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Freedom Of Speech To Be Banned Near Abortion Clinics

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As long as some folk insist on telling me where I live. (Sheffield, Shirecliffe?) and what is happening in my town, it needs to be corrected!


Wouldn’t want “misinformation” to be spread now, would we?  :)

And we all have our muses to inspire us!


Music soothes the savage beast!


and is a sound track to our lives! 


“Where’s the love, y’all?”  - Black Eyed Peas




Edited by trastrick
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  • 7 months later...
On 11/12/2022 at 14:27, trastrick said:

Somebody once said, "The Law is an Ass!"


Smart guy, he was!


As I was saying, The people here are resourceful.


Some 90,000 abortions take place here every year, and 4,4 million across Latin America.


Here are some of the ways


Latin American women’s experiences with medical abortion in settings where abortion is legally restricted


Medical Abortion


"Medical abortion (MA) refers to the use of a drug or a combination of drugs to terminate pregnancy. Mifepristone followed by misoprostol is the most effective and recommended regime. In settings where mifepristone is not available, misoprostol alone is used.b Mifepristone is an anti-progestin that blocks the action of progesterone, a hormone necessary to maintain a pregnancy, and alters the endometrium causing the uterine lining to shed. Misoprostol is an analog of prostaglandin E1 that causes the cervix to soften and the uterus to contract, resulting in the expulsion of the uterine contents[7]. Until 63 days of gestation WHO recommends 200 mg of miefepristone administered orally followed by 800 mcg of misoprostol administered vaginally, buccally or sublingually 24 to 48 hours following ingestion of mifepristone[8]. In the case of misoprostol alone, WHO recommends 800 mcg of misoprostol administered by vaginal or sublingual routes, up to three repeat doses at intervals of at least three hours[8]."




What are the abortion services available in the Dominican Republic?


"The services that women can access are not regulated and are:

Abortion in underground Clinics

Medical / Health Personnel Giving Unregulated Guidance

Herbal Medicine Abortion (In case you know the medicinal combinations or receive guidance from someone else) Sometimes these abortions are not completed due to limited knowledge of this kind of procedures.

Abortion with pills (They can be obtained clandestinely by buying them in pharmacies or by paying bribes to the pharmacy staff).

There are women’s networks that have emerged from underground to support other women in deciding about their own bodies with regulated, up-to-date and hopeful guidance.

Other networks work communally, by word of mouth and the support and accompaniment is more direct depending on whether it is urban or rural.


Who can provide a safe abortion in the Dominican Republic?


"Due to the clandestine context, it is complicated to access a service which is 100% safe.

Where can I go to access a safe abortion?

Some private clinics can perform these procedures. However due to highly restrictive context, there is no clinic or health center who is able to provide it in optimal conditions.

It is important to consider that there are feminist collectives that provide discrete and safe informations, but overall, stigma free.


How much does an abortion cost?


For a woman who is able to pay for a clandestine abortion in a private clinic or health center, the approximate costs range between 10,000 and 30,000 Dominican pesos (175 to 500 USD) The prices could be higher, and it will depend on the guarantees of the place and economic conditions of the Girl and/or woman requesting the service.

Aborting with pills will cost between 2,500 and 3,000 Dominican Pesos (43 to 55 US Dollars. It will also depend on the extra payment to a third party to get the pills or to the pharmacist to sell them. They tend to be cheaper or free when they can be accessed through women’s movements that support this practice.


What are the legal and safe medications available?


Cytotec/Misoprostol/Misodel. Pharmacies sell the medications that are used to have an abortion with a Medical prescription and Drug Control approval. Abortion pills are regularly used to work for other medical conditions besides abortion.


Where can I get abortion pills?


You can get Misoprostol without a prescription, but it takes a while to get the full dose. Over-the-counter pharmacies are neighborhood drugstores, but they are likely to inflate the price.

The easiest way is to get them from pharmacists who sell them clandestinely.

They can be obtained by asking for Women Help Women via the Web, but only middle-class women or those with better economic conditions who handle technological issues have access to these channels.





NIH National Library of Medicine

Misoprostol and declining abortion-related morbidity in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: a temporal association




Objective: To validate anecdotal reports that abortion-related complications decreased in the Dominican Republic after the introduction of misoprostol into the country.


Design: Retrospective records reviews and cross-sectional surveys, interviews and focus groups.


Setting: Family planning clinics, pharmacies, door-to-door canvassing and a tertiary care maternity hospital in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.


