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Freedom Of Speech To Be Banned Near Abortion Clinics

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

By and large, these are fringe issues, raised by  virtue signaling, elitist "foreigners" such as yourself :), and your Media, and don't concern the population at large, which is a diverse mix of Spanish, African, Taino, with a little German and Jewish mixed in! All shades of skin color are found her

The Jewish community is celebrated here with museums, and memorials. Germans are a welcome part of the people who make this the most popular destination in the Caribbean. No.1, and proud of it!

Every body lives and loves, dances and sings and respects each other, old and young. Even the Illegal aliens Haitians who's troubles are hyped up by the Western Media, risk their lives to get here.

No wars, no race riots, no looting of main street stores, and yes, the police are tough here. they do show strength to troublemakers who would disturb the safety of everybody to go about their business.

The false picture painted by the sensationalist Media is a far cry from what you find here by actually visiting the country and staying away from the Western style All Inclusive reservations!  :)

I feel much safer here out at night than I would in some of the Western "no go" zones.

No place is perfect, but some are more perfect than others!

Their low National Debt to GDP ratio is the envy of the bankrupt West! Freedom of speech is a biggie, no "woke" nonsense here! Skin color is discussed as openly as one's clothes, or hair style.


I'd advise folks to clean up their own house before criticizing others!


Late edit!


As I was saying, the issues that you raise above are hardly issues on the minds of the average citizen here. For example I accepted your statement that abortion is criminalized here. In my 13 years of visiting and living here, I never heard it discussed.


In discussing abortion with my partner, she assures me that abortion is available on demand at clinics and hospitals here. and is a common practice amongst younger females.

 I'd advise folks to know what is going on in their own house before commenting on somebody else's house.

Why did Rosaura Almonte aged 16 have to die?

It's like listening to old men in a bar in Ireland thirty years ago. The word 'abortion' was never heard, never discussed and never commented  on-ever. Despite the awareness that daughters and granddaughters would disappear from view, and sometimes never return from visiting England. 

If only you knew more about the country where you live:  

Abortion is punished by between 2 and 3 years in jail for women and helpers.

Abortion is punished by between 4 and 10  years in jail for a doctor, nurse, midwife, surgeon, pharmacist or other professional.

Why did Rosaura Almonte aged 16 have to die?

Why did your President admit to reneging on an election promise as he was “not going to impose his personal opinion”'

If you only knew more about the country where we live.  Abortion on demand is rarely available anywhere in the world. Not even in the UK is abortion available on demand at clinics and hospitals... 

Why did Rosaura Almonte aged 16 have to die?





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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

Where next? Government buildings? Council buildings? Police stations? The town High Street?

Would depend on the the legality and justification for doing so. Has anyone suggested banning protests in those areas?


I wonder what's different here? :suspect:


1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

All for safety mind. Nothing else 👍

As before, rights come with responsibilities.


We can all comfort ourselves that we have you looking out for us, and campaigning so diligently to keep us all free, based on sound logical judgement...


...well, free from everything except being harassed and abused... obvs! :thumbsup: :hihi:

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2 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Would depend on the the legality and justification for doing so. Has anyone suggested banning protests in those areas?


Wait for the policing act then I guess we'll see one way or the other. 

For what it's worth I hope I'm wrong and this Ban on protesting outside clinics is an isolated albeit misguided affair. 


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27 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Wait for the policing act then I guess we'll see one way or the other.

I don't support it, or the party that enacted it.



For what it's worth I hope I'm wrong and this Ban on protesting outside clinics is an isolated albeit misguided affair.

Every example you posted is one that everyone uses at some point, for any number of reasons...


...completely unlike the tiny subset that use abortion clinics for a specific purpose.


You can't really intimidate, harass, and attempt to shame someone for doing what you did yesterday.


It's a daft comparison, in context they couldn't be more different. :roll:



All rights are important, it stands to reason that when using one right ends up violating another, a balanced must be struck...


