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Mps Expenses Published Nov. 2022

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Company I used to work for awarded bonuses to various cash limits 'paid' by your expenses account, friend of mine got a rather large bonus, decided to buy a surf board.

    But you only go surfing once a year !  Yeah I know, and don't really need a surf board, its just that I like to think of the reaction in the head office and US headquarters,,,who the F::: is allowing him to claim a surf board on expenses!!!

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2 hours ago, El Cid said:

I and others use our own phones for work, because it's easier than using the works mobile, the works mobile would run out of data.

I also use my own equipment to wash my minibus because it's easier than going to the bus wash. I have also repaired minor things, such as the drivers mat.

But I am frugal and I enjoy saving my employer money, whereas MPs seem to enjoy spaffing our money up the wall.

Well I guess that's your choice. But be careful because your kind money saving gesture might one day backfire.


For example, I can't use my personal phone for work purposes even if I wanted to. Because what I deal with is highly confidential and subject to a multitude of strict rules and compliances which could potentially jeopardise my practice certificate and career if I broke them.  Everything I touch for work has to be wholly independent, secured, and strictly compliant with their systems.


Also, using your own equipment as opposed to work equipment or authorised procedures to use external suppliers may invalidate your company's insurance. What about a scenario if your self-cleaning of the vehicles damaged it. Does your home insurance cover any outlay? What about if your repair to the vehicle causes a malfunction or accident or injury?


It's not always that simple as just.....they are wastefully spending money.....


That's before we get onto the fundamental point of why should anybody lay out their own expenditure where it's covered by the employer.    It's expected there will be reasonable expenses and none of these cited seem anything near outrageous.  Now when there are more claims for duck houses or lamborghinis or six ladies from Busty Barbara's Shack then there might be call for outrage.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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3 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Well I guess that's your choice. But be careful because your kind money saving gesture might one day backfire.

My work ethic is quite strong. If my works mobile rings on a weekend or holiday, I answer if I hear it ringing. Try to ring a supervisor our of hours, no chance.

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1 hour ago, El Cid said:

My work ethic is quite strong. If my works mobile rings on a weekend or holiday, I answer if I hear it ringing. Try to ring a supervisor our of hours, no chance.

This is a bit of selective quote, I think.


I thought on SF these days, you couldn't just select parts that suit you. 


Just reading this post implies your work ethic is stronger than the poster you quoted, but the unquoted part gave reasons that answered this part of your argument. 





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1 hour ago, El Cid said:

My work ethic is quite strong. If my works mobile rings on a weekend or holiday, I answer if I hear it ringing. Try to ring a supervisor our of hours, no chance.

Well that's fascinating but I never even questioned your work ethic.


All I was trying to demonstrate was that sometimes using your own equipment or self-resources, under some belief of trying to save your employer a few quid, is not always a sensible or compliant thing to do.


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I wasn't sure where to post this, so this seemed like the appropriate thread.


Do people think that IPSA is fit for purpose?

I ask because IPSA has apologised for publishing advice that MPs could claim for the cost of an office Christmas party.


Watchdog apologises after MPs' Christmas expenses row - BBC News


I've no objections to MPs taking their staff out on a Christmas lunch as a thank you; however it seems a bit of a cheek to charge it back to taxpayers. The cost of stationery, renting constituency office, salaries for staff and travel and overnight stays, that's reasonable.

Taxpayers paying for meals at Christmas parties is not reasonable in my opinion, especially in the current climate where some poor folk won't be having a Christmas meal because they're poor.

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On 18/11/2022 at 11:35, cressida said:



Some are so petty I would have thought they could pay it themselves on their salaries




  • Barry Gardiner spent £1,155 on video editing

Chris Pincher spent £960 at Westminster Digital videos
Claudia Webbe managed to spend £115.37 on a phone case

Very much loves the Tories, Guido Fawkes.

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my apologies, it was meant to be tongue in cheek rather than sniping.


I'm easy about it, assuming there is a reasonable price limit per head. Private companies often do it, one meal per year is nothing in the grand scheme of govt expenditure. If they are talking about the Ivy, then no



Edited by fools
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