Population: Women of reproductive age in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.


Methods: Qualitative and quantitative methods were used. Individual interviews and focus groups of reproductive health professionals, non-governmental organisation leaders and women's group leaders (n= 50) were conducted to discover the role of misoprostol in the Dominican Republic. Local women (n= 157) were surveyed to determine their knowledge of misoprostol as an abortifacient and mystery client visits were made to 80 pharmacies in order to purchase misoprostol without a prescription. Sales data were obtained that documented when misoprostol was introduced to the Dominican Republic pharmacies. Hospital admissions for abortions from the prior eight years were reviewed and hospital emergency room consultation ledgers of 31,190 visits for the period 1994-2001 were reviewed for abortion complications.And in general, after reading all the info in this thread, I'm still convinced that abortion should be legalized. It's a right, and if it's legal, no one forces you to do it. So I don't understand why so many people are against banning it. Some time ago, I wrote one paper on it, and here you can click to read some pro-choice abortion essay samples which helped me to write, but also provided a lot of useful info on that topic.


Main outcome measures: Frequencies of maternal morbidities and knowledge of misoprostol.


Results: Mystery clients purchased misoprostol without a prescription in nearly 64% of pharmacies; staff provided little additional information or counselling. Reliable sales data documented the introduction of misoprostol in 1986. Abortion complications decreased from 11.7% of abortions in 1986 to 1.7% in 2001. The majority of professionals interviewed felt that knowledge of these findings should be made public.

Conclusions: The data were of too poor quality to validate the verbal reports reliably, but misoprostol appears to have been widely used over a period when abortion-related morbidity fell. It remains plausible that the use of misoprostol contributed to the reduction.




"I want to be where the sun warms the sky
When it's time for siesta you can watch them go by
Beautiful faces, no cares in this world
Where a girl loves a boy, and a boy loves a girl" La Isla Bonita

You mentioned clandestine abortion - it's a consequence of the abortion ban. Yes, maybe if you pay a lot, some clinics can do it with no danger to your health. But imagine how many women don't have money for it, so they pay something to people with no medical background to do it. And it's not only in Latin America but in different countries.
I think that abortion is a choice, and each woman must have such a choice.

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On 07/12/2022 at 22:07, Chekhov said:

More of our right to free speech to be removed.

All rights to protest against abortion, however quietly, are to be banned around abortion clinics.


Court ruling paves way for abortion clinic buffer zones



It's in Scotland now, but it'll come here to England, eventually, just like those other virtue signalling gestures did (the face mask mandate and vaccine passports).


More of the modern disease for our over sensitive population, nobody must ever be upset, regardless of the cost (financial or to our freedoms) , it's the ultimate sin, apart, of course, from the unborn baby, and its relatives, including, potentially, its own father. 

It's an absolute disgrace. Did anyone else see the pathetic arrest of a woman praying silently outside a clinic in Birmingham? Our right to free speech and protest is being taken from under our noses. 


I for one believe that all life is precious and we should have the right to campaign to protect it. 

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39 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

I for one believe that all life is precious and we should have the right to campaign to protect it. 

...and you are still entirely free to do so, in any form you wish... somewhere else. 🙄



You campaign, for anything, by changing attitudes within wider society...


...not by intimidating a subset undergoing a very personal and private procedure.


Can hardly imagine a less effective method of achieving the goal.

Edited by Magilla
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9 minutes ago, Magilla said:

...and you are still entirely free to do so, in any form you wish... somewhere else. 🙄



You campaign, for anything, by changing attitudes within wider society...


...not by intimidating a subset undergoing a very personal and private procedure.


Can hardly imagine a less effective method of achieving the goal.

Please tell me how praying for the lives of innocent unborn babies is intimidating?


We should be able to protest anywhere on public land.

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5 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

Please tell me how praying for the lives of innocent unborn babies is intimidating?

Does it really need spelling out? :suspect:


What are they praying for, if not the life of the very thing the person who is having the procedure, is going to end?


At such a personal, private and emotional time.... guilt trip much?


Certainly, that is intimidation.


5 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

We should be able to protest anywhere on public land.

...and you can, where it's not being used specifically to intimidate someone else.

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2 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

Would you support anti-protest "buffer zones" outside of Parliment?

Comparing protests outside Parliament, to protests outside an abortion clinic...


...is like comparing apples to spanners.



Can you honestly see no difference whatsoever between the two? 🙄


Laughable, clearly, you haven't thought this through.


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