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Bird Flu And Egg Shortages.

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People shop much more carefully now, shopping around for the best prices. it won't be long before supermarkets start a price war to tempt back customers away from the cheaper outlets. It has happened before, so hang in there, and prices may start to fall at least a little. I make much use of my freezer by buying extra perishables if a good price and freezing them

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3 hours ago, Minimo said:

....I make much use of my freezer by buying extra perishables if a good price and freezing them

Doing the same and also batch cooking and freezing. Just took in an extra under counter Beko freezer that was being chucked out because the fast freeze flap was broken off. Got another off Amazon for £12 and its working perfectly, just hope there are no power cuts! :hihi:

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On 18/11/2022 at 11:21, Organgrinder said:

We need a prices & Incomes board bringing back as we had in the 70's to stop companies profiteering.

Labour and Tories managed to agree on that at the time.

Too much party politics now although they all claim they are there to do their best for the country.


We need something, the supermarkets are going to be announcing record profits next year the way things are going. The single fresh baguettes in Asda are now 90p they used to be 40p so they have more than doubled in price, cheese is now over 50% dearer than earlier this year. Toilet rolls have gone up much more than when there was a shortage in the pandemic, the public are being taken for a ride.

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