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427 Million Pounds A Year Spent On Diversity Training

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The Times 12 Dec 22 p4 (or Online)

Nearly 8,000 public sector workers are focused solely on equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives, an analysis supported by 40 Tory MPs has found.
£427 million a year is being spent on the positions. It claimed that one million working days are being spend on
[this sort of] training.
The report states that the NHS has 800 staff who "exclusively" work on equality, