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13 hours ago, rogets said:

Labour needs someone like Jeremy corbin in charge


Yes he hot trounced in 2019, but I bet if he was labour's candidate this time, Labour would win

Labour need another Tony Blair, Corbyn  is unelectable to the centre right, which Labour need. However spelling his name correctly would be a move in the right direction.

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20 hours ago, sibon said:

That’s all well and good, but your objection has a minor flaw. It takes five or six years to

train a doctor. And it will take several

cohorts of trainees to get staffing levels to where they need to be.


In my opinion, energy, health and education policy should be set for the long term, on a cross party basis. Not a chance of our entrenched politicians even considering doing that.

Doctors train doctors.  Always have!


Where I live, in spite of the lack of government clinics, their COVID vaccination program was a success.


Thanks to a resourceful and non ideological common sense approach, the large privately owned supermarkets and department stores provided their facilities for mass vaccination of the population.


As a result a trip to Jumbo and La Serena got me my 2 jabs with no appointments, and around only 15 minutes of waiting time for each. Just needed ID for tracking purposes.


Public and private, working together for the benefit of all!


As to your comment on workhouses:


Republican Pres. Ike Eisenhower's U.S. Interstate Highway system was built in record time and record low cost per mile.




I recall travelling from Canada to Florida several times in the 60's while it was being built, and witnessed road gangs in prison uniforms doing a lot of the heavy work!


That was before prisons were providing yoga and flower arranging classes for the likes of Ghislaine Maxwell and ilk.


Amazing things can be achieved when everybody is pulling the same cart!







Edited by trastrick
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20 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Who cares whether they have your respect.

The unions are more sensible nowadays which is what is annoying you and this useless government so they are doing it exactly right.

I won't answer the terrorist bit as that's too stupid to answer.

The government can change all the laws they like and you still cannot force people to work unless you want to stick a gun in their backs and we know how long the government would last then.

You are on the losing minority so why not give it up as a bad job which was tackled in the wrong way.

I care about selfish nurses and ambulance people putting human lives at risk.  The police and the military aren't allowed to strike and the same should apply to NHS and all emergency workers. 

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10 minutes ago, Axe said:

I care about selfish nurses and ambulance people putting human lives at risk.  The police and the military aren't allowed to strike and the same should apply to NHS and all emergency workers. 

It is not selfish for highly trained and dedicated people to want a salary they can afford to raise a family on and there is nothing selfish about people wgo are having to do 2 people s jobs for one wage.

What is selfish is the amount of people who expect their services but don't like paying their taxes to pay for them and YOU are putting human lives at risk.

You can stick it out and refuse then if you like but they already cannot recruit enough and, as more keep leaving, the NHS will totally collapse because YOU don't like paying tax.


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16 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

It is not selfish for highly trained and dedicated people to want a salary they can afford to raise a family on and there is nothing selfish about people wgo are having to do 2 people s jobs for one wage.

What is selfish is the amount of people who expect their services but don't like paying their taxes to pay for them and YOU are putting human lives at risk.

You can stick it out and refuse then if you like but they already cannot recruit enough and, as more keep leaving, the NHS will totally collapse because YOU don't like paying tax.


I support everyone paying more tax whether direct or indirect because the nation debt needs to be reduced. Managing the pandemic increased the national debt hugely. Lower paid workers than the nurses and ambulance people are more affected by inflation.  Pay rises need to be much lower than inflation for the level of inflation to get back to the levels we have enjoyed for years. 

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28 minutes ago, Axe said:

I support everyone paying more tax whether direct or indirect because the nation debt needs to be reduced. Managing the pandemic increased the national debt hugely. Lower paid workers than the nurses and ambulance people are more affected by inflation.  Pay rises need to be much lower than inflation for the level of inflation to get back to the levels we have enjoyed for years. 

If the government actually did something about inflation then your argument would make sense, but they don't and so it doesn't.

Newspaper front page this morning " Where is Sunak"? the country is in turmoil and he is nowhere to be seen. Using Boris's favourite trick to ensure no one asks him questions he can't answer.

Almost every company is raising prices irrespective of whether they need to with the governments blessing.   We need a Prices & Incomes policy, as we had in the 70's and it worked.

If they do nothing about prices then why should people take below inflation pay rises (pay drops actually).

Look at stuff in sales  Reduced 60%,   If they can knock 60% off and still show a profit then they are robbing people.

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5 hours ago, crookesey said:

Labour need another Tony Blair, Corbyn  is unelectable to the centre right, which Labour need. However spelling his name correctly would be a move in the right direction.

Not trying to pick on you personally but Tony Blair is the one who STOPPED me  and my entire family from voting labour.

I refuse to vote for anyone who takes us into illegal and unnecessary wars and who's whole political aim was following the same policies as the Tories.

Starmer is trying to be another Tony Blair which is why none of us will vote for him either so, despite having the worst government in the last 80 years,

we still need someone with Labour ideas to support.

One good thing about Corbyn was that he told us exactly what he wanted to do and it was the exact opposite of the Tories.

No idea what Starmer wants except to carry on with Tory policies we presume.

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