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1 hour ago, Mister Gee said:

Cracking picket at the Northern General on Herries Road today, I gave them my support when I passed.

But can you still manage without it....


1 hour ago, Mister Gee said:

A silly emoji is always a giveaway.

I think it preferable than posting pictures of your dad.


Edited by Dromedary
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I think they mean Can you manage without those nurses etc on the picket line? If you had an accident today, which is a good question.


I would argue that emergency cover will be in place, but some routine stuff will be understaffed temporarily. 


However, the state the NHS is in means that that's probably always the case, and is one of the things the nurses et al are striking about. They have to do this to try and get the NHS improved and back up to standard because no one is listening to them, and hasn't been listening for years, which is why the NHS is in such dire straights.

It's not just about money, it's about how that money is spent, and whether we are getting value for money. I would say not. nursing is no longer an attractive vocation which is one of the reasons we're so short of them.


So I for one support them, and the other strikers


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