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Reform Of The Nhs

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Just now, hackey lad said:


Hooray indeed.


It seems as though the NHS works fine for most people.


Maybe they discriminate against Tories.


I would.

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On 21/11/2022 at 14:48, RollingJ said:

It would probably help if they didn't duplicate jobs. I remember quite well my last experience of this at NGH.  About 4 years ago, I was accidentality bitten by my cat, which resulted in an infection requiring surgical intervention, so I got to A&E, quickly assessed and then transferred to general surgical - where the fun started. Before I was even seen in there, I had to assist a lady to laboriously fill out a double-sided A4 sheet of details - nothing to do with what I had gone in for and all relevant details were all on my NHS record anyway.


After the first few questions had been asked, I began to realise they were just for box-ticking, and as I wasn't feeling that good and therefore not very sociable, I said something to the effect of 'pass me that and I'll fill it in for you'. When I declined to answer any more of her questions, she reluctantly passed it across and I completed it in about a minute - mostly 'N/A'.


The best laugh though was when I got to the ward, carrying my folder with all the details from said lady and the doctor who had examined my hand - someone started to try and fill out exactly the same sheet I had completed before seeing the doctor. I think you can imagine my response - something along the lines of 'RTFM', although slightly more politely.


This is the tip of the waste iceberg in the NHS - and any 'nationalised' industry.

This I think can be blamed on the suing culture. 


Even Anna herself said 'She could have sued the NHS 10 times'... however, others do. The suing culture, I would guess, accounts for a lot of the NHS budget. 

On 24/11/2022 at 15:08, alchresearch said:


NHS spent £66 million on translation and interpreting services in 2019/2020



Be interesting to see how much other countries spend.   I believe you need your own interpreter in some countries if there's nobody already employed who knows some English.

This is a good point. Of course, many will say, 'speak English' or don't come here, but that isn't reality. 

But in fact, I used to pick up interpreters and they were on quite good money. No issue with that, but considering how many students we have in this country, and how easy it is to test people's language skills, this could be cut. I know this from watching youtubes about interpreters. These days they can work from home, and a simple APP can find an interpreter anywhere in the country. 


But, again, the 'suing culture' comes in here. 

20 minutes ago, Anna B said:

We have to resist the Americanisation of our NHS at all costs.

Introduce change, even some form of privatisation, but it has to be carefully considered and nuanced, there are other models to be investigated: but not the farce that is the American system,

This post seems a little odd. (or more odd!). 


I thought you were totally against this?


I think your idea that privatisation is a 'dirty word', and that 'public ownership' is a lovely phrase, just isn't right. But, I know you'll never change your mind about this, or anything. You're too far gone down the road of 'everything is good if the Tories aren't in power'.


You don't like UK system.

You don't like USA system.

You don't like partially privatised system. (like Germany)


What do you want?!


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1 minute ago, hackey lad said:

Tell you what , pm me your mobile number and I will send you a  photo / screenshot tomorrow. Please don’t doubt me or call me a liar

You ok  hun?

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5 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

That’s a no then . 

You need to be more specific.


Who are you talking to?

What do you want?

Why do you want it?

Why are you so uncritical of the worst government ever?


You know the stuff.

Edited by sibon
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2 hours ago, *_ash_* said:

This I think can be blamed on the suing culture. 


Even Anna herself said 'She could have sued the NHS 10 times'... however, others do. The suing culture, I would guess, accounts for a lot of the NHS budget. 

This is a good point. Of course, many will say, 'speak English' or don't come here, but that isn't reality. 

But in fact, I used to pick up interpreters and they were on quite good money. No issue with that, but considering how many students we have in this country, and how easy it is to test people's language skills, this could be cut. I know this from watching youtubes about interpreters. These days they can work from home, and a simple APP can find an interpreter anywhere in the country. 


But, again, the 'suing culture' comes in here. 

This post seems a little odd. (or more odd!). 


