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Freedom Of Speech To Be Banned Near Abortion Clinics

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16 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

But the point of them doing it where they do is because that's where It has the most impact otherwise they'd already be protesting in random places. 

I take your point about the possible wording of some signs but generally the Abortion is Murder types are usually the shouty aggressive ones.

I've said multiple times people like that should be arrested.

The peaceful ones should be allowed to stay. 

I'm not sure who rattled your cage tonight but I'm really not in the mood.

If you want me to answer a question just ask.

Who defines at what point wording on a placard becomes "aggressive" or "intimidatory"?

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1 minute ago, Magilla said:

Doing nothing, isn't an alternative. :roll:


It's also unlikely you're going to be going for an abortion any time soon...


...but surely you can use the house example to think about how you would feel if you were subject to the same, and what you would like to happen if you were?


No one suggests otherwise, what they're saying is that that right shouldn't be used to intimidate and abuse others, as was clearly the case here.


Which is sorta the point, these protests are not  about attempting to intimidate or abuse the individual...


...unlike those outside abortion clinics.


It has been, they can protest wherever they like, as long as it's away from right in front of the people who have to attend the place...


...because a protest like that would clearly be about trying to intimidate, shame or abuse those people.


Just like one outside your house would be!

I think we are just going round in circles. 

It's clear we have different opinions and it's clear we aren't going to find much middle ground.

I've made my position clear multiple times so I see no value in repeating myself.


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15 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

It dosent matter how I'd feel. Peaceful protest should be allowed unless its considered harassment in the eyes of the law. I say that last bit because in an earlier post I asked someone, I don't remember who to tell me if the action of peacefully holding a sign was harassment. I'll let you know when I get a reply 👍

Doesnt that all depend on what is written on the sign?  

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4 minutes ago, alchemist said:

Who defines at what point wording on a placard becomes "aggressive" or "intimidatory"?

Common sense should help you out with that one.

A sign which says, for example 'Pro life' vs a sign which says 'Abortion is MURDER'.

You decide.

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Just now, The_DADDY said:

I think we are just going round in circles.

No we're not.


I've posed a hypothetical question that, in effect, replicates the experience on the individuals attending and working in an abortion clinic, with an anti-abortion protest going on outside.


All you've done is avoid answering the question.


If that was happening to you, outside your house, and you had to walk by it every day... even if the protest was peaceful...


...what would you do?


Just now, The_DADDY said:

It's clear we have different opinions and it's clear we aren't going to find much middle ground.

I don't see why... unless you think it's OK to protest specifically to intimidate people.


Just now, The_DADDY said:

I've made my position clear multiple times so I see no value in repeating myself.

You'd phone the police...


...but what would you expect them to do, given the protest is peaceful... it's only really really intimidating to you, and your kids.

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

You have an interesting set of beliefs.


On the one had you think we should have suppressed society in a draconian and unprecedented manner to save as many lives as possible, regardless of the cost, which (even if it worked, which is debatable.....) was FAR higher than the NHS would ordinarily spend keeping anyone alive.


But on the other hand you give the impression the lives of unborn babies (totally innocent remember...) are worth nothing to you.


The only common theme is your willingness to trample on others personal freedoms. Bit selfish that.

Wowz my Sheffield forum stalker is back trying to tell me what I believe.


Keep stumbling in the dark, you might hit on something eventually 

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Just now, Magilla said:

No we're not.


I've posed a hypothetical question that, in effect, replicates the experience on the individuals attending and working in an abortion clinic, with an anti-abortion protest going on outside.


All you've done is avoid answering the question.


If that was happening to you, outside your house, and you had to walk by it every day... even if the protest was peaceful...


...what would you do?


Tell you what. If I open an abortion clinic I'll tell you what I'd do.👍

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8 hours ago, trastrick said:

The protesters claim to be speaking for those without a voice.


I'm not against abortion, but if a woman decides she's going to terminate the life of a viable human being, weeks, days, or even seconds before birth, and expect the NHS (aka taxpayer) to pay for it, I'd suggest she should be required to get a doctors note, like we used to do if we took sick time off school, or work!


Some women I hear are serial abortionists? How many is too many? Some 50 million a year at the moment.



50 million???  Really??  Out of a population of 66 million?  Thats certainly going some!!!  BTW according to the NHS site There were 214,256 abortions for women resident in England and Wales, the highest number since the Abortion Act was introduced.

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

You do not know the definition of a troll. It is not someone just saying something you disagree with :


"to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content"


This, is a troll :


"I hope you get covid"





I stand by this but not for the reasons you think. The only way you'll understand the seriousness of covid is to get it for yourself. So I stand by that.


Although you took the correct decision to get vaccinated 

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