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Wigan Court House Allows Debt Collectors To Force Entry Into Peoples Homes

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It took thee minutes and fifty one seconds for a Wigan court magistrate to allow bailifs and debt collectors to be allowed forced entry into 496 holmes to change gas and electric meters to coin in the slot or to simply cut people off .

We are happy to grant the application  and allow the warrants the chairwoman of the bench  said . The debt collector company applied by phone and the parting shot from the woman called Sarah replied :"OK thanks bye " 

And thats it except Wigan maggstrates are granting 2000 of these warrants every month .


Be afraid if you are struggling to pay the energy costs ,  The law is not on your side as these magistrates are not even asking any questions as to the circumstances poor people are in .

Edited by cuttsie
2000 not 20000
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Bit of a naughty thread, especially that last paragraph. People have ample opportunity before it gets anywhere near a court to tell their energy company if they are struggling, to make a payment plan, and/or to voluntary go onto a prepayment meter. So these court cases will mainly be people who have ignored all these channels.


Its also common knowledge that the energy companies can apply for a court order to change meters.


Oh and I doubt Wigan Magistrates Court are doing 20k of these a month, unless they do them for the whole country for some reason.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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7 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Bit of a naughty thread, especially that last paragraph. People have ample opportunity before it gets anywhere near a court to tell their energy company if they are struggling, to make a payment plan, and/or to voluntary go onto a prepayment meter. So these court cases will mainly be people who have ignored all these channels.


Its also common knowledge that the energy companies can apply for a court order to change meters.


Oh and I doubt Wigan Magistrates Court are doing 20k of these a month, unless they do them for the whole country for some reason.

sorry should read 2000  a month . not all people are capable of sorting them selves out ,  Why is thread naughty when these people can just force entry , 

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5 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

sorry should read 2000  a month . not all people are capable of sorting them selves out ,  Why is thread naughty when these people can just force entry , 

So the energy companies should do nothing because some people choose to ignore them and pay either nothing and not enough?

The world doesn't work like that, mate. What do you think would happen if (for example) you paid your rent or mortgage £300 short every month and didnt discuss it with the bank/landlord first?


Oh and meters are the property of the energy companies, this is in the contract you have with them, go and have a read.

If you dont like it, go off grid.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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8 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Maybe Cuttsie could suggest an alternative course of action for what the energy companies should do for customers who arent willing to engage with them.

Listen , the court took just thee minutes and fifty one seconds to decide that people can have their houses broken into by  dept collectors . no explanation  asked for , Perhaps you and people like you do not under stand the plight of of millions in our Country today , So carry on with your cosy little view on things and I hope it always goes well for you ,.

16 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

It will, but you could have said so.

You thought i made it up ??????

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3 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Listen , the court took just thee minutes and fifty one seconds to decide that people can have their houses broken into by  dept collectors . no explanation  asked for

Because none would be needed. These will all be people refusing to engage with the energy companies. We have been through this. Energy companies are heavily regulated, they cant just apply for this course of action for anyone.


If anyone is in "plight" they can discuss the issue with their debtors, rather than ignoring it and then answering the door a few months later to someone with a court order and someone from the Gas Board.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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