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Kevin Sinfield

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Kevin must be one of the finest human beings who has ever walked this Planet, his fund raising for research into Motor Nurome disease brought on by his love for his mate and sufferer Rob Burrows has to be witnessed to be believed .

My own family has been a witness to the devastating effects that this blooody  awful illness brings to a family . 

Kevin finishes his latest effort doing forty mile marathons every day , 

God bless thi Kevin  ,you are a Star .

Edited by cuttsie
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2 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Kevin must be one of the finest human beings who has ever walked this Planet, his fund raising for research into Motor Nurome disease brought on by his love for his mate and sufferer Rob Burrows has to be witnessed to be believed .

My own family has been a witness to the devastating effects that this blooody  awful illness brings to a family . 

Kevin finishes his latest effort doing forty mile marathons every day , 

God bless thi Kevin  ,you are a Star .

I saw him on tv this morning and it looked like he was walking past the roads near to Dam Flask. The announcer mentioned The Pennines so it may be that route he was on. He finishes today doesn’t he ?

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9 minutes ago, pattricia said:

I saw him on tv this morning and it looked like he was walking past the roads near to Dam Flask. The announcer mentioned The Pennines so it may be that route he was on. He finishes today doesn’t he ?

No he is nowhere near there, the route taken didnt go into South Yorkshire. He was near Halifax when I saw it earlier. 

Yes finishes at Old Trafford later today.

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I've not been following this, but I've just seen his triumphant return to Old Trafford and was seriously moved by the emotion of Kevin and the people.


As well as raising £1.5 million, which is a marvellous achievement in itself, he's also raised the profile of Motor Neurone Disease, and raised my spirits because good, decent people can still make good things happen.


What a guy!

Well done Kevin, and thankyou!

Edited by Anna B
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