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Sheffield Congestion Charge From Feb 27th 2023


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18 minutes ago, sheffbag said:

Thats your opinion, not fact and you are entitiled to your opinion

Based on my own experiences of dealing with public sector bodies and councils in general on projects over a 10 year period i would express a different view  in that previous lessons learned reports from other projects are never obtained or consulted and cross knowledge transfer from other similar projects is not done (sometimes even within the same organisation)

Again that is my opinion based on my experience and is no less valid than your opinion based on yours. Neither can be taken as fact as to this project implementation as neither of us have or are working on it.

My opinion is based on previous direct experience as I worked directly with SCC enforcement teams and know that they do speak to and share best practice with other authorities through formal and informal means.


The processes and systems used to administer and enforce the CAZ are nothing new, so you’d naturally speak to the bodies who are already using them or are further along the path to it than you are.


I can’t claim direct experience on the Sheffield CAZ enforcement / administration project, but previous practice that I do know of would suggest they’d be looking to gain input from elsewhere on best practice and potential issues.


You’re entitled to your opinion and your experience is just as valid.

9 minutes ago, Resident said:

This looks awfully like the beginnings of a legal challenge, the type that Leeds feared....


Just looks like someone taking the opportunity to dig into the background information to me.


I’m sure SCC will have considered the risk of a legal challenge.

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10 hours ago, Planner1 said:

My opinion is based on previous direct experience as I worked directly with SCC enforcement teams and know that they do speak to and share best practice with other authorities through formal and informal means.


The processes and systems used to administer and enforce the CAZ are nothing new, so you’d naturally speak to the bodies who are already using them or are further along the path to it than you are.


I can’t claim direct experience on the Sheffield CAZ enforcement / administration project, but previous practice that I do know of would suggest they’d be looking to gain input from elsewhere on best practice and potential issues.


You’re entitled to your opinion and your experience is just as valid.

Just looks like someone taking the opportunity to dig into the background information to me.


I’m sure SCC will have considered the risk of a legal challenge.

I wouldn't bet on it that SCC have considered the risk of a legal challenge,I don't think they envisaged anything like the backlash they are getting on this stupid scheme 

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19 hours ago, Resident said:

Looking at the 2021 Diffusion tube results which SCC based its decision to include the ring road in the CAZ on, the only recorded excesses over 40 that are within the CAZ are


Sheaf St Station


Fitzalan Sq

Arundal Gate interchange

Arundal Gate Stoddart Building

Derek Dooley Lamp post opp. 94 triplicate (Tube 2) - This registered at 38 in 2020 and  bang on the limit of  0 in 2021 but the tube located on the next lampost was 38 and two tubes less than 100 metres away recorded 30 & 29



They are the ONLY results that exceed the limit in 2021 when SCC proposed to include the ring road in the Clean Air zone. No recorded level past Derek Dooley way near the wicker or past Arundal gate was over 40 so why did SCC include the whole of the ring road in it. The government did not say include the ring road. SCC put it there as evidenced in its own papers.



The 2 taxi ranks outside the train station are over but they are not in the zone are they as they are outside the ring road boundary

Parkway Tube 1 is just outside the boundary looking at the map

so, quite a lot of places over the limit - even using numbers recorded during a very much pandemic-linked period of reduced traffic.


hopefully, the CAZ will chase off a lot (all? - here's hoping) of the ancient, awful taxis. This should improve the air quality next to the station taxis ranks.


The reason for including the ring road is precisely because it's very hard to avoid it.

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2 minutes ago, ads36 said:

so, quite a lot of places over the limit - even using numbers recorded during a very much pandemic-linked period of reduced traffic.


hopefully, the CAZ will chase off a lot (all? - here's hoping) of the ancient, awful taxis. This should improve the air quality next to the station taxis ranks.


The reason for including the ring road is precisely because it's very hard to avoid it.

From my, admittedly casual, observation of the taxis and Hackney Carriages in use in Sheffield, they are of a similar age to to those used elsewhere - including London, which has a strict age limit for all Public Service vehicles.

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