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Second Jobs For Politicians

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Labour is planning to stop politicians from having second jobs. (Not everyone realises that being a member of Parliament is officially a part time job to allow them to do this.) Instead I'd like to see them committed to an annual compulsory placement of at least a month in one of the public services, eg NHS, Education, Police, Fire service or a lower paid job eg in a supermarket, care home etc. to get a feel for life on the front line.

I think experiencing these jobs on a personal level would improve their understanding of what's involved and the problems therein, thus making them better informed and more effective as MPs. They might even enjoy it.    


I hope Labour will also make a number of other changes (the hours for a start) to modernise this hide bound, archaic system which is based on Tory traditions and entitlement going back to the eighteenth century, and bring it up to date. Parliament should be seen as a place of work, not of privilege. It's arguably the oldest working system of government in the world (and looks it) and is long overdue for an overhaul. We have to keep pace with the modern world, not be mired in a very old fashioned and different past.  


What other changes would people like to see?


Edited by Anna B
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1 hour ago, Mister M said:

Theoretically second jobs are a good idea. It's always been justified as 'we need to see how the real world works.'

However like in the case of Geoffrey Cox MP, it's turned into a money grabbing scheme


And many other politicians of all parties 

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21 hours ago, Mister M said:

Theoretically second jobs are a good idea. It's always been justified as 'we need to see how the real world works.'

However like in the case of Geoffrey Cox MP, it's turned into a money grabbing scheme


Too many MPs simply have jobs on the board of the big companies, which is basically just lending their name to it, and as consultants etc. It oils the wheels for when they leave Parliament and need a  real job, and is a nice little earner while they wait.

Frankly I think it must bring about a conflict of interests, (do they still check for that?) and is definitely not 'seeing how the world works' in terms of the majority of people. 


Get them into the real world as we see it. A bit of real experience in our hard pressed public services would do them a world of good and focus their minds on the problems.



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6 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Too many MPs simply have jobs on the board of the big companies, which is basically just lending their name to it, and as consultants etc. It oils the wheels for when they leave Parliament and need a  real job, and is a nice little earner while they wait.

Frankly I think it must bring about a conflict of interests, (do they still check for that?) and is definitely not 'seeing how the world works' in terms of the majority of people. 


Get them into the real world as we see it. A bit of real experience in our hard pressed public services would do them a world of good and focus their minds on the problems.



It puts me in mind of those snippets of information of how ministers in the 1980s who privatised public utilities, suddenly found themselves on the boards of previous publicly owned utilities.

Quite a coincidence! And everything to do with finding out about how the world works, and nothing at all to do with money grubbing.


Edited by Mister M
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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

Too many MPs simply have jobs on the board of the big companies, which is basically just lending their name to it, and as consultants etc. It oils the wheels for when they leave Parliament and need a  real job, and is a nice little earner while they wait.

Frankly I think it must bring about a conflict of interests, (do they still check for that?) and is definitely not 'seeing how the world works' in terms of the majority of people. 


Get them into the real world as we see it. A bit of real experience in our hard pressed public services would do them a world of good and focus their minds on the problems.



Many Sheffield MP's have had these jobs , some call the jobs  advisory , They then carry on preaching  socialism as though they actually believe in it .

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44 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

MPs don't need second jobs, they get all the money they want from "donations"  and expenses.



Wondered why Rayner has recently been very vocal in her support for the strikers recently?  See the union donations above.

Have you wrote and asked her?

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Angela Raynor has always been a supporter of Unions before she ever became an MP.  In fact it was joining the Union when she was a care worker that sparked her interest in politics. 

The Donations above are not Angela Raynor's to keep, but donations to the Labour party as you very well know.

All parties take donations from supporters, it's what pays for their campaigns and other expenses. It's supposed to equalize their chances of election. These are small change compared to the massive amounts given by the multi millionaire donors to the Tory party. 


As for Angela Raynor, at least she's had a normal job and worked her way up the hard way. It's completely to her credit that she's actually made it to where she is. Like her or loath her, she probably has more insight into 'normal life' than the rest of the politicians put together.  

Edited by Anna B
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