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Would You Vote For A British Republic?

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On 20/12/2022 at 22:55, The_DADDY said:

All the negativity surrounding the royals these days makes me think, would we be better off doing away with the monarchy?

Not like the French did but a vote across the nation and commonwealth to see of a monarchy is right for the 21st century?

How would you vote?

Hereditary succession is wrong full stop. No-one can be guaranteed suitable to be Head of State based on their parentage, plus it prevents someone who has strong talent for it, ever being considered. 

Plus the ones we have (including the late queen) ARE corrupt. Check out royal consent (not assent) for yourselves.

I'd end it tomorrow.


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What would the newspapers have to talk about - and the fanzines,  still, . some people believe the 'papers influence the people too much and effectively want to be the government,  sod that for a game of soldiers if there wasn't a monarchy other countries may see us as a boring, little,  nondescript country.   


George Soros,  Reptillians all speculation on the latter seems to have gone quiet.

Edited by cressida
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4 hours ago, hobinfoot said:

I’m a Royalist so for me it’s no.

As a matter of interest could you explain to me why you are a royalist? Do you truly believe that someone is ' Born to Reign ' over you ?

Do you believe that as a result of being born into a particular family it makes that person and their family in some way superior to you and yours and therefore  entitled to your deference and obedience?


Alternatively, is it just that it's the way its always been that way and you don't like the idea of change? If the former then you are a true royalist, if the latter you are more of a status quoist " that's the way it's always been and I don't like change ".


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4 minutes ago, m williamson said:

As a matter of interest could you explain to me why you are a royalist? Do you truly believe that someone is ' Born to Reign ' over you ?

Do you believe that as a result of being born into a particular family it makes that person and their family in some way superior to you and yours and therefore  entitled to your deference and obedience?


Alternatively, is it just that it's the way its always been that way and you don't like the idea of change? If the former then you are a true royalist, if the latter you are more of a status quoist " that's the way it's always been and I don't like change ".

What a nonsense post. 


You ask a question, then blast your personal views without waiting for an answer first. 

This type of argument was worked out as logical nonsense over 2000 years ago. 





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13 hours ago, cressida said:

What would the newspapers have to talk about - and the fanzines,  still, . some people believe the 'papers influence the people too much and effectively want to be the government,  sod that for a game of soldiers if there wasn't a monarchy other countries may see us as a boring, little,  nondescript country.   


George Soros,  Reptillians all speculation on the latter seems to have gone quiet.

Funny, that.


According to the current conventional wisdom, at this point in history, all that's wrong with the world seems to be the right wing, capitalist, conservative philosophy that is supplying most of the world with its basic goods and services.


And yet at root, human nature is capitalistic, and able bodied people will always choose to sell their labor, produce and services for the best price they can get.


Traditional values which have served civilization, like no other!

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7 hours ago, m williamson said:

As a matter of interest could you explain to me why you are a royalist? Do you truly believe that someone is ' Born to Reign ' over you ?

Do you believe that as a result of being born into a particular family it makes that person and their family in some way superior to you and yours and therefore  entitled to your deference and obedience?


Alternatively, is it just that it's the way its always been that way and you don't like the idea of change? If the former then you are a true royalist, if the latter you are more of a status quoist " that's the way it's always been and I don't like change ".


Twisted strawman logic!


When was the last time you were forced to show " your deference and obedience" to the Royal family?"


Did they shut down the economy, force you to have an experimental vaccine for a condition you never had?


You can change your real leaders every 4 years, or so!


And everybody likes that, in a democracy.


Symbols like flags, Royalty, postage stamps, coinage, are to remind a population of how they got where they are!

Edited by trastrick
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I’ll try again.


If Charles and Camilla were to have a grand royal bash at Buck House  that was attacked by terrorists, killing all and sundry, could the following apply? The next in line being a person so far down it that even the best royal watchers had never heard of them, would the succession be finite, even if they were totally unsuitable? :huh:

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