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So Which God Do You Worship .

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Guest ThaBoom
27 minutes ago, retep said:

That's the thing most religions forget The Sun gives life,  everything else is made up, usually to control the masses.

Yeh, and the Sun just created itself and was always there.. 

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1 hour ago, Padders said:

Good post Cuttsie,

I genuinely believe we are all born with a moral compass, and we don't need it reset every Sunday morning by some weird-bearded fanatics in dresses.

I am completely unreligious, but it doesn't stop me trying to be kind to others, and I'm never completely overwhelmed with a need to murder madmen in pulpits, slightly overwhelmed sometimes, but never completely.

Morally, the World would be no worse if religion were abolished, practically, it would be much, much better.

And so, given the choice of which we should give up, God or the Patio Heater in the sky.

The choice is simple.


Apologies to "Thebebejeezus"

I'm not sure we're born with a moral compass, I believe mankind is capable of great goodness, great hate, and everything in between and has the freedom of will to decide which way to go. Originally churches and temples were there to teach and remind people of their responsibilities, but I don't think you have to go to church to be reminded, just take a look at the world and all those people needing help. Personally I believe you can be as close to God in a woodland clearing, or going about good work as you can in a church. 

But Churches and temples also provide a community to belong to, and a centrepoint to some lives, so I wouldn't be too swift to do away with them. The problem is the fanatics of any religion who have a corrupted interpretation of their own Ecclesiastical laws and faith, but they are a relatively small minority.   


Personally I believe you can be as close to God in a woodland clearing as you can in a church

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The only thing we should be worshipping is the natural world which is one of the life support systems of this planet along with the sun, the moon and the tides but modern humans have been waging war on it, probably as soon as we evolved. It soaks up CO2 and breathes out oxygen but we've smothered it beneath our own unnatural environments, destroyed it for farm land, hunted it, eaten it and now we're on the verge of paying the price. Those people who want hundreds of thousands more homes built to cater for this country's ever growing population should think about the environmental consequences and realise that the problem isn't too few homes but too many people.

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11 hours ago, cuttsie said:

In my community we seem to have many people worshiping different gods , We have Christians , Buddhas, Mohammidans , islamists , Jehovaists , Catholics , Protestants  and so on . 


 To me they are all like football club fans , blind to all other teams except their own ' 


Any way this morning I walked my usual woodland walk and as I came into a wide clearing I looked up , The sky was vivid blue , The waining moon could still be seen after lighting up the sky last night,           However above all this the sun was beaming down ,  It was actually very pleasant to feel the  warm rays on my face and I realised that I was looking at the true God ,  The one that life on Earth depends on ,  If it vanished from the Sky we would be nothing ,  Just a black hole where once there had been life .


So it set me wondering about the ancient Gods , The Sun and Moon Gods who were worshipped by long lost civilisations such as the Aztecs in South America , A people that were perfectly happy until Rome and the Vatican  City sent its Priests to convert these savages a thousand years ago .  


Why?????? I mean it is  pretty obvious that the Aztecs had got things bang on .  That was proved to me this morning while walking through a freezing landscape being smiled upon by that God in the Sky , The Sun .


All other religions seem to be the same , We are the ones to follow , Ours is the true carry on and so forth , They all try convert perfectly happy people to their way of thinking and they are all wrong .

There’s only the one (if we believe in the existence of the one true God), it’s down to what kit you wear, and the existence/none existence has never been proved.

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12 hours ago, cuttsie said:

In my community we seem to have many people worshiping different gods , We have Christians , Buddhas, Mohammidans , islamists , Jehovaists , Catholics , Protestants  and so on . 


 To me they are all like football club fans , blind to all other teams except their own ' 


Any way this morning I walked my usual woodland walk and as I came into a wide clearing I looked up , The sky was vivid blue , The waining moon could still be seen after lighting up the sky last night,           However above all this the sun was beaming down ,  It was actually very pleasant to feel the  warm rays on my face and I realised that I was looking at the true God ,  The one that life on Earth depends on ,  If it vanished from the Sky we would be nothing ,  Just a black hole where once there had been life .


So it set me wondering about the ancient Gods , The Sun and Moon Gods who were worshipped by long lost civilisations such as the Aztecs in South America , A people that were perfectly happy until Rome and the Vatican  City sent its Priests to convert these savages a thousand years ago .  


Why?????? I mean it is  pretty obvious that the Aztecs had got things bang on .  That was proved to me this morning while walking through a freezing landscape being smiled upon by that God in the Sky , The Sun .


All other religions seem to be the same , We are the ones to follow , Ours is the true carry on and so forth , They all try convert perfectly happy people to their way of thinking and they are all wrong .

A good bit of philosophical thinking there. Cuttsie!


Strangers that invent their own gods, are just after your "worldly goods"!


The best things in life are free!


Hang on to your wallet!  :)




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