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Sheffield Congestion Charge From Feb 27th 2023


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53 minutes ago, Planner1 said:

But they did consult. In 2018, 2019 and 2021. Is that not enough for you?


Sheffield is not the only place that introduced a charging CAZ. 

Some places proved to the governments satisfaction that the problem could be tackled without charging. Sheffield and others couldn’t.

Each individual council had to present a business case to the government which showed how they’d appraised all the options and demonstrated how and why the’d selected the preferred option.


The circumstances in individual cities are / were different so one size doesn’t fit all.

But we know that SCC consult, but often take no minutes from consultation meetings and then don't act on the outcome of the consultations. It is pure lip service to the electorate in Sheffield.

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1 hour ago, Planner1 said:

But they did consult. In 2018, 2019 and 2021. Is that not enough for you?


Sheffield is not the only place that introduced a charging CAZ. 

Some places proved to the governments satisfaction that the problem could be tackled without charging. Sheffield and others couldn’t.

Each individual council had to present a business case to the government which showed how they’d appraised all the options and demonstrated how and why the’d selected the preferred option.


The circumstances in individual cities are / were different so one size doesn’t fit all.

Who did they consult , how did they consult ?

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1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

Three consultations, you say.


Oh Mike!!!

But I don't ever recall being asked in 2018,,2019,2020 or 2021 if I was comfortable with a charging CAZ zone.


Did they ask that specific question during those consultations?

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46 minutes ago, mike1961 said:

But I don't ever recall being asked in 2018,,2019,2020 or 2021 if I was comfortable with a charging CAZ zone.


Did they ask that specific question during those consultations?

What do you want them to do? Put huge adverts up? Mailshot every house?


Looks like it was an online consultation on their website, accessable to everyone. Not my fault you didnt even look.

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7 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Well, er yeah! they're prepared to tell everyone that the CAZ is coming and when it was live on those digital screens by the road, and they're prepared to "mailshot every house" with a fine.

If they sent a mailshot to every single house for every single consultation they did, they would get moaned at for wasting money on postage, they literally cant win.

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48 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

If they sent a mailshot to every single house for every single consultation they did, they would get moaned at for wasting money on postage, they literally cant win.

Well they can find the money to mailshot on a regular basis just prior to an election.


I lost count how many leaflets I've had through my door from the Greens,Labour and Liberal Party.


But it's all good as they burn okay in my log burner.

50 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

If they sent a mailshot to every single house for every single consultation they did, they would get moaned at for wasting money on postage, they literally cant win.

Not asking for every single consultation, but they did it when I lived elsewhere when they we're looking to put in the residents parking permit scheme and should have done it and spelled it out that the CAZ Zone would be chargeable.


Not everyone is online ,things as important as chargeable caz zones should have been sent out as a mailshot.


In the end they just did the minimum they needed to do to get this CAZ Zone through without too much opposition.


Ps Why are you so rude?

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7 minutes ago, mike1961 said:

Well they can find the money to mailshot on a regular basis just prior to an election.


I lost count how many leaflets I've had through my door from the Greens,Labour and Liberal Party.


Those are sent from political parties from their own budgets, not from local authorities.


The only mail you get from a council prior to an election is your polling card (or postal vote notification, and then the actual postal vote, if applicable)

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17 minutes ago, Meltman said:

Why would 'they' send a mail shot out or put up big posters/illuminated signs etc.  when 'they'  don't really want some public consultation....in case it goes against the plan.

They have a legal obligation to do so, but by doing it via the internet they are being discriminatory as not everyone has access to the internet.

But this is typical behaviour of the SCC.


It used to be that there were notices in local newspapers - I don't know if this still happens - did anyone see one related to the CAZ?


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13 minutes ago, Litotes said:

They have a legal obligation to do so, but by doing it via the internet they are being discriminatory as not everyone has access to the internet.

But this is typical behaviour of the SCC.


It used to be that there were notices in local newspapers - I don't know if this still happens - did anyone see one related to the CAZ?


Every council that I know of does most of their consultation online nowadays.


It used to be a legal requirement that traffic regulation orders had to be advertised in the local newspaper ( who consequently used to charge quite a bit for the ads). A few years ago this was changed by the government, so they are now advertised on council websites.

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