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Luxuries We Just Can't Afford.

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1 minute ago, fools said:

Get some accountants in to run the show.


every single bit of expenditure should be under scrutiny

I'm sure their will already be a whole host of accountants working in government and government departments, and I agree the expenditure should be scrutinised down to the last penny. 


There are groups which already do this, I think one of them is called the Taxpayers Alliance, but you only occasionally hear what they have to say. There's also a 'little book' which I think is published every year with all the government cockups and more, regarding expenditure and how much is spaffed up the wall, but unfortunately it doesn't reach the mainstream so tends to be ignored, but it's findings are truly eyewatering. 


It doesn't seem to make any difference though. To get this sort of information to the electorate forget the MSM, run by the elite they'd rather you didn't know, which is why so many people rely on internet sources. People have to start taking an interest and joining together to show their disapproval. It is happening, but by God it's slow, and soon we'll be past the point of no return.

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22 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I'm sure their will already be a whole host of accountants working in government and government departments, and I agree the expenditure should be scrutinised down to the last penny.

Government departments aim to spend every penny of their budget, whether it's of benefit to the public or not.


From what I can see, the politicians say do X, stop doing Y, then the underlings ignore it. A few months later, the minister gets replaced, and the cycle starts again, that's why there is zero progress


example: Blair promising to address the doctors surgery morning phone scramble, decades ago

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21 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Sounds ghastly

doesn't surprise me.


I've got a great idea to bring tourists into the city...only 450k ... burgers from skips ..... err No. Pop museum? NO world studen  NOO


I want you to go and get a quote to block book every room in a hotel chain for the next 12 months...

ok, the quote was £190/day per room, comes to 2.2 billion per annum

whaaaaaat, I didn't mean a 5 star hotel, get outa here.


see... 2 minutes work, just needs someone to say no.



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1 minute ago, fools said:

doesn't surprise me.


I've got a great idea to bring tourists into the city...only 450k ... burgers from skips ..... err No. Pop museum? NO world studen  NOO


I want you to go and get a quote to block book every room in a hotel chain for the next 12 months...

ok, the quote was £190/day per room, comes to 2.2 billion per annum

whaaaaaat, I didn't mean a 5 star hotel, get outa here.


see... 2 minutes work, just needs someone to say no.



I think that you should have said no to that waccy baccy.


Its playing havoc with your coherence 

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2 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I'm sure their will already be a whole host of accountants working in government and government departments, and I agree the expenditure should be scrutinised down to the last penny. 


There are groups which already do this, I think one of them is called the Taxpayers Alliance, but you only occasionally hear what they have to say. There's also a 'little book' which I think is published every year with all the government cockups and more, regarding expenditure and how much is spaffed up the wall, but unfortunately it doesn't reach the mainstream so tends to be ignored, but it's findings are truly eyewatering. 


It doesn't seem to make any difference though. To get this sort of information to the electorate forget the MSM, run by the elite they'd rather you didn't know, which is why so many people rely on internet sources. People have to start taking an interest and joining together to show their disapproval. It is happening, but by God it's slow, and soon we'll be past the point of no return.

OK, lets have a look at the prisons, someone mentioned these earlier.

A little bit tongue in cheek, but here goes.

I reckon a few adjustment's could save millions.

The question of prison reform keeps cropping up, Good, It's very important we reform the prison system so that prisons become disgusting and unhinged. No electricity, no light, no heat, and full to overflowing with inmates who are only allowed to eat only what they can catch, or grow in window boxes. Window boxes that they make from their own fingernail cuttings.

Unfortunately, other people think that prisons should be about rehabilitation rather than punishment.. That they should be places for quiet reflection, a place to have sing songs and afternoon poetry.

There is even a charity that exists to campaign for the rights of inmates and their families, and I'm sorry, but isn't that a bit weird? because when you decide to help those less fortunate than yourself, surely their are more worthy candidates, people with no homes, no arms and no chance. People with hideous diseases, people with their heads on back to front, and thats before we get to the heart-melting question of Children and Animals.

So why. I wonder, did someone wake up one day and think, "I know who I'll help, the man who stole my bicycle"

It actually happens though, and has a result we have the Prison Reform Trust, which apparently believes that a prison sentence should only be for the likes of Peter Sutcliffe, and even then, he should be treated with tenderness and a lot of Egyptian cotton.

Well, let me make something quite plain to the Lily-Livered eco- hippie vicars who think this way. 

If you come round to my house this evening, asking if I'd like to buy the man who stole my television a gift, I shall say "Yes" but only if I can shove it up his bottom.


I think community-based punishments would save millions, apparently, consider this, 34% of criminals given community punishments reoffend, compared with 74% of those sent to a nice warm prison.

Before you think I've gone all soft, consider this, If we take them out of their cells, dress them in orange jumpsuits, shackle their legs together and get them to hoe the municipal roundabouts in our local towns and villiages.

