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Shamima Begum Was Trafficked?

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The idea that Shamima Begum along with her two friends Amira Abase and Kadiza Sultana were trafficked into Syria is ridiculous as they went of their own free will and the idea they were groomed online by Syrian men for sex is also implausible. I remember hearing Diane Abbott on Question Time a few years ago saying she should be allowed to return as they'd obviously been groomed, but it's more likely that they'd been brainwashed from birth by their parents into hating western values and hating this country. The father of Amira Abase's father attended a flag burning ceremony organisd by the lovely Andrem Choudary along with one of the African converts who beheaded Lee Rigby and as they were all part of the same close community, it's fair to assume all 3 girls had been brought up with the same anti-western values.


Amira Abase's dad filmed burning flag at protest admits attending | Daily Mail Online


If she came back, I doubt she'd be prosecuted as there's no hard evidence that she was actively involved in terrorist activity although there are allegations. This is from Wikipedia.


The Daily Telegraph reported that Begum was an "enforcer" in ISIL's "morality police", and tried to recruit other young women to join the jihadist group.[21] She was allowed to carry a Kalashnikov rifle and earned a reputation as a strict enforcer of ISIL's laws, such as dress codes for women. An anti-ISIL activist told The Independent that there are separate allegations of "Begum [stitching] suicide bombers into explosive vests so they could not be removed without detonating"


She wouldn't be under 24 hour surveillance either as there are thousands of Jihadis on the loose here and keeping them all under scrutiny would be impossible.


Huge scale of terror threat revealed: UK home to 23,000 jihadists | News | The Times


She'd be interrogated then released, given a council house, benefits and access to the NHS. She'd then be free to join the popular dating site, 'Plenty of Jihadis' where she'd meet a like minded young man and they could settle down and have lots of children who'd be brainwashed into hating this country they way she does. The question for me isn't should she be allowed to return but how how did we get to this? How have we ended up with thousands of British citizens who hate us and want to do us harm? The answer of course is decades of foolish immigration policies but that's another story and it's too late to do anything about it.


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22 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Shamima Begum may have been a victim of child trafficking.. 





If this is the case, does it reinforce or change your opinion about the whole sorry saga?

its only taken 3 years to dream this up

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17 hours ago, despritdan said:

The idea that Shamima Begum along with her two friends Amira Abase and Kadiza Sultana were trafficked into Syria is ridiculous as they went of their own free will and the idea they were groomed online by Syrian men for sex is also implausible. I remember hearing Diane Abbott on Question Time a few years ago saying she should be allowed to return as they'd obviously been groomed, but it's more likely that they'd been brainwashed from birth by their parents into hating western values and hating this country. The father of Amira Abase's father attended a flag burning ceremony organisd by the lovely Andrem Choudary along with one of the African converts who beheaded Lee Rigby and as they were all part of the same close community, it's fair to assume all 3 girls had been brought up with the same anti-western values.


Amira Abase's dad filmed burning flag at protest admits attending | Daily Mail Online


If she came back, I doubt she'd be prosecuted as there's no hard evidence that she was actively involved in terrorist activity although there are allegations. This is from Wikipedia.


The Daily Telegraph reported that Begum was an "enforcer" in ISIL's "morality police", and tried to recruit other young women to join the jihadist group.[21] She was allowed to carry a Kalashnikov rifle and earned a reputation as a strict enforcer of ISIL's laws, such as dress codes for women. An anti-ISIL activist told The Independent that there are separate allegations of "Begum [stitching] suicide bombers into explosive vests so they could not be removed without detonating"


She wouldn't be under 24 hour surveillance either as there are thousands of Jihadis on the loose here and keeping them all under scrutiny would be impossible.


Huge scale of terror threat revealed: UK home to 23,000 jihadists | News | The Times


She'd be interrogated then released, given a council house, benefits and access to the NHS. She'd then be free to join the popular dating site, 'Plenty of Jihadis' where she'd meet a like minded young man and they could settle down and have lots of children who'd be brainwashed into hating this country they way she does. The question for me isn't should she be allowed to return but how how did we get to this? How have we ended up with thousands of British citizens who hate us and want to do us harm? The answer of course is decades of foolish immigration policies but that's another story and it's too late to do anything about it.


I couldn't have put it better myself.

Why discuss the age of consent for sex when we are talking of illegally joining a terrorist organisation.

She was over 10 years old and knew right from wrong.

Would all you thoroughly decent human beings who speak up for her, still feel the same if her husband had terrorised and decapitated your loved ones with her express approval?

Try being thoroughly decent when you think of the victims instead of the terrorists.

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3 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I couldn't have put it better myself.

Why discuss the age of consent for sex when we are talking of illegally joining a terrorist organisation.

She was over 10 years old and knew right from wrong.

Would all you thoroughly decent human beings who speak up for her, still feel the same if her husband had terrorised and decapitated your loved ones with her express approval?

Try being thoroughly decent when you think of the victims instead of the terrorists.

Because it forms part of her lawyer's brief and another attempt of circumventing what you have put. They want her back and are using that as the excuse hence the grooming accusation as well.

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