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2 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

I think that if a manifesto promise is implemented in the early days of a parliament the following elected party would continue with it to completion.

Really it is all about making and  honouring promises which are what the electorate wants.

Unfortunately I think the vast majority now realise what a manifesto promise means is and just how fickle they are. They are mainly used as a promotion exercise for a political party in order to try and gain votes.

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24 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

I think that if a manifesto promise is implemented in the early days of a parliament the following elected party would continue with it to completion.

Really it is all about making and  honouring promises which are what the electorate wants.

Not a chance!  :)


Politicians come to power by their success in blaming every other government before them for all the ills of the Nation.


Labor will not follow any Conservative "manifesto", and vice versa.


Any government that exists by racking up spiraling unsustainable National debt will continue, until the money runs out.


The electorate has been bamboozled into thinking that increased spending every year, while not raising enough taxes to cover it, is somehow a feasible economic policy.


But the electorate love the spending, and demand ever more! They will not vote for anyone who doesn't deliver!  :)


It's a popularity contest, like parental issues. One parent gives the kids unlimited candy. The other wants to cut off the candy, and drag 'em all to the dentist! 


Guess who the kids prefer?




Edited by trastrick
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7 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

I was being naive.

I don't think you were being naive. In fact you're probably closer to the truth than you give yourself credit for.

There are a number of policies that have been implemented over the years that haven't been undone by subsequent parties. The National Curriculum, Community Care, Right to Buy, etc.  were not undone by Labour.

I think where we are at the moment is a turning point partly because so much money, well into scores of billions, literally wasted, in a very public manner in the pandemic. The lack of action on Social Care, in spite of having the Dilnot report for over 10 years. Brexit itself has cost the country billions - 4 percent of its GDP. I can't remember how much the CBI calculated, but it is sickening. On top of all of that there are inflationary pressures piling on top.

I think when the dust settles on the current crisis, much more effort needs to invested into reconfigurating services. That doesn't mean privatising them, or cutting back. However we have to stop this delusion that we can have  Scandinavian style public services with minimal taxes. It's not going to happen.

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1 hour ago, El Cid said:

The problem with the public sector is that there isn't free collective bargaining.

We don't want a national strike, the country is broke, but we want the NHS to work efficiently. Pay the NHS employees more, but everyone else will just have to take whats on offer. Get a better paid job, if there is one.

We lost lots off off better paid jobs ,when one off our previous prim ministers  put pay to big industries and subsidiary jobs connected to those industries if you were not around at those times and only read about them , you may not believe me  and the same prim minister tried to stamp out the unions  Working men at the moment really need the unions , If you are on really well paid jobs you will disagree , 

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24 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I don't think you were being naive. In fact you're probably closer to the truth than you give yourself credit for.

There are a number of policies that have been implemented over the years that haven't been undone by subsequent parties. The National Curriculum, Community Care, Right to Buy, etc.  were not undone by Labour.

I think where we are at the moment is a turning point partly because so much money, well into scores of billions, literally wasted, in a very public manner in the pandemic. The lack of action on Social Care, in spite of having the Dilnot report for over 10 years. Brexit itself has cost the country billions - 4 percent of its GDP. I can't remember how much the CBI calculated, but it is sickening. On top of all of that there are inflationary pressures piling on top.

I think when the dust settles on the current crisis, much more effort needs to invested into reconfigurating services. That doesn't mean privatising them, or cutting back. However we have to stop this delusion that we can have  Scandinavian style public services with minimal taxes. It's not going to happen.

Thank you.

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