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So Which God Do You Worship .

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24 minutes ago, trastrick said:

The sheep always need a shepherd! And sheep get shorn!


As some crudely, but accurately, put it, "There's a sucker born every minute!"



24 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Takes a goodly amount of worldly "alms" and "tithes", and "collection plates", to keep those shepherds in the style they are accustomed to!



"Priceless"! :thumbsup: :hihi:

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There are certainly things to criticise in organised religion, and much of it gives religion such a bad name, I don't blame people for being critical.

But don't let it blind you to your own spirituality, which IMO is as essential to life as breathing in and out and is part of being human. I know some will disagree but that's the beauty of it, you are allowed to reach your own conclusions and wonder at will. You don't need 'religion' to do that. They don't have the only pathway to your own personal God. 

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44 minutes ago, Anna B said:


But don't let it blind you to your own spirituality, which IMO is as essential to life as breathing in and out and is part of being human. I know some will disagree but that's the beauty of it, you are allowed to reach your own conclusions and wonder at will. You don't need 'religion' to do that. They don't have the only pathway to your own personal God. 

Spirituality, or as you phrase it "own spirituality" is normally a result of some sort of belief in a religion or a God.


From wiki:


Spiritual experiences[edit]


"Neuroscientists have examined brain functioning during reported spiritual experiences finding that certain neurotransmitters and specific areas of the brain are involved. Moreover, experimenters have also successfully induced spiritual experiences in individuals by administering psychoactive agents known to elicit euphoria and perceptual distortions. Conversely, religiosity and spirituality can also be dampened by electromagnetic stimulation of the brain. These results have motivated some leading theorists to speculate that spirituality may be a benign subtype of psychosis – benign in the sense that the same aberrant sensory perceptions that those suffering clinical psychoses evaluate as distressingly incongruent and inexplicable are instead interpreted by spiritual individuals as positive (personal and meaningful transcendent experiences)."


I know from personal experience of taking LSD in the early 70s that there seems to be a great deal of truth in the above. Noticeably those that were already religious in some way had religious or spiritual experiences while those who had no religious base had no religious experiences.


It's all in the mind as they say!


As Timothy Leary said:


Tune in, turn on and drop out.


Edited by Dromedary
did a slinny
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From being a child it was a vindictive and greedy god that I saw.

'He' I was told, padlocked our playground on a Sunday,

'He' would not let us go out and play on a Sunday.

'He' punished me for not learning my lines at Sunday school.

'He' wanted my pocket money for the missionaries in Japan.

'He' wanted money for the minister new house and his first car.

'He' banned me from the Sunday School trip because I went fishing one Sunday. 

'He' made me stand through the morning service in wet clothes because I was late.

'He' allowed us to be bullied by the Sunday School teacher.


Being an adult I keep being told I must have 'beliefs' or that 'I have not yet found 'God'' and that if I did I would be rewarded- surely a matter for the Advertising Standards Authority. 

It's time to hold religion and its bosses to account and remove their charitable status. 


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4 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

From being a child it was a vindictive and greedy god that I saw.

'He' I was told, padlocked our playground on a Sunday,

'He' would not let us go out and play on a Sunday.

'He' punished me for not learning my lines at Sunday school.

'He' wanted my pocket money for the missionaries in Japan.

'He' wanted money for the minister new house and his first car.

'He' banned me from the Sunday School trip because I went fishing one Sunday. 

'He' made me stand through the morning service in wet clothes because I was late.

'He' allowed us to be bullied by the Sunday School teacher.


Being an adult I keep being told I must have 'beliefs' or that 'I have not yet found 'God'' and that if I did I would be rewarded- surely a matter for the Advertising Standards Authority. 

It's time to hold religion and its bosses to account and remove their charitable status. 



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9 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:


Early version of the woke elitists in society!  :)


Nothing really changes in human nature except the "who" it is that's doing "what" to "whom", and feeling self righteous about it!  :)


Edited by trastrick
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3 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

From being a child it was a vindictive and greedy god that I saw.

'He' I was told, padlocked our playground on a Sunday,

'He' would not let us go out and play on a Sunday.

'He' punished me for not learning my lines at Sunday school.

'He' wanted my pocket money for the missionaries in Japan.

'He' wanted money for the minister new house and his first car.

'He' banned me from the Sunday School trip because I went fishing one Sunday. 

'He' made me stand through the morning service in wet clothes because I was late.

'He' allowed us to be bullied by the Sunday School teacher.


Being an adult I keep being told I must have 'beliefs' or that 'I have not yet found 'God'' and that if I did I would be rewarded- surely a matter for the Advertising Standards Authority. 

It's time to hold religion and its bosses to account and remove their charitable status. 


Religion or just Christianity?

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19 hours ago, despritdan said:

The only thing we should be worshipping is the natural world which is one of the life support systems of this planet along with the sun, the moon and the tides but modern humans have been waging war on it, probably as soon as we evolved. It soaks up CO2 and breathes out oxygen but we've smothered it beneath our own unnatural environments, destroyed it for farm land, hunted it, eaten it and now we're on the verge of paying the price. Those people who want hundreds of thousands more homes built to cater for this country's ever growing population should think about the environmental consequences and realise that the problem isn't too few homes but too many people.

......and too few tranquillisers!

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