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List of Pubs where World Cup football is not a feature

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There are several of us regular posters who would like nothing to do with the current world cup. All the pubs in my district are football mad, and we are constantly being told on the SF "haven't you seen all the pubs which are football free?"


Frankly no, But apparently the Wig and pen is one such venue.


So can we have a list of football free pubs on this thread. We are looking for no flags and staff wearing football shirts, no TVs at all, and preferably not a loud pub as anyone can go to a loud pub and just listen to loud music.


And please no arguments about football on here just locations.


1) Wig and Pen, Campo Lane

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There are several of us regular posters who would like nothing to do with the current world cup. All the pubs in my district are football mad, and we are constantly being told on the SF "haven't you seen all the pubs which are football free?"


Frankly no, But apparently the Wig and pen is one such venue.


So can we have a list of football free pubs on this thread. We are looking for no flags and staff wearing football shirts, no TVs at all, and preferably not a loud pub as anyone can go to a loud pub and just listen to loud music.


And please no arguments about football on here just locations.


1) Wig and Pen, Campo Lane

Keep it going Muddy!!

The Gate at Troway

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The Red Deer, off Mappin St - no telly at all as far as I could see. Didn't notice any flags either. Quality boozer and pint too of course.


In fact, thinking about it, a lot of the camra-beardy type pubs are good bets for not having TVs tuned to football (Fat Cat etc).

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