I thought you were totally against this?


I think your idea that privatisation is a 'dirty word', and that 'public ownership' is a lovely phrase, just isn't right. But, I know you'll never change your mind about this, or anything. You're too far gone down the road of 'everything is good if the Tories aren't in power'.


You don't like UK system.

You don't like USA system.

You don't like partially privatised system. (like Germany)


What do you want?!


Personally I don't want it privatised at all, but people are dying for want of nurses, doctors and treatment, so something has to be done. And fast. 


Limited 'In-house' privatisation might work/help in this crisis. I paid for my eye operations at The Royal Hallamshire Hospital Eye department. (Refractive Lens Exchange) The fees were then fed directly back into the hospital to pay towards other people's treatment. If that pays for more nurses or treatment that seems a reasonable deal. This used to be common practice in the NHS but was stopped by Labour who said it gave way to a two tier system, which was very true, but we didn't have the problems we have now. Everyone got seen, everyone got treatment, and waiting lists were much shorter. So maybe we need a bit of pragmatism to help us out.  


Maybe renting out facilities / equipment when they're not in use is a possibility. For example Radiotherapy doesn't take place over the weekends, which leaves all the machines vacant. Maybe private clients could use them then. How the staffing would work I don't know, but can't be past the wit of man to organise. Same is true of operating theatres. In fact I think the Claremont already do this or used to. There are doctors and nurses who only work in the private sector anyway. I see no reason why agencies have been set up to supply staff to the NHS at exorbitant costs. It's not as though the nurses get much extra, most of it goes in Agency 'fees'



The NHS is also one of  the biggest organisations in the country, they should use this to be able to negotiate much better deals with the drugs and equipment providers, or manufacture their own at cost. They shouldn't be tied into contracts or be held to ransom because there is no competition. 

Social care, nursing homes, and rehabilitation facilities are an integral part of patient care to prevent expensive bed blocking, and should be under the control of the NHS not hived off as a separate profit making opportunity, but delivered at not much more than cost price, any profit should be returned to the NHS. No way is £1,000 p.p.  a week acceptable for the minimal care delivered in private care homes (no offence intended to the underpaid, overstretched workers.) But just imagine if that sort of money was going back into the home, or going towards building new facilities. 

At the moment we are just making fat cats richer. 


National Insurance should always have gone up by the rate of inflation since its inception, but lily-livered politicians have been too eager to play the popularity card to make the necessary choices, so we now have an underfunded catastrophe on our hands. We need to look towards other countries who have good results and good satisfaction ratings like the Scandinavian countries. rather than 'greed is good' America for ideas.   

Edited by Anna B
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6 hours ago, *_ash_* said:

This I think can be blamed on the suing culture. 


Even Anna herself said 'She could have sued the NHS 10 times'... however, others do. The suing culture, I would guess, accounts for a lot of the NHS budget. 

This is a good point. Of course, many will say, 'speak English' or don't come here, but that isn't reality. 

But in fact, I used to pick up interpreters and they were on quite good money. No issue with that, but considering how many students we have in this country, and how easy it is to test people's language skills, this could be cut. I know this from watching youtubes about interpreters. These days they can work from home, and a simple APP can find an interpreter anywhere in the country. 


But, again, the 'suing culture' comes in here. 

This post seems a little odd. (or more odd!). 


I thought you were totally against this?


I think your idea that privatisation is a 'dirty word', and that 'public ownership' is a lovely phrase, just isn't right. But, I know you'll never change your mind about this, or anything. You're too far gone down the road of 'everything is good if the Tories aren't in power'.


You don't like UK system.

You don't like USA system.

You don't like partially privatised system. (like Germany)


What do you want?!


Personally, i don't agree, but I think I see where you are coming from. I think though the important point is the following paragraph, where they  attempted to repeat the same load of 'male cow excrement', when all they had to do was look at the already created data - saves time and money.

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