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Did The Fbi And Twitter Cover Up Assault Allegations Against Joe Biden?

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14 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Tara Reade speaks out....   




What a brave lady 👏 


This Tara Reade?



2 hours ago, trastrick said:

The FBI decided Trump would not be President, "We will stop him!" said Senior FBI Official Strzok.

Nonsense, voters saw what was staring them in the face.... and chose the other guy.



Between them and the MSM,  They get to decide who runs things in Washington, and by extension, the Free World!

There is nothing of recent note that is any different to how it's always been.


Trump lost, it wasn't anyone else's fault.


It was entirely a result of his own performance, which by any standard can only be described as lacking.



THAT'S why "the system is rigged"

No, that's what Trump blatantly attempted to do with local legislatures, failed.


It's no more rigged now, than it's ever been.



Time for the gullible to put aside their "incited" hate against each other, and get the real perps outa there!

A post that literally consists of nothing but "incited hate"...


...from the poster who somehow manages to link any and every issue with Biden, either directly or via Trumps loss, regardless of how ludicrous and lacking in logical thought that might be. :roll:


Don't make me laugh! :hihi:


Once again, your own posts and claims highlight nothing more than you are the epitome of everything you claim to hate, and the antithesis of everything you claim to hold dear!


How you imagine anyone could fall for it... priceless! :loopy:

Edited by Magilla
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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

They treated the Democrat women the same way who made claims against Bill Clinton.


A  “narcissistic loony toon.” Hillary called Monika Lewinsky, before Bill confessed all.  :)

That'd be that short/none-existant memory of yours again! :loopy:


I seem to recall your messiah's long list of accusers, that frankly put anything Biden related to shame... and those Kavanagh hearings! :suspect:


I don't recall the Democrats quoting an age old "rape apology" piece, like you just did over in the Wolf Whistle thread!


Do you think they'll say she isn't "blessed  with the physical attributes necessary to stir such base animal responses"?


Surely Biden can use the "she's not my type" angle, after-all, you'd have to believe it... right? :thumbsup: :hihi:



The NYT always paints "pictures" of those they don't like!  :)

Must be why you quote them, and the Washington Post so much! :suspect:

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Guest makapaka
1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

I'm happy that you're happy. 

So, about the video.. Any sensible comments?


Didn't think so 👍

I’m not providing him with any “views” he can present as advocacy.



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55 minutes ago, trastrick said:

They treated the Democrat women the same way who made claims against Bill Clinton.


A  “narcissistic loony toon.” Hillary called Monika Lewinsky, before Bill confessed all.  :)


The NYT always paints "pictures" of those they don't like!  :)


If she was accusing Trump of something you wouldn't be saying that.

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Guest makapaka
5 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Bye then 👋

Thanks for stopping by. 

It’s alway worth flagging up the type of sites where people get their fruitcake theories from. 

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

So, about the video.. Any sensible comments?

Seems like her praising Biden to the skies on Twitter and endorsing him as a leader in combating sexual violence...


...probably wasn't the best move? :roll:




What are your views?

Do you believe her?

Any issues with the timeline of events, and her subsequent actions and claims at all?

If you do... what would you say is the most compelling piece of evidence that stands out?

Does your conclusion in any way conflict with whatever your conclusions were for the repeated, and orders of magnitude more accusations against the previous incumbent at all?


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5 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Seems like her praising Biden to the skies on Twitter and endorsing him as a leader in combating sexual violence...


...probably wasn't the best move? :roll:




What are your views?

Do you believe her?

Any issues with the timeline of events, and her subsequent actions and claims at all?

If you do... what would you say is the most compelling piece of evidence that stands out?

Does your conclusion in any way conflict with whatever your conclusions were for the repeated, and orders of magnitude more accusations against the previous incumbent at all?



#believewomen 👍

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