As a result, we will be able to tell them things, and after they've spent six months on a roundabout, being told things, quite loudly, they might start to understand that their life is not normal and there is nothing particularly brilliant about shoving a pint pot in another mans face.

How brilliant is that?

The hippy vicars are happy because the Crims are out in the open air, getting fit and doing something useful.

And were happy too- especially if we are allowed to throw things at them as we drive by, Tomotoes, Eggs, Bricks and so on.


I'm starting to like this community idea very much, and already I'm thinking of jobs around my house that need doing,

Painting, Decorating, Licking the toilet clean, the offender would see how a normal family lives, and I would be able to call him names and hit him over the head with a stick.

Criminals could be made to retrieve shopping trolleys from Britains most disgusting canals, they could be made to perform dangerous stunts with killer whales and lions at theme parks.

Put the cones out on motorways, 

Remember when Boy George was given a custodial sentence, can you imagine him doing work on a farm, they could make him put his head up a cow's bottom to see if it's calf is the right way round, while we call him names and pelt his backside with veg.


It gets better, because if lags are made to pick up litter and weeds from our central reservations , we'd need fewer expensive prisons, it would save local authorities a fortune, lower our council tax, and whats more, the decent people currently employed by councils to do menial jobs would be free to earn a proper living in the private sector.

To put it simply, it's a win win situation for everybody.


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3 minutes ago, Padders said:

OK, lets have a look at the prisons, someone mentioned these earlier.

A little bit tongue in cheek, but here goes.

I reckon a few adjustment's could save millions.

The question of prison reform keeps cropping up, Good, It's very important we reform the prison system so that prisons become disgusting and unhinged. No electricity, no light, no heat, and full to overflowing with inmates who are only allowed to eat only what they can catch, or grow in window boxes. Window boxes that they make from their own fingernail cuttings.

Unfortunately, other people think that prisons should be about rehabilitation rather than punishment.. That they should be places for quiet reflection, a place to have sing songs and afternoon poetry.

There is even a charity that exists to campaign for the rights of inmates and their families, and I'm sorry, but isn't that a bit weird? because when you decide to help those less fortunate than yourself, surely their are more worthy candidates, people with no homes, no arms and no chance. People with hideous diseases, people with their heads on back to front, and thats before we get to the heart-melting question of Children and Animals.

So why. I wonder, did someone wake up one day and think, "I know who I'll help, the man who stole my bicycle"

It actually happens though, and has a result we have the Prison Reform Trust, which apparently believes that a prison sentence should only be for the likes of Peter Sutcliffe, and even then, he should be treated with tenderness and a lot of Egyptian cotton.

Well, let me make something quite plain to the Lily-Livered eco- hippie vicars who think this way. 

If you come round to my house this evening, asking if I'd like to buy the man who stole my television a gift, I shall say "Yes" but only if I can shove it up his bottom.


I think community-based punishments would save millions, apparently, consider this, 34% of criminals given community punishments reoffend, compared with 74% of those sent to a nice warm prison.

Before you think I've gone all soft, consider this, If we take them out of their cells, dress them in orange jumpsuits, shackle their legs together and get them to hoe the municipal roundabouts in our local towns and villiages.

As a result, we will be able to tell them things, and after they've spent six months on a roundabout, being told things, quite loudly, they might start to understand that their life is not normal and there is nothing particularly brilliant about shoving a pint pot in another mans face.

How brilliant is that?

The hippy vicars are happy because the Crims are out in the open air, getting fit and doing something useful.

And were happy too- especially if we are allowed to throw things at them as we drive by, Tomotoes, Eggs, Bricks and so on.


I'm starting to like this community idea very much, and already I'm thinking of jobs around my house that need doing,

Painting, Decorating, Licking the toilet clean, the offender would see how a normal family lives, and I would be able to call him names and hit him over the head with a stick.

Criminals could be made to retrieve shopping trolleys from Britains most disgusting canals, they could be made to perform dangerous stunts with killer whales and lions at theme parks.

Put the cones out on motorways, 

Remember when Boy George was given a custodial sentence, can you imagine him doing work on a farm, they could make him put his head up a cow's bottom to see if it's calf is the right way round, while we call him names and pelt his backside with veg.


It gets better, because if lags are made to pick up litter and weeds from our central reservations , we'd need fewer expensive prisons, it would save local authorities a fortune, lower our council tax, and whats more, the decent people currently employed by councils to do menial jobs would be free to earn a proper living in the private sector.

To put it simply, it's a win win situation for everybody.


I would vote for you .  Bravo   :thumbsup:

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4 hours ago, Findlay said:

I reckon prisons are a luxury we can no longer afford at £5.5 Billlion a year and £48,162 per prisoner per year.


HMG spends over £1,000 billion a year - prison spending  doesn't even make it into the petty cash category.

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