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Wigan Court House Allows Debt Collectors To Force Entry Into Peoples Homes

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1 hour ago, L00b said:

I fear that we’re in danger of overlooking the non-trivial fact , that energy producers have rarely made bigger profits than now, if ever.


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-30/uk-predicts-up-to-170-billion-excess-profits-for-energy-firms?leadSource=uverify wall


Always useful to keep a full context in mind.


Am I against profits? Absolutely not…


…Am I against unethical profiteering and usury? Absolutely yes.


Want a “winter of discontent” that’ll make the ‘79 one and the Brixton riots pale into insignificance? Then just carry on like that. When neither the government nor the law protect you and your family from losing life essentials any more…

Your las paragraph is bang to the point , 

1 hour ago, Delbow said:

Clearly it's open to governments to make a range of decisions. My mate in France messaged me the other day to complain that his fuel bills are due to go up by 15% soon 🙄

It's laughable the way they try to pretend they only have a retail arm. "But our retail arm only makes a tiny profit"


And your wholesale arm?


"Wholesale arm? Hmm, do we have on of those?"


Petrol forecourts make little or no profit, so that would mean the oil companies are on the verge of bankruptcy, aye.

They are trousering billions 

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As part of my campaign to engage with my energy provider. I sent them an email telling them how much I can pay. I got a rubbish email back fobbing me off with how the government  will be helping me. They don't give a sh..

 In my youth-when I was at University in London-I was part of a North London collective  of students that squatted EMPTY property. Whenever the bailiffs turned up we all got together and gave  them the bums rush out of the street.We organised and fought back


 It's war now betwee us and  the energy companies and there is a need to get organised. 

Some people will die this Winter because they cannot afford to keep themselves warm.Don't stand idly by and let a neighbour  die  from hypothermia.


I will pay Utility Warehouse what I can afford and take steps to reduce my energy consumption. However, I am not going to spend this Winter sitting in a cold house wringing my hands in anxiety; while the energy provider robs my bank account by means of  a direct debt. All  my life I have paid my bills,but these are exceptional times.


 In this war Magistrates are not on the consumers side.The fight back is 2022 /2023"Pole Tax" moment.The  relationship between the energy provider and the consumer is not a fair one .The relationship is one of Usery and profiteering by the energy provider and should be resisted.


According to  Ofgem there  are already 2 million households behind  on their energy bills as of June 2022.

The vast majority of us will be affected by the rising cost of living-which  means we have got a lot of strength to resist if we act together in our millions.


If we don't join together  energy bills will just  keep going up. Billionaires are stuffing their pockets.Food banks in the UK are running out of food and turning people away.

Parents are having to choose between paying their energy bill and feeding their children.It's blindingly bleedingly obvious  that feeding the kids comes first,

So it's F Off to the Magistrates and F off to the debt collectors .So not paying is our last resort.It's the only choice we have.

And by the way ,"God bless Tiny Tim" .And I hope  Marley's ghost give  those Magistrates a visit this Christmas.



Edited by petemcewan
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4 minutes ago, Delbow said:

Hard to see why that's a problem.

Really? Property a landlord might be trying to rent out to, you know, people wanting to pay actual money to rent it out, but instead has a bunch of hippies sat inside trashing the place paying sod all?


If you insist.

This is also way off subject now, maybe someone could start a thread discussing the rights and wrongs of squatting.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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18 hours ago, cuttsie said:

It took thee minutes and fifty one seconds for a Wigan court magistrate to allow bailifs and debt collectors to be allowed forced entry into 496 holmes to change gas and electric meters to coin in the slot or to simply cut people off .

We are happy to grant the application  and allow the warrants the chairwoman of the bench  said . The debt collector company applied by phone and the parting shot from the woman called Sarah replied :"OK thanks bye " 

And thats it except Wigan maggstrates are granting 2000 of these warrants every month .


Be afraid if you are struggling to pay the energy costs ,  The law is not on your side as these magistrates are not even asking any questions as to the circumstances poor people are in .

I take it that you only think tenants are struggling then cuttsie and not anyone who owns their property?, because you said a while back that tenants should get free solar panels installed and presumably anyone who owns their property is wealthy and should have to pay even if they were struggling so much that they could not afford it So you are saying that you are ok with them subsidising your free solar panels when they can't afford it the themselves?

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4 hours ago, petemcewan said:

As part of my campaign to engage with my energy provider. I sent them an email telling them how much I can pay. I got a rubbish email back fobbing me off with how the government  will be helping me. They don't give a sh..

 In my youth-when I was at University in London-I was part of a North London collective  of students that squatted EMPTY property. Whenever the bailiffs turned up we all got together and gave  them the bums rush out of the street.We organised and fought back


 It's war now betwee us and  the energy companies and there is a need to get organised. 

Some people will die this Winter because they cannot afford to keep themselves warm.Don't stand idly by and let a neighbour  die  from hypothermia.


I will pay Utility Warehouse what I can afford and take steps to reduce my energy consumption. However, I am not going to spend this Winter sitting in a cold house wringing my hands in anxiety; while the energy provider robs my bank account by means of  a direct debt. All  my life I have paid my bills,but these are exceptional times.


 In this war Magistrates are not on the consumers side.The fight back is 2022 /2023"Pole Tax" moment.The  relationship between the energy provider and the consumer is not a fair one .The relationship is one of Usery and profiteering by the energy provider and should be resisted.


According to  Ofgem there  are already 2 million households behind  on their energy bills as of June 2022.

The vast majority of us will be affected by the rising cost of living-which  means we have got a lot of strength to resist if we act together in our millions.


If we don't join together  energy bills will just  keep going up. Billionaires are stuffing their pockets.Food banks in the UK are running out of food and turning people away.

Parents are having to choose between paying their energy bill and feeding their children.It's blindingly bleedingly obvious  that feeding the kids comes first,

So it's F Off to the Magistrates and F off to the debt collectors .So not paying is our last resort.It's the only choice we have.

And by the way ,"God bless Tiny Tim" .And I hope  Marley's ghost give  those Magistrates a visit this Christmas.



Brilliant , thank you.

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4 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Really? Property a landlord might be trying to rent out to, you know, people wanting to pay actual money to rent it out, but instead has a bunch of hippies sat inside trashing the place paying sod all?


If you insist.

This is also way off subject now, maybe someone could start a thread discussing the rights and wrongs of squatting.

It should start with the vast estates and Country houses . Hundreds of rooms stood empty or with dusty hundreds of years old furniture stored in them , The Chatsworths had a car boot of old bric a brac  a few years ago , brought in millions , they are all  greedy money grabbing ****es who do not care or even understand what it is to be sat worrying about how to pay for every day essentials ,  The Royals sat on  vast estate houses , stolen over a thousand years  from the people , Why do so many not see just how unfair the system is .

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21 minutes ago, spilldig said:

I take it that you only think tenants are struggling then cuttsie and not anyone who owns their property?, because you said a while back that tenants should get free solar panels installed and presumably anyone who owns their property is wealthy and should have to pay even if they were struggling so much that they could not afford it So you are saying that you are ok with them subsidising your free solar panels when they can't afford it the themselves?

What ????????  lots who own their own houses are struggling , The difference is when they pass those houses on to kids that they some times only see in a blue moon the  kids  cop for hugh legacys ,  That windfall  would inc any free solar panels that had been fitted /. The social house just gets passed on to the next tennant , A good and fare system .

As a after thought they fitted two houses on our Council estate then stopped due to cost . So its  not a issue around us any more .

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