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11 minutes ago, crookesey said:

I wonder if there still are long waiting lists for public sector jobs where the applicants are well aware of the pay and conditions, but will withdraw their labour for more pay at the drop of a hat if they are successfully accepted. :huh:

Wonder away. But there isn’t. I think that only happens in your head.


For example:









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7 hours ago, fools said:

no, they are asking for a stupid increase, If they want to lower it in public to seem more reasonable, they can. any other unions asking for 19%?


they haven't refused to see them, they are just not negotiating money, because there is an independent process for that, they've had an offer. You wanna play hard ball, expect pushback.

Another blind fool.

The government have been nibbling away at public sector pay for decades. In real terms they are being restrained as they are owed double that. How "independent" do you think the review body is? 

This country is setting itself up for a massive fall. Employers should be paying valued wages not minimum wages. Tolerance is giving way to desperation.

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11 minutes ago, sibon said:

Wonder away. But there isn’t. I think that only happens in your head.


For example:









Think away, But there is, I know that often happens in your head.


Your examples PROVE ZERO

Edited by crookesey
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14 minutes ago, crookesey said:

Think away, But there is, I know that often happens in your head.


Your examples PROVE ZERO



That’s a fantastic argument. One of your best.


Anyway, you go on believing what you like. The evidence is clear though.

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It annoys me when I attend a hospital appointment fifteen minutes early and am finally seen an hour later. IMHO this is caused by Asian patients attending with every member of their families and jamming up the waiting room, the waiting room nurse lets them through first (irrespective of the notice informing patients to come on their own and wait their turn) in order to ease the jam and avoid racism accusations. No wonder she/he wants more pay when the system puts them in this position day in day out.


What other avoidable stupidity could be avoided in our hospitals is likely to be similar, the suits behind closed doors need to get out more.

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8 hours ago, Anna B said:

Nobody thinks they're going to get 19%. It's just their starting position. They start high, the other side starts low and they meet somewhere in the middle. That's how it's done. And  everyone knows that's how it's done.


The government aren't helping by refusing to talk to them. That's so arrogant. I'm sure the nurses (representatives) have a great deal to say about the state of the health service and how it can be improved, which needs to be heard. By refusing to listen the government is not showing them the respect they deserve and antagonising the situation, as well as delaying the end of the strike.

The nurses union have started with an unrealistic high figure and the other side have accepted the figure recommended by the independent pay review body. It's not a question of the other side starting low. 

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50 minutes ago, crookesey said:

It annoys me when I attend a hospital appointment fifteen minutes early and am finally seen an hour later. IMHO this is caused by Asian patients attending with every member of their families and jamming up the waiting room, the waiting room nurse lets them through first (irrespective of the notice informing patients to come on their own and wait their turn) in order to ease the jam and avoid racism accusations



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9 hours ago, fools said:

no, they are asking for a stupid increase, If they want to lower it in public to seem more reasonable, they can. any other unions asking for 19%?

The average pay rise in the private sector is 6.9% according to the ONS.

Do you think that the nurses should get less than the average %

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