...which is precisely what the buffer zone does.


Anything else would be putting one right over another.


It's the right decision, for the right reasons.

Edited by Magilla
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14 minutes ago, Magilla said:


All rights are important, it stands to reason that when using one right ends up violating another, a balanced must be struck...


...which is precisely what the buffer zone does.


Anything else would be putting one right over another.


It's the right decision, for the right reasons.


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19 minutes ago, Magilla said:

I don't support it, or the party that enacted it.


Every example you posted is one that everyone uses at some point, for any number of reasons...


...completely unlike the tiny subset that use abortion clinics for a specific purpose.


You can't really intimidate, harass, and attempt to shame someone for doing what you did yesterday.


It's a daft comparison, in context they couldn't be more different. :roll:



All rights are important, it stands to reason that when using one right ends up violating another, a balanced must be struck...


...which is precisely what the buffer zone does.


Anything else would be putting one right over another.


It's the right decision, for the right reasons.

I agree all rights are important which is why I support the right to protest.

Banning peaceful protests outside clinics IS putting one right over the other. 



On that we can agree. 

22 minutes ago, Magilla said:



It's the right decision, for the right reasons.

I disagree.

I feel its a slippery slope but then I've said that a few times now.

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

I agree all rights are important which is why I support the right to protest.

Which still exists.



Banning peaceful protests outside clinics IS putting one right over the other. 

No it isn't, that would be doing nothing.


It's balancing the two rights in a way that, unless the protest was to try to shame individuals, makes no difference.


If they're really protesting for a change in the law, why on earth would you protest outside an abortion clinic, where only people who want abortions would go?


A peaceful protest, in context, is clearly still harassment... just as it would be for someone to protest against you, outside your house.



I feel its a slippery slope but then I've said that a few times now.

With something else that's completely incomparable, given your last example! :loopy:

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11 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Which still exists.


No it isn't, that would be doing nothing.


It's balancing the two rights in a way that, unless the protest was to try to shame individuals, makes no difference.


If they're really protesting for a change in the law, why on earth would you protest outside an abortion clinic, where only people who want abortions would go?


With something else that's completely incomparable, given your last example! :loopy:

Oh dear. 

You really just can't accept a different opinion can you.

Well you're going to have to. 

I've done with this thread now, given my opinion, listened to others and now it's time to move on.

Enjoy 👍 

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17 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Oh dear. 

You really just can't accept a different opinion can you.

Well, a completely lop sided, do nothing solution that doesn't solve anything... isn't a solution!


You can't balance rights, by doing nothing. :loopy:



Well you're going to have to. 

I've done with this thread now, given my opinion, listened to others

You're sick of trying to come up with ludicrous, completely incomparable examples to try to justify the harassment of women that is implicit in a protest outside an abortion clinic (for obvious reasons)...


...understandable. I'm sick of listening to 'em! :thumbsup:



and now it's time to move on.

Feel free, you are not forced to reply.


I still want to know what Chekhov thinks about those metaphorical protesters, outside his house! :thumbsup: :hihi:

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2 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Well, a completely lop sided, do nothing solution that doesn't solve anything... isn't a solution!


You can't balance rights, by doing nothing. :loopy:


You're sick of trying to come up with ludicrous examples to try to justify the harassment of women, that is implicit in a protest outside an abortion clinic (for obvious reasons)...


...understandable. I'm sick of listening to 'em! :thumbsup:


Feel free, you are not forced to reply.


I still want to know what Chekhov thinks about those metaphorical protesting outside his house! :thumbsup: :hihi:

Final post so you can say what you like, I won't reply.

However the bold bit shows more about you than me.

I've done nothing but offer an opinion and be polite.

You don't like that. You're getting angry, you're getting frustrated.  I can't help that.

You can't force your opinion on people. That's not how it works in this country. Well not for now at least. 

P.s. Read post #26 and have a good night.

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