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Students Given A Trigger Warning About Classic Poem

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I read the article in the link below, English students at the University of Greenwich have been given a trigger warning by academics about the Rime of the Ancient Mariner for depicting the death of an albatross. "The poem, which hinges on the eponymous mariner shooting an albatross, now requires a content warning for depicting “animal death”, according to academics at the London university’s English department." Coleridge’s tale of a cursed voyage has also been marked for “supernatural possession” and “human death”, common themes in gothic literature.


Are these academics for real, students will be playing video games that have violence in them, going to the cinema or watching programmes on streaming services that have violent content, yet these academics deem a poem to need a trigger warning.



Rime of the Ancient Mariner given trigger warning in case it upsets students (msn.com)

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27 minutes ago, iansheff said:

I read the article in the link below, English students at the University of Greenwich have been given a trigger warning by academics about the Rime of the Ancient Mariner for depicting the death of an albatross. "The poem, which hinges on the eponymous mariner shooting an albatross, now requires a content warning for depicting “animal death”, according to academics at the London university’s English department." Coleridge’s tale of a cursed voyage has also been marked for “supernatural possession” and “human death”, common themes in gothic literature.


Are these academics for real, students will be playing video games that have violence in them, going to the cinema or watching programmes on streaming services that have violent content, yet these academics deem a poem to need a trigger warning.



Rime of the Ancient Mariner given trigger warning in case it upsets students (msn.com)

Mass hysteria madness.


That won't end well!

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39 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

It's not the 'young generation' making these boss-eyed decisions, but the supposedly 'very intelligent' university staff - if I read the story correctly.

But it's the young generation who will accept it and go along with it, like safe spaces.

Funny story 

My daughter was being bullied quite bad at school. She can fight like a man but she's always reluctant until she had no option.

Anyhow, I went to school for a meeting. Asked what was going to be done about it and the bully. Apparently the bully had a difficult home life so school didn't want to punish him incase it made him feel bad.

They offered my daughter a 'Safe space' where she can go when being bullied. As soon as we heard 'Safe space' we both laughed much to the confusion of the staff present.

I thanked them for their time and in front of them said 'Sweetheart, the next time he bullies you knock him out'.. 'Yes Daddy' was her reply. 

He bullied her the very next day, she smashed his face in with a well timed right overhand. Apparently it was Spectacular 👌

No more need for Safe spaces after that.

My point is we are raising a generation of whiney snivelling babies who need trigger warnings and Safe spaces etc just to get through the day. 

It's time they toughened up.


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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

But it's the young generation who will accept it and go along with it, like safe spaces.

Funny story 

My daughter was being bullied quite bad at school. She can fight like a man but she's always reluctant until she had no option.

Anyhow, I went to school for a meeting. Asked what was going to be done about it and the bully. Apparently the bully had a difficult home life so school didn't want to punish him incase it made him feel bad.

They offered my daughter a 'Safe space' where she can go when being bullied. As soon as we heard 'Safe space' we both laughed much to the confusion of the staff present.

I thanked them for their time and in front of them said 'Sweetheart, the next time he bullies you knock him out'.. 'Yes Daddy' was her reply. 

He bullied her the very next day, she smashed his face in with a well timed right overhand. Apparently it was Spectacular 👌

No more need for Safe spaces after that.

My point is we are raising a generation of whiney snivelling babies who need trigger warnings and Safe spaces etc just to get through the day. 

It's time they toughened up.


Agreed. But if these 'experts' - to put it politely as this is a family forum - have so much influence, which generation is really to blame? I know which my money is on.

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