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A Cat Has Killed Our Hereward

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23 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Our pet crow Hereward the wake , has been murdered by a neighbours soddin cat .

Hereward came to us three years ago when he was a baby crow ,He was disheveled and alone ,our dogs found him cowering in the field , 

So  i put him in the hut and fed him dog meat and biscuits , then when he was strong let him  go . 

He went on his way and  a year later he was sat on our fence quarking and cawing along with his now girlfriend 


So we fed him and every morning he would give us a call , thats why we called him Hereward the wake , He woke us up .

But yesterday we watched the black cat from across the road  jump on him and kill him .

We are distraught ,and if that bleeeeeddin thing comes in our garden ,    muckin and pithing all or    I hope our Tabs and Rita sheck the ****te out of it .

Sad story Cuttsie!


How's his missus taking it?


Still around?


There's no magpies in Canada, but the blue jays used to give our cat Ollie a hard time, by dive bombing him every time we let him out!

Edited by trastrick
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54 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Sad story Cuttsie!


How's his missus taking it?


Still around?


There's no magpies in Canada, but the blue jays used to give our cat Ollie a hard time, by dive bombing him every time we let him out!

no Mrs ,No Hereward the Great ,. Uset .

As I said yesterday things in Haiti are looking bad . It is the main news. headlines here 

People leaving the Country in droves . 

The Cops are in the pocket of the gangs . Any thoughts on how it effects The Dominican Republic .

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33 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

no Mrs ,No Hereward the Great ,. Uset .

As I said yesterday things in Haiti are looking bad . It is the main news. headlines here 

People leaving the Country in droves . 

The Cops are in the pocket of the gangs . Any thoughts on how it effects The Dominican Republic .

No difference, they are still coming in to the country, and average folks here will not see them starve. They are on the streets selling whatever they can pick up, and getting construction work. They are not begging! They look after each other! There's a derelict building right across the street from me, and Haitian immigrants have moved in to a concrete shell. But they barbeque over a fire, hang out their washing, and keep their kids remarkably clean and well behaved, and at night even a little music.


As I said, they work a lot harder than Dominicans, and do most of the heavy lifting on construction projects!  They'll work for almost nothing in the fields.


I just hope the new BBC Reporting, will mention the Clinton's roll in the corrupt mess, but I don't hold out any hope for anything other than, "huricanes" and "earthquakes"  (the same ones we get here)  :)




The Canada-Haiti Information Project

How the Clintons robbed and destroyed Haiti





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1 hour ago, Rockers rule said:


WOW! this has to be the best hijacking of a post on a nonrelated subject this year.


Dead Crow to corruption and street gangs in Haiti.


SF at it's very best 🤣

Could be, but put your objection aside for a moment and read this, truly unbelievable.



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4 minutes ago, carosio said:

Could be, but put your objection aside for a moment and read this, truly unbelievable.



It does give a sense of people's priorities though!


A pet bird meets it's demise!


We all commiserated with Cuttsie on that one., What else is there to say?


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39 minutes ago, trastrick said:

It does give a sense of people's priorities though!


A pet bird meets it's demise!


We all commiserated with Cuttsie on that one., What else is there to say?


Hmmm... :huh:

We didn't ALL commiserate!

Most of us saw it for what it was...
... just another story designed to wind a few people up (in this case cat-lovers), who were presumably expected to react by defending the rights of their moggies to roam around other people's gardens creating mayhem!

Fortunately, there's still a few on here with a bit of nous...
... and it looks like most saw through it and either chose to ignore it, or preferred to post about a fictitious parrot in a fictitious bar! :roll:

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