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49 minutes ago, Anna B said:



It is, however, going to be a very complex and difficult task. What they don't do is throw around quick, easy soundbites that suggest some kind of magic bullet or oven ready deal that will do the trick. It will be a carefully considered, probably long term, plan. 

Oh really?!?



Mind you, as I recall, you fell for **** like that from Farage 6 years ago, so did that ‘Red’ Wall when the Tories were spouting it afresh 3 years ago…that very same ‘Red’ Wall, which Starmer is trying to charm back now, still with that same bull**** (and the rest of it, as populist as a 2005 UKIP manifesto).


Pull the other one already, Labour is full to its hair roots of the exact same grifters as the Tories, politicians with as much convictions and principles as my left sock, stoking the same old othering fires for votes.

They’re just waiting their turn for the troughs, is all: FPTP, so they’re just-about-guaranteed their turn in 2 years.

Edited by L00b
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4 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

And that's why it runs so perfectly in Wales under Welsh Labour then..........


To say nothing of Labour's PFI disasters under Burnham last time Labour were in.

Welsh Labour are still constrained by Tory rules, regulations and budgets. The NHS is a national organisation that cannot be run wholly independently of the rest of the country.

3 minutes ago, L00b said:

Oh really?!?



Mind you, as I recall, you fell for **** like that from Farage 6 years ago, so did that ‘Red’ Wall when the Tories were spouting it afresh 3 years ago…that very same ‘Red’ Wall, which Starmer is chasing now, still with that same bull****.


Pull the other one already, Labour is full to its hair roots of the exact same grifters as the Tories, politicians with as much convictions and principles as my left sock, stoking the same old othering fires for votes.

They’re just waiting their turn for the troughs, is all: FPTP, so they’re just-about-guaranteed their turn in 2 years.

No actually I fell for Boris's ****.

Edited by Anna B
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1 hour ago, harvey19 said:


Why are they allowed to get away with it by their loyal supporters, the electorate and media ?

How can they be considered to be the party for the workers when they avoid this basic and serious problem .

Why are the Tories allowed to get away with it *all* by their loyal supporters, the electorate and media ?


How can they be considered to be the party of business and prudential management, when they’ve been trashing UK plc for over 3 years and tunnelling billions of taxpayers’ money to donors and mates?


See how this works?

4 minutes ago, Anna B said:


No actually I fell for Boris's ****.

It was the same pig. Just with different lipstick.


It’s still the same pig now, Starmer is just yet another shade.

Edited by L00b
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13 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

What I don't understand is if Labour are this amazing party that will make us all live in this utopian society......why do they keep losing elections?


It's baffling.

Well as far as I am concerned, they fell for a  lying bullying cheat , 

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40 minutes ago, Slinny said:

Well as far as I am concerned, they fell for a  lying bullying cheat , 

What about all the other elections they keep losing?  Apart from the Blair years they ain't won many since the end of the war have they?


I just don't understand why they keep losing seeing as they always promise things will be much better.


It's almost as if folk can see through them.


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Excuses, excuses. Labour have had years to develop a plan to improve the NHS.

The Conservatives have allowed the problems to increase under their watch.

Both parties to blame and thinking Labour will change things just because one is loyal to them will only end in tears.

Other countries must be laughing at us rather than saying our NHS is envied by the world.

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just seen this thread what a disgusting set of workers we have in this country, timing their strikes to coincide with the christmas rush to get away, i dont know which are worst the ambulance drivers or the railway ??? actually i think the railway workers or shirkers as we all have seen! as for their union boss has anyone looked to see his pay packet amount while his members strike and cause inconvenience to the rest of the country...................mind you we have a weak government now which is why every man and his dog is raising some sort of industrial action, shame Boris is not still here we would be far better off and he would have crushed these strikes!

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