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Wolf-Whistling Facing Ban

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Guest makapaka
4 minutes ago, Hecate said:

I usually take posts like this apart.  But then I looked at that ^^^ and had a ponder.  What does it take to make a bloke like that.  To read a thread about sexual harassment and write that in response.  Why the clown car seems to have parked itself and disgorged its load on here.


I had a few answers, and was going to write them all down, but then I thought that sad, pathetic, insignificant little pricks like our friends here are, fortunately, in the minority, even on here, and not worth even the two minutes it took me to write these two paragraphs.

Spot on - the little cabal of the Facebook educated “anti-woke” brigade are getting worse.


some of the stuff posted is a disgrace - regardless of where you consider yourself on the political spectrum.

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28 minutes ago, sibon said:

Once those actions become part of a pattern, they can be less than trivial to the victims. Imagine being followed by the same person, night after night. A person who has been standing outside your house for hours. And then imagine them defending themselves by saying “I was only walking down the road”.

That's the logical paradox faced by the lib left who champion the right to protest. en masse.


Leftist mobs can march through residential neighborhoods, downtown shopping areas with masks on,  and crowd around outside Supreme Court Justices homes but are excused by the Left, as exercising their right to protest, but will do nothing to protect them from violence, until it actually happens. Trouble is violence DOES happen with frequency, and citizens and their children, should not have to  hide in their homes, "hoping" that the mob outside will be peaceful, while their downtowns are being burned and looted!


" Biden “strongly believes in the Constitutional right to protest. But that should never include violence, threats, or vandalism.” It took someone throwing a Molotov cocktail at pro-lifers to elicit even that mild criticism. What will it take to get the president to order his attorney general to enforce federal law barring harassment of the justices and their families in their homes?


Last year, when left-wing protesters followed Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) into a bathroom, filming as they yelled at her over her opposition to Biden’s Build Back Better legislation, the president dismissed her harassment, declaring it was “part of the process.”


It’s not. It’s appalling behavior. But it’s not illegal. Well, harassing Supreme Court justices in their homes is against the law. It’s time for Biden to enforce that law before someone gets hurt."



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10 minutes ago, trastrick said:

That's the logical paradox faced by the lib left who champion the right to protest. en masse.


Leftist mobs can march through residential neighborhoods, downtown shopping areas with masks on,  and crowd around outside Supreme Court Justices homes but are excused by the Left, as exercising their right to protest, but will do nothing to protect them from violence, until it actually happens. Trouble is violence DOES happen with frequency, and citizens and their children, should not have to  hide in their homes, "hoping" that the mob outside will be peaceful, while their downtowns are being burned and looted!


" Biden “strongly believes in the Constitutional right to protest. But that should never include violence, threats, or vandalism.” It took someone throwing a Molotov cocktail at pro-lifers to elicit even that mild criticism. What will it take to get the president to order his attorney general to enforce federal law barring harassment of the justices and their families in their homes?


Last year, when left-wing protesters followed Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) into a bathroom, filming as they yelled at her over her opposition to Biden’s Build Back Better legislation, the president dismissed her harassment, declaring it was “part of the process.”


It’s not. It’s appalling behavior. But it’s not illegal. Well, harassing Supreme Court justices in their homes is against the law. It’s time for Biden to enforce that law before someone gets hurt."



Do you feel better now?

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53 minutes ago, trastrick said:

That's the logical paradox faced by the lib left who champion the right to protest. en masse.

Yawn, another lop-sided load of waffle and false equivalence, that bears no relation to reality and ignores any context that relates to this thread.



"It’s time for Biden to enforce that law before someone gets hurt."



Unless it's anything related to Trump, of course, in which case you'll whine it's everyone else's fault, and condemn any action to enforce the law whatsoever! :roll: :loopy:


The American Enterprise Institute, who's mission statement is to "advance ideas rooted in our belief in democracy"...


...the thing that, unless you've had a brain aneurysm in the last 2 years, is an anathema to your messiah!


Just laughably pathetic, I'm embarrassed for you! :thumbsup:

Edited by Magilla
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18 minutes ago, trastrick said:

That's the logical paradox faced by the lib left who champion the right to protest. en masse.




Balance snipped as irrelevant.

What has all that got to do with the UK, or even this topic? Just another attempt to throw your 'Biden bad, Trump good' rubbish around - pathetic!

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2 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

What has all that got to do with the UK, or even this topic? Just another attempt to throw your 'Biden bad, Trump good' rubbish around - pathetic!

What this thread needs is various Covid references.


And graphs. Lots of graphs.

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42 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Sibon said in post #69


"Once those actions become part of a pattern, they can be less than trivial to the victims. Imagine being followed by the same person, night after night. A person who has been standing outside your house for hours. And then imagine them defending themselves by saying “I was only walking down the road”."

I was responding to this, and here come the bastions of free speech! The SF Inquisition!  :)


As predictable as Pavlov's dogs!



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1 minute ago, RollingJ said:

Or even just close it. 😄

Absolutely not.


We are learning plenty about some of our fellow contributors.



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