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Would You Vote For A British Republic?

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2 hours ago, m williamson said:

No one has to swear allegiance to a political party do they? But if people want to work in certain jobs or professions in this country they are forced to take the oath of allegiance to the sovereign.

You can't be a police officer, serve in the military*, be a member of the judiciary or an MP without swearing the oath of allegiance. Which means that anyone who takes giving an oath seriously is automatically excluded from taking part in any of those occupations.


And that is most certainly not democracy for you! 😉


*The Royal Navy is the only service that doesn't swear allegiance. That's because the ' Senior Service ' was formed by Elizabeth I and being a RN sailor means that you are loyal to the sovereign without the oath.

I doubt that a majority of citizen taxpayers would prefer to hire public servants (say a Minister of Defense :)

who will not swear an oath of allegiance to the designated and lawful Head of State, whoever, and in whatever form it it so established?


Some are forced to join a Labor Union, to obtain and hold a job of their choice. Others require a medical degree to practice medicine, or a Law License to practice Law from a recognized institution. You must swear an oath before taking the witness stand.


That, my friend, is democracy.


But you can campaign, crusade and agitate for changes to the system.


And that's how it works!


Good luck!

Edited by trastrick
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1 hour ago, m williamson said:

No one has to swear allegiance to a political party do they? But if people want to work in certain jobs or professions in this country they are forced to take the oath of allegiance to the sovereign.

You can't be a police officer, serve in the military*, be a member of the judiciary or an MP without swearing the oath of allegiance. Which means that anyone who takes giving an oath seriously is automatically excluded from taking part in any of those occupations.


And that is most certainly not democracy for you! 😉


*The Royal Navy is the only service that doesn't swear allegiance. That's because the ' Senior Service ' was formed by Elizabeth I and being a RN sailor means that you are loyal to the sovereign without the oath.

 Well you should have said m.

Obviously us mere surfs haven't the ability to understand the first time you or spouted the same rhetoric  in  #64, #68,  #73, #75, #77, #99, #122,  #149, #166,  #189.

Your very first post let us know what we were in for.

Nothing like being predictable.


The OP says 'would you vote for a British republic.

It does not say 'Would you like to 'debate' on 'would you vote for a British republic'.

A simple 'Yes or No' would have sufficed.


After all 'its only a forum not a debating society'  #64 🤣.


My 'Blah, Blah, Blah' stands, we've heard it all before.

But thanks for sharing.


As a special treat I'll even 'LET' you have the 'LAST WORD'.

Stage is yours,

Knock yourself out  🤣.





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25 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

True but many, including some on here, are members of such political parties which also include rules about joining.


They are not forced as they already understand that by joining they have to abide by the rules in place. 


It's a job that people chose to do knowing that to enter into it they have to abide by the rules... as above.


Although they may be excluded it is not anti democratic as people are not compelled to join any of those organisations against their will. That makes a big difference to the scenario. It's a law that was passed by an act of parliament so it is democratic and lawful.

In this country parliament is sovereign. Members of Parliament are appointed by a voting system which has failed to elect a single government since 1945 which had managed to achieve even 50% of votes cast.

So over the past 78 years this country has been governed by party's which more people voted against than for at the General Election they ' won '.

In 2005 Tony Blairs Labour Party won a working majority having only had 35.2% of the votes cast in its favour. In 2019 Johnson won with 43.6% of the votes cast.

This unfit for purpose undemocratic nonsense of a FPTP system suits no one except the people elected using it. Which is why when we were offered an alternative system in 2011 they made sure to offer us another flawed AV system. This despite the fact that the most democratic system as yet devised has been used in a part of the UK since 1973.

The contempt for the public displayed by the Establishment in this country is obvious, despite which the gullible lap it up and refuse to see that they're being played.

Which is why I have said on more than one occasion on this thread that it isn't going to change.


Fair enough. if that's what people want, but please stop trying to claim that it's democratic.

In a true democracy the people are sovereign, every citizen is equal and the state cannot alter an agreed and written constitution without the permission of the people.

9 minutes ago, Rockers rule said:

 Well you should have said m.

Obviously us mere surfs haven't the ability to understand the first time you or spouted the same rhetoric  in  #64, #68,  #73, #75, #77, #99, #122,  #149, #166,  #189.

Your very first post let us know what we were in for.

Nothing like being predictable.


The OP says 'would you vote for a British republic.

It does not say 'Would you like to 'debate' on 'would you vote for a British republic'.

A simple 'Yes or No' would have sufficed.


After all 'its only a forum not a debating society'  #64 🤣.


My 'Blah, Blah, Blah' stands, we've heard it all before.

But thanks for sharing.


As a special treat I'll even 'LET' you have the 'LAST WORD'.

Stage is yours,

Knock yourself out  🤣.






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5 minutes ago, m williamson said:

In this country parliament is sovereign. Members of Parliament are appointed by a voting system which has failed to elect a single government since 1945 which had managed to achieve even 50% of votes cast.

So over the past 78 years this country has been governed by party's which more people voted against than for at the General Election they ' won '.

In 2005 Tony Blairs Labour Party won a working majority having only had 35.2% of the votes cast in its favour. In 2019 Johnson won with 43.6% of the votes cast.

This unfit for purpose undemocratic nonsense of a FPTP system suits no one except the people elected using it. Which is why when we were offered an alternative system in 2011 they made sure to offer us another flawed AV system. This despite the fact that the most democratic system as yet devised has been used in a part of the UK since 1973.

The contempt for the public displayed by the Establishment in this country is obvious, despite which the gullible lap it up and refuse to see that they're being played.

Which is why I have said on more than one occasion on this thread that it isn't going to change.


Fair enough. if that's what people want, but please stop trying to claim that it's democratic.

In a true democracy the people are sovereign, every citizen is equal and the state cannot alter an agreed and written constitution without the permission of the people.


I've 9 kids obviously you know more about that than me  🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

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29 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Birth control obviously something else you know sod all about.


You had to look up what the word meant didn't you, 

I didn't need to look up anything to know what a sad sack you really are.



Edited by Rockers rule
spelling Ooooop's!
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2 minutes ago, Rockers rule said:

I didn't need to look up anything to know what a sad sack you you really are.



I thought you were going to let me have the last word?


" Sad sack you you really are "


Obviously you consider yourself to be the forum joker and wind up merchant. Searching through 190 plus  comments in order to have a go isn't a cool look. It appears that you're the one getting wound up, which makes you the sad sack doesn't it?


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1 minute ago, m williamson said:

I thought you were going to let me have the last word?


" Sad sack you you really are "


Obviously you consider yourself to be the forum joker and wind up merchant. Searching through 190 plus  comments in order to have a go isn't a cool look. It appears that you're the one getting wound up, which makes you the sad sack doesn't it?


But calling someone a W***ER by using an obscure word is the height of sophistication, pill**k.


"Mummy that bad boy said I could have 'the last word' and he hasn't" 😢 😢 😢.




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48 minutes ago, m williamson said:



Well, aren’t you just a fine addition to the forum.


I do hope that you didn’t pay that charm school.

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