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Freedom Of Speech To Be Banned Near Abortion Clinics

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

The protesters claim to be speaking for those without a voice.

I'm not against abortion, but if a woman decides she's going to terminate the life of a viable human being, weeks, days, or even seconds before birth, and expect the NHS (aka taxpayer) to pay for it, I'd suggest she should be required to get a doctors note, like we used to do if we took sick time off school, or work!

Some women I hear are serial abortionists? How many is too many? Some 50 million a year at the moment.

 As you mention the NHS, you are referring to the UK. 

You live in a country where abortion is completely illegal but where one estimate suggests 90,000 illegal abortions take place per year at immense risk to their health, finances and wellbeing.

You plainly lack any knowledge and understanding  of our countries legal and medical procedures and how they have evolved over the decades.   


 You claim that you are "...not against abortion, but...".

The "...but..." is just a repeat typical anti-abortionists propaganda about:

"...terminat(ing) the life of a viable human being, weeks, days, or even seconds before birth..."

"...expect(ing) the NHS (aka taxpayer) to pay for it..." (what the British taxpayer pays for is nothing to do with you.)

"...serial abortionists...".

"How many is too many? Some 50 million a year at the moment...".

This topic is about a claim that 'free speech' is being eroded in the UK, not your views on abortion. 











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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

I'm not against abortion, but if a woman decides she's going to terminate the life of a viable human being, weeks, days, or even seconds before birth.

Like 99% of your posts, you have to make something up to have anything to say at all.  :loopy:


I'm embarrassed for you!

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Just who do these protestors think they are in believing they have the right to bully, intimidate, threaten and emotionally blackmail women they know nothing about into having babies they don't want? Their opinions seem to stem from religious dogma based on the belief in a fictional character who was made up thousands of years ago in order to control and manipulate the masses. This planet is already overpopulated without unwanted children being added to the numbers. Do they ever think what the lives of these children will be like if they're born to women who didn't want them? They're unlikely to be brought up in a loving environment if they're a source of resentment to their mothers and are unlikely to receive any affection from their fathers if they actually ever meet them and will probably lead unhappy lives, becoming damaged adults. These clinics provide a much needed service for women who decide for whatever reason that they don't want to be mothers and it's no business of anybody else to decide for them. The protestors shouldn't be allowed within half a mile of these clinics as their very presence will be intimidating to the women who use them, so let them protest somewhere more appropriate.

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30 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

 As you mention the NHS, you are referring to the UK. 

You live in a country where abortion is completely illegal but where one estimate suggests 90,000 illegal abortions take place per year at immense risk to their health, finances and wellbeing.

You plainly lack any knowledge and understanding  of our countries legal and medical procedures and how they have evolved over the decades.   


 You claim that you are "...not against abortion, but...".

The "...but..." is just a repeat typical anti-abortionists propaganda about:

"...terminat(ing) the life of a viable human being, weeks, days, or even seconds before birth..."

"...expect(ing) the NHS (aka taxpayer) to pay for it..." (what the British taxpayer pays for is nothing to do with you.)

"...serial abortionists...".

"How many is too many? Some 50 million a year at the moment...".

This topic is about a claim that 'free speech' is being eroded in the UK, not your views on abortion. 


Free speech is being eroded all over the World, by force in some countries,  or incrementally like on private monopolies of social media platforms.


I assume you do have access to Twitter and Facebook?


I hold a British Passport, and paid income taxes in Sheffield, so I have an interest.


Just like you do when you quote statistics from "foreign" countries here!  :)


It's all good, Annie!


Let Freedom Ring!

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19 hours ago, alchemist said:

I agree, parliament is the place to protest as thats where the change in the law would be made


As for buffer zones?  Well a couple of miles sounds fair

I agree with a couple of miles buffer zones. I’m sure there was something in the news that some of the staff working in the clinics have had deaths threats?


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18 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Free speech is being eroded all over the World, by force in some countries,  or incrementally like on private monopolies of social media platforms.

Truth Social, more than most!




I assume you do have access to Twitter and Facebook?


I hold a British Passport, and paid income taxes in Sheffield, so I have an interest.


Just like you do when you quote statistics from "foreign" countries here!  :)


It's all good, Annie!


Let Freedom Ring!

In essence, you can't in any way substantiate your claim, because you made it up. :roll:


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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Free speech is being eroded all over the World, by force in some countries,  or incrementally like on private monopolies of social media platforms.

I assume you do have access to Twitter and Facebook?

I hold a British Passport, and paid income taxes in Sheffield, so I have an interest.

Just like you do when you quote statistics from "foreign" countries here!  :)

It's all good, Annie!

Let Freedom Ring!

Your UK passport and tax paid decades ago has nothing to do with the issue facing some NHS staff and patients now in England and Wales. 


Indeed "Let Freedom Ring!" in your country. The record of your 'paradise' on 'deprivation of nationality' policy, racial discrimination, inequality, violence against women, criminalization of abortion and excessive force by the militarized  Police, should concerns you far more. 



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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

... I hold a British Passport, and paid income taxes in Sheffield, so I have an interest. ...

If you have an interest in the subject of abortion in the UK, it clearly doesn't extend to informing yourself about it, because this:


5 hours ago, trastrick said:

...  if a woman decides she's going to terminate the life of a viable human being, weeks, days, or even seconds before birth, and expect the NHS (aka taxpayer) to pay for it, I'd suggest she should be required to get a doctors note, like we used to do if we took sick time off school, or work!

is an embarrassment of ignorance, and this:



... Some women I hear are serial abortionists? ...

 is still none of your concern.

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1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Your UK passport and tax paid decades ago has nothing to do with the issue facing some NHS staff and patients now in England and Wales. 


Indeed "Let Freedom Ring!" in your country. The record of your 'paradise' on 'deprivation of nationality' policy, racial discrimination, inequality, violence against women, criminalization of abortion and excessive force by the militarized  Police, should concerns you far more. 



By and large, these are fringe issues, raised by  virtue signaling, elitist "foreigners" such as yourself :), and your Media, and don't concern the population at large, which is a diverse mix of Spanish, African, Taino, with a little German and Jewish mixed in! All shades of skin color are found her


The Jewish community is celebrated here with museums, and memorials. Germans are a welcome part of the people who make this the most popular destination in the Caribbean. No.1, and proud of it! 


Every body lives and loves, dances and sings and respects each other, old and young. Even the Illegal aliens Haitians who's troubles are hyped up by the Western Media, risk their lives to get here.


No wars, no race riots, no looting of main street stores, and yes, the police are tough here. they do show strength to troublemakers who would disturb the safety of everybody to go about their business.


The false picture painted by the sensationalist Media is a far cry from what you find here by actually visiting the country and staying away from the Western style All Inclusive reservations!  :)


I feel much safer here out at night than I would in some of the Western "no go" zones.


No place is perfect, but some are more perfect than others!


Their low National Debt to GDP ratio is the envy of the bankrupt West! Freedom of speech is a biggie, no "woke" nonsense here! Skin color is discussed as openly as one's clothes, or hair style.


I'd advise folks to clean up their own house before criticizing others!


Late edit!


As I was saying, the issues that you raise above are hardly issues on the minds of the average citizen here. For example I accepted your statement that abortion is criminalized here. In my 13 years of visiting and living here, I never heard it discussed.


In discussing abortion with my partner, she assures me that abortion is available on demand at clinics and hospitals here. and is a common practice amongst younger females.







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