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Freedom Of Speech To Be Banned Near Abortion Clinics

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17 hours ago, butlers said:

Unlike other protests where woman have been filmed and yelled at as murderers.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Listen, if you're going to have an abortion you have to be certain you are doing the right thing. If you're not you shouldn't be doing it, it's not having an Effin' mole removed. And if you're certain you are doing the right thing you shouldn't be bothered what other people think, or what they say to you. And even if it does upset them that is not enough of  a reason to prevent freedom of speech. Nobody has the right to never be upset or offended. That's the problem with the world, people think they do have the right to never be upset, and that is also much of the reason for why they suppressed society to try and suppress Covid : "we must do everything within our power to try and avoid people getting upset, regardless of the cost".

The thing is, of course, they just upset a load of other people instead, and even more as loads of people start dying of un-diagnosed cancer amid a nosediving economy.

The modern world is pathetic.


17 hours ago, Delayed said:

Yep because those old people from a random image are the only ones that will protest across the whole country.    Those 4 specific people. 

It was off the BBC, and I am pretty certain that, in this country at any rate, most anti abortion "protesters" are of a similar ilk. And all power to them, I admire them.

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35 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Their low National Debt to GDP ratio is the envy of the bankrupt West!

DR - 71%, risen over 20% in two years.

Germany - 59%, dropped 6% in two years.


I see you did your bit for Canada though :?



Freedom of speech is a biggie, no "woke" nonsense here!


Skin color is discussed as openly as one's clothes, or hair style.

I can imagine...


...while simultaneously failing to spot that that is precisely why there is huge structural racial discrimination & inequality there, no doubt! :?





I'd advise folks to clean up their own house before criticizing others!

Another hypocrisy, and irony bypass... on your part. :thumbsup:


5 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Listen, if you're going to have an abortion you have to be certain you are doing the right thing. If you're not you shouldn't be doing it, it's not having an Effin' mole removed. And if you're certain you are doing the right thing you shouldn't be bothered what other people think, or what they say to you.

So... for whatever reason, a group are stood outside your gate.


Every time your wife walks by they scream "shame on you", god knows what they'll be screaming at your kids.


What do you do?



And even if it does upset them that is not enough of  a reason to prevent freedom of speech.

Something tells me you won't be championing their right to be there... :roll:



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16 hours ago, Delayed said:

Usually if Ive no time for something I tend to ignore it or let it wash over me. Creating a thread about everything I disagree with clearly shows that it's bothering me.

You have an interesting set of beliefs.


On the one had you think we should have suppressed society in a draconian and unprecedented manner to save as many lives as possible, regardless of the cost, which (even if it worked, which is debatable.....) was FAR higher than the NHS would ordinarily spend keeping anyone alive.


But on the other hand you give the impression the lives of unborn babies (totally innocent remember...) are worth nothing to you.


The only common theme is your willingness to trample on others personal freedoms. Bit selfish that.

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17 hours ago, Delayed said:

He's just a troll that thrives on going the opposite way to everything 

You do not know the definition of a troll. It is not someone just saying something you disagree with :


"to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content"


This, is a troll :


"I hope you get covid"





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9 minutes ago, trastrick said:

A... The thread isn't about Twitter.

B... Twitter isn't about free speech, never has been, it's business is selling advertising! :loopy:

C... You know Turley's pieces are actually a gullibility test... right? :suspect:  :hihi:

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11 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Has to drag Covid into every thread. Have a day off ffs.

It's all linked, don't you see ?

The biggest problem with the world these days is this obsession with nobody ever getting upset.

Most of what I hate about the world these days all comes back to that, everything from them suppressing me (and everyone else obviously) to try and suppress Covid, to me being banned from filming my lad in a gala or at a school play, to all this woke nonsense, to being banned from having a laugh at work in case someone gets offended, etc etc, the list is endless


It has a A LOT to answer for......

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Just now, Chekhov said:

The biggest problem with the world these days is this obsession with nobody ever getting upset.

So... for whatever reason, a group are stood outside your gate.


Every time your wife walks by they scream "shame on you", god knows what they'll be screaming at your kids.


What do you do?



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