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Sheffield Congestion Charge From Feb 27th 2023


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Judging from what I've seen, this debacle and others like it, have ruined Sheffield.

Whether that's down to the Government or the Council doesn't really matter, it was/is generally against the wishes of the people who have to live there, and the shameful evidence is all around.


You could say that it was the people who put these politicians in power, but realistically, what choice was there? Was any of this; CAZ, treefelling, planning etc, in any manifesto that was voted upon or even discussed? 


No. It's been foisted on the population whether we like it or not, by politicians and bureaucrats. Where's the democracy in that? Never has political disregard for the voter been so appallingly apparent, (and I include all parties in this,) and the ordinary hard working citizen treated with such contempt. When the democratic process breaks down there is bound to be trouble ahead and it will come in spades.  No wonder there is such discontent in the country. The politicians are pushing their luck towards a very near a tipping point when the people decide no one is representing them any more, and they've absolutely had enough.

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4 hours ago, Anna B said:

Judging from what I've seen, this debacle and others like it, have ruined Sheffield.

Whether that's down to the Government or the Council doesn't really matter, it was/is generally against the wishes of the people who have to live there, and the shameful evidence is all around.


You could say that it was the people who put these politicians in power, but realistically, what choice was there? Was any of this; CAZ, treefelling, planning etc, in any manifesto that was voted upon or even discussed? 


No. It's been foisted on the population whether we like it or not, by politicians and bureaucrats. Where's the democracy in that? Never has political disregard for the voter been so appallingly apparent, (and I include all parties in this,) and the ordinary hard working citizen treated with such contempt. When the democratic process breaks down there is bound to be trouble ahead and it will come in spades.  No wonder there is such discontent in the country. The politicians are pushing their luck towards a very near a tipping point when the people decide no one is representing them any more, and they've absolutely had enough.

Exactly, couldn't have put it any better myself,I'll vote for you.

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4 hours ago, Anna B said:

Judging from what I've seen, this debacle and others like it, have ruined Sheffield.

Whether that's down to the Government or the Council doesn't really matter, it was/is generally against the wishes of the people who have to live there, and the shameful evidence is all around.


You could say that it was the people who put these politicians in power, but realistically, what choice was there? Was any of this; CAZ, treefelling, planning etc, in any manifesto that was voted upon or even discussed?


No. It's been foisted on the population whether we like it or not, by politicians and bureaucrats. Where's the democracy in that?

Do you want every single decision made by every single elected person to go to a referendum?


Thats not how it works.

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52 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Do you want every single decision made by every single elected person to go to a referendum?


Thats not how it works.obc

Obviously not every decision but on major issues that involve people having to pay out of their own pocket additional monies I think they should at the very least asked the question.

I remember living on a street in Sheffield where the council was looking at introducing a resident's parking permit scheme which would have meant the residents paying for a book of permits.


The residents we're asked if they wanted this and the answer was a big fat NO so it wasn't introduced.


Something similar should have happened with the chargeable Caz Zone.


It's absolutely disgusting that SCC went ahead and introduced this chargeable zone without consultation especially when other non charging options as proven by other cities are available.





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9 hours ago, Planner1 said:

The point of it is that the courts made the government act, so they have then made councils implement CAZ’s. 

Do you really think that a Tory government has made Sheffield Council implement a CAZ so that they can get revenue?

so we need to address the courts and the claim culture is gone too far!

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3 minutes ago, ab6262 said:

so we need to address the courts and the claim culture is gone too far!

Yes the courts made the government act but it was down to each individual council how they implemented a CAZ zone and it didn't have to be chargeable.

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1 hour ago, mike1961 said:


It's absolutely disgusting that SCC went ahead and introduced this chargeable zone without consultation especially when other non charging options as proven by other cities are available.

But they did consult. In 2018, 2019 and 2021. Is that not enough for you?


Sheffield is not the only place that introduced a charging CAZ. 

Some places proved to the governments satisfaction that the problem could be tackled without charging. Sheffield and others couldn’t.

6 minutes ago, mike1961 said:

Yes the courts made the government act but it was down to each individual council how they implemented a CAZ zone and it didn't have to be chargeable.

Each individual council had to present a business case to the government which showed how they’d appraised all the options and demonstrated how and why the’d selected the preferred option.


The circumstances in individual cities are / were different so one size doesn’t fit all.

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14 minutes ago, ab6262 said:

so we need to address the courts and the claim culture is gone too far!

I’d say it’s more of a problem with the government, who after all passed the law which the courts were only enforcing.


The government clearly didn’t want to act but “concerned” citizens (lawyers) took them to court and won. That’s why we are where we are.

2 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Three consultations, you say.

Says so here on the 2021 consultation page.

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27 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

You mean Green party activists. They're a bit lie UKIP in a way - next to no political success but very effective at getting things done for their specific cause.

It was a group of lawyers called Client Earth.


They don’t declare any political allegiance, but describe themselves as environmental activists.

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