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Sheffield Congestion Charge From Feb 27th 2023


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Labour, Greens and Tories all follow the scaremongering climate emergency drivel. There is no direct evidence of the ill health caused by NO2. CO2 is good but no these morons hate CO2 as well. It is like covid only one narrative  because dare to disagree and you are an idiot. CO2 makes food so these arse wipes want less food for us. Most people just accept the bs because unfortunately they are dim. Glad to see london is standing up to their moron of a mayor. Sheffield city centre is dieing already ahhh well.

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30 minutes ago, mrcryp said:

Labour, Greens and Tories all follow the scaremongering climate emergency drivel. There is no direct evidence of the ill health caused by NO2. CO2 is good but no these morons hate CO2 as well. It is like covid only one narrative  because dare to disagree and you are an idiot. CO2 makes food so these arse wipes want less food for us. Most people just accept the bs because unfortunately they are dim. Glad to see london is standing up to their moron of a mayor. Sheffield city centre is dieing already ahhh well.

I have never heard such a load of rubbish in my entire life.

Only bit you got right was the city centre.

So the scientists and the government  are all morons and the public are all dim.

Makes we wonder what kind of a mastermind we have here and what qualifications are behind it.


I'll wager you have been thrown off this forum and made your way back under a different name.




Edited by Organgrinder
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Surely a big giveaway, to the fact this scheme will be extended as time marches on, is that the signs do not state "this charge does not apply to private cars".

AFAIK cars are less polluting than they have ever been (lean burn engines, catalysts, diesel particulate filters, "adblue" etc etc) yet they are increasing restrictions on their use as a "pollution reduction measure". This is yet another example of the government increasing restrictions on our lives in order to "keep us safe". 

Greg Fell* was banging on about the low emission zone on the radio yesterday, his usual exaggeration and scaremongering : how dangerous pollution is, but not once did he mention the fact that, on the one hand, cars are cleaner than ever, and on the other life is extremely dangerous, it kills us all in the end.....

Greg Fell is in favour of the low emmission zone - that's all you need to know.


* Greg Fell : Director of Public Health in Sheffield.

Remember him during the pandemic ?

Mr  Greg "Keep the kids play areas closed as it might reduce the risk from Covid by 0.01%" Fell.

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21 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

>>mrcryp said:
Labour, Greens and Tories all follow the scaremongering climate emergency drivel. There is no direct evidence of the ill health caused by NO2. CO2 is good but no these morons hate CO2 as well. It is like covid only one narrative  because dare to disagree and you are an idiot. CO2 makes food so these arse wipes want less food for us. Most people just accept the bs because unfortunately they are dim. Glad to see london is standing up to their moron of a mayor. Sheffield city centre is dieing already ahhh well.<<


I have never heard such a load of rubbish in my entire life.

Only bit you got right was the city centre.

So the scientists and the government  are all morons and the public are all dim.

Makes we wonder what kind of a mastermind we have here and what qualifications are behind it.

I'll wager you have been thrown off this forum and made your way back under a different name.

Er, technically he's right.

CO2 + Water = Oxygen + Sugar (photosynthesis, which keeps us all alive)

And what is more there is evidence that increased levels of CO2 leads to more efficient photosynthesis (and even more so if also warmer and wetter) thus using up more CO2.......


The Times - 10 Oct 22 p8 :

Rising carbon emissions make trees grow bigger

Trees feasting on increased CO2 emissions have grown thicker and larger researchers at Ohio State University suggest.

Academics examined the volume of trees in ten temperate forest groups across America and found that the volume of tree trunks was up 30% bigger than 30 years ago.

The phenomenon, known as Carbon fertilisation - when an influx of CO2 increases a plant's rate of photosynthesis - is likely to be replicated across the world.


>>So the scientists and the government  are all morons and the public are all dim.<<


The scientists (certainly the ones the government were listening to) did not exactly cover themselves in glory during the pandemic. In fact they were wrong more than they were right, in almost every case they were excessively pessimistic :


Mid March 2020 : "We could have half a million Covid deaths in the UK"
19 March 2020 : "12 weeks to flatten the curve".
Late March 2020 : "This virus is indiscriminate"
May 2020 : "Politicians have become more cautious about immunisation prospects. They are right to be"
November 2020 : "Modelling suggests 4,000 deaths per day in the worst case scenario".
Spring 2021 : "Get double vaccinated to get out of Covid and back to normal" (it actually took a further year).
July 2021 : "Freedom day is irresponsible, we could have 200K cases per day by August".
11 Dec 2021 : "Omicron could cause 75,000 deaths in England by end of April"
Dec 2021 : "Central estimate" 2890 Omicron deaths a day
15 Dec 2021 : "Omicron likely to be the biggest threat of Covid pandemic so far".

Edited by Chekhov
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50 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Er, technically he's right.

CO2 + Water = Oxygen + Sugar (photosynthesis, which keeps us all alive)

And what is more there is evidence that increased levels of CO2 leads to more efficient photosynthesis (and even more so if also warmer and wetter) thus using up more CO2.......


The Times - 10 Oct 22 p8 :

Rising carbon emissions make trees grow bigger

Trees feasting on increased CO2 emissions have grown thicker and larger researchers at Ohio State University suggest.

Academics examined the volume of trees in ten temperate forest groups across America and found that the volume of tree trunks was up 30% bigger than 30 years ago.

The phenomenon, known as Carbon fertilisation - when an influx of CO2 increases a plant's rate of photosynthesis - is likely to be replicated across the world.


>>So the scientists and the government  are all morons and the public are all dim.<<


The scientists (certainly the ones the government were listening to) did not exactly cover themselves in glory during the pandemic. In fact they were wrong more than they were right, in almost every case they were excessively pessimistic :


Mid March 2020 : "We could have half a million Covid deaths in the UK"
19 March 2020 : "12 weeks to flatten the curve".
Late March 2020 : "This virus is indiscriminate"
May 2020 : "Politicians have become more cautious about immunisation prospects. They are right to be"
November 2020 : "Modelling suggests 4,000 deaths per day in the worst case scenario".
Spring 2021 : "Get double vaccinated to get out of Covid and back to normal" (it actually took a further year).
July 2021 : "Freedom day is irresponsible, we could have 200K cases per day by August".
11 Dec 2021 : "Omicron could cause 75,000 deaths in England by end of April"
Dec 2021 : "Central estimate" 2890 Omicron deaths a day
15 Dec 2021 : "Omicron likely to be the biggest threat of Covid pandemic so far".

That's the second big load of rubbish this morning.

You need to stop googling everything so that you can quote and pretend to be extremely knowledgeable.

You seem to have a problem keeping your buildings mice and rat free so even they are outwitting you.


Foot note: This thread IS NOT ABOUT COVID




Edited by Organgrinder
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1 hour ago, mrcryp said:

Labour, Greens and Tories all follow the scaremongering climate emergency drivel. There is no direct evidence of the ill health caused by NO2. CO2 is good but no these morons hate CO2 as well. It is like covid only one narrative  because dare to disagree and you are an idiot. CO2 makes food so these arse wipes want less food for us. Most people just accept the bs because unfortunately they are dim. Glad to see london is standing up to their moron of a mayor. Sheffield city centre is dieing already ahhh well.

One air trip to New York from Manchester produces 2.7 tons of air pollution . There are hundreds of thousands of air journeys a week World wide , No  Government interference  on this traffic , So why is my Berlingo a problem if I drive a short journey to town and back , It produces a mere fart of pollution when compared with a jet trip to Torromolinus  or Benedorm .

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14 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

One air trip to New York from Manchester produces 2.7 tons of air pollution . There are hundreds of thousands of air journeys a week World wide , No  Government interference  on this traffic , So why is my Berlingo a problem if I drive a short journey to town and back , It produces a mere fart of pollution when compared with a jet trip to Torromolinus  or Benedorm .

The pollution from planes is spread over a very wide area, but the commute is in a very tight area with lots of others. That’s why it’s a problem

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33 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

One air trip to New York from Manchester produces 2.7 tons of air pollution . There are hundreds of thousands of air journeys a week World wide , No  Government interference  on this traffic , So why is my Berlingo a problem if I drive a short journey to town and back , It produces a mere fart of pollution when compared with a jet trip to Torromolinus  or Benedorm .

True enough, but you'll never get anything but daft excuses from such as planner1.

We know it's true and they know it's true but, they dare not clamp down on the rich, famous and politicians.

All the pollution swirls about until it joins in one big concoction whilst they would tell you that the traffic pollution stays down here and the aircraft pollution stays up there.

All the pollution is killing the planet and not just some of it so they can talk ass daft as they like but will never fool me.

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