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Andrew Tate. What's Your Opinion?.

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30 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Why be critical of repeated messages about sexism, racism or homophobia ?    I think it's perfectly correct to call out those who are in the wrong.

Similarly,  if the government are doing a bad job of running the country then there's nothing wrong in saying so.

I am talking about your ever ready ability to lump a whole group of people together as BAD  or GOOD    -    people who you don't even know,  but decide,  on the basis of their race , sex, or colour what they are like.

My second line reproduced below,  should have been clear enough for a sensible person to understand.    

Most of the sensible human race believe that humans of every nationality and colour vary so much and there can be found,  good,  bad,  and  so-so in each of them.


Where have I done that?


I would be more than happy to stand corrected if you can show where i have knowingly shown that i have lumped folk together depending on their sex, race or colour that they are all either good or bad.


There are horrible folk in each of the aforementioned groups, where have I said otherwise?


Being critical of certain individuals doesn't mean you dislike them as a whole, you do know that don't you, surely?


I think I've recently posted that a white proud boy member is a wrong-un, do you take that as thinking I believe all white folk are wrong-uns?

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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

A teacher is Batley has had to change his identity and go into hiding because he showed an image of Mohammed in his religious class


The lefties on here won't talk about that 


They prefer to call me a bigot 

This isn't the only example of the climate of fear spreading throughout the western world because of the spread of Islam and the failure of politicians to deal with it. Salman Rushdie had to go into hiding for years following death threats because he wrote a book and was stabbed when he came out of hiding.


Stabbing of Salman Rushdie - Wikipedia


A teacher in France was beheaded for showing satirical cartoons of Mohammed to his class.

Pictured: Teacher, 47, beheaded by Islamist terrorist for showing his class cartoons of Mohammed | Daily Mail Online


Cinemas had to stop showing a film about the daughter of Mohammed after violent protests by Muslims

Cineworld cancels The Lady of Heaven film screenings after protests - BBC News


An autistic schoolboy and his friends received death threats after one of them dropped a copy of the Koran on the ground.

When a Wakefield boy brought a Koran to school - spiked (spiked-online.com)


Political and religious satire has been one of our freedoms of expression for a long time but is now being stifled by the followers of this medieval, toxic, intolerant religion who don't believe in integrating into western countries by respecting our cultural freedoms but inflict their own intolerant views by creating the same climate of fear in the host countries as is the normality in their own. They're getting away with it because our politicians are frightened of them and the public don't seem to be too bothered about the erosion of our freedom of speech and artistic expression. Islamic cultural values are totally incompatible with those of the west and I think it was a huge mistake to allow people from these countries to come here in huge numbers and undermine our historic freedoms but it's too late now to do anything about it and as their numbers increase, our cultural identity will eventually be just a distant memory.

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Where have I done that?


I would be more than happy to stand corrected if you can show where i have knowingly shown that i have lumped folk together depending on their sex, race or colour that they are all either good or bad.


You have said in your posts,  more than once,  WHITE BAD,  COLOUR GOOD or something similar and also MEN BAD,  WOMEN GOOD.

There have been numerous other similar comment,  based on race, religion or sex,  and I don't have the time to look for them.


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12 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You have said in your posts,  more than once,  WHITE BAD,  COLOUR GOOD or something similar and also MEN BAD,  WOMEN GOOD.

There have been numerous other similar comment,  based on race, religion or sex,  and I don't have the time to look for them.


Sarcasm isn't your strong point is it.


So it's no then.



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3 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

A teacher is Batley has had to change his identity and go into hiding because he showed an image of Mohammed in his religious class


The lefties on here won't talk about that 


They prefer to call me a bigot 

ok i'll bite


NOBODY has ever denied theres bad people, extremists in any group of people. you either deliberately or just fail to comprehend the issue full stop. Theres extremists in the muslim community yes. but what people like you do is only focus on those, magnify it and push it onto muslims as a whole, as being all bad.

YOU are an extremist in the same way they are, in the same way Andrew Tate is, pushing dodgy ideologies and trying to influence others. You have a narrative to push.

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Sarcasm isn't your strong point is it.


So it's no then.



It's a YES,  and I'll let you know when I come across them again.

Now's your chance to run back and alter them all,  but other posters will have seen them too.

If you deny it,  I'm quite happy to call you a liar.


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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Sarcasm isn't your strong point is it.


So it's no then.



Here you are Bundy    -    that's just one of them. Post #158   -   A Kiss too far

It's still a YES


Oh for crying out loud will you get with the times..


Men = bad.


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3 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Here you are Bundy    -    that's just one of them. Post #158   -   A Kiss too far

It's still a YES


Oh for crying out loud will you get with the times..


Men = bad.


Like I said, sarcasm is obviously not your strong point is it.


Were you out with Presley last night at the old man's working club getting loaded on navy rum as both of you have got a sense of humour malfunction today? 

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Like I said, sarcasm is obviously not your strong point is it.


Were you out with Presley last night at the old man's working club getting loaded on navy rum as both of you have got a sense of humour malfunction today? 

A convenient get out isn't it ?  I was being sarcastic!  I was speaking tongue in cheek!   I was only joking.

Maybe try writing what you actually mean.   At the very least, don't deny what you've written    or    maybe you can't remember.

Glad that I told you I was prepared to call you a liar  -   quite a few on here.    I am, at least, honest.

Reminder to try not to group all similar people together   -   it makes you look stupid when someone pulls you.


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25 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

A convenient get out isn't it ?  I was being sarcastic!  I was speaking tongue in cheek!   I was only joking.

Maybe try writing what you actually mean.   At the very least, don't deny what you've written    or    maybe you can't remember.

Glad that I told you I was prepared to call you a liar  -   quite a few on here.    I am, at least, honest.

Reminder to try not to group all similar people together   -   it makes you look stupid when someone pulls you.


You can be a silly sausage at times.


How can I be serious about saying all women are good when apparently I am a misogynist?


Make your mind up.


Edited by Al Bundy
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