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A Cat Has Killed Our Hereward

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9 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Is that the real Flapper implementing his Customer Service Skills in Padders Bar.  :hihi:

Yep! :)

All Padders Bar employees undergo extensive customer relations training...

... that's a photo straight from the 'How to deal with trouble causers' induction handbook, written by Mr Padders himself! :thumbsup:

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5 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I know how you feel Cuttsie.  I feed the birds and the Sparrow Hawks and the Cats are always killing them.

A Sparrow Hawk got a tame pigeon yesterday and, after years of this happening, I still get upset by it.

We know it's natures way but that doesn't make you feel any better.


I worked at a garage where a Sparrow Hawk used to take out pigeons on a regular basis.

Not that you ever saw them, boy can them buggers shift :blush:.

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7 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Our pet crow Hereward the wake , has been murdered by a neighbours soddin cat .

Hereward came to us three years ago when he was a baby crow ,He was disheveled and alone ,our dogs found him cowering in the field , 

So  i put him in the hut and fed him dog meat and biscuits , then when he was strong let him  go . 

He went on his way and  a year later he was sat on our fence quarking and cawing along with his now girlfriend 


So we fed him and every morning he would give us a call , thats why we called him Hereward the wake , He woke us up .

But yesterday we watched the black cat from across the road  jump on him and kill him .

We are distraught ,and if that bleeeeeddin thing comes in our garden ,    muckin and pithing all or    I hope our Tabs and Rita sheck the ****te out of it .

Bleedin cat!

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In our garden in France we used to have two pairs of collared doves visit the garden regularly. We christened one pair "Lovey and Dovey" and the other pair "Bill and Coo".


Like most collared doves they don't have a nesting / breeding season - and they used to be at it like hammer and tongs on our verandah fence most of the year. Then they'd make a rather pathetic attempt at building a nest on top of one of the beams (about three pieces of twig) and lay an egg which wouls inevitably roll off or get blown off due to lack of nest.


Anyhow, woke up last week to find a mass of feathers on the lawn so guessing that one of the six or so cats that regularly visit our garden had dove for breakfast.


Doves are pretty dim  - the cats have never laid a paw on the dozens of other birds - blue tits, great tits, marsh tits, chaffinches, nuthatches etc that use our feeder. The favourite game of the birds is to go into the big cherry tree. Invariably about once a week one of the cats will climb up. The birds will hop out to the outermost twigs - cat will follow until gravity takes over. They still land on their feet though.


Favourite memory in cats v birds is when we lived in Sheffield and had a big black cat, very affectionate but totally dim - watching him stalking birds on the lawn in the snow and then looking totally bemused as to how he had been spotted.

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I have a bottle of soapy liquid and blow soap bubbles at the cats,  they look mesmerised but don't move away,  they used to climb on top of an aviary all the time until the owners moved house - they never caught any of the birds,  just there to scare them,.

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17 minutes ago, cressida said:

I have a bottle of soapy liquid and blow soap bubbles at the cats,  they look mesmerised but don't move away,  they used to climb on top of an aviary all the time until the owners moved house - they never caught any of the birds,  just there to scare them,.

Must try that - they're getting  used to the water pistol.

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