkets have put the price up?


1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Would you let the supermarkets control you.?

No, but then I'm not stupid enough to be a poor farmer!


1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

The prices would be agreed before the Bird Flu arrived - is that difficult to understand  too?

And you are certain of that, are you a farmer?


Bird flu was discovered in October and as eggs are dated and time stamped and have a limited shelf life I would think any contracts would be on a rolling basis given that fact.  The ones I bought yesterday (£1.65 for 10) are dated to expire on 27/11/22.


1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

It did stop it in the 70's and was only discontinued because  companies realised they couldn't get away with it.

I never heard the unions say that.  Whether anyone likes it or not, you cannot cure  inflation with wage rises.

I don't want or need a link and NEVER follow links. I remember what happened..

Please make sense as it helps.


1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:


Unless you own a supermarket you are trying to do down the ordinary citizen  or, be a troll.

No the big question is why you are getting annoyed enough to SHOUT!


I have alway thought that keeping food prices low was a mistake as it encourages obesity and waste and hey, the poor farmers could also be paid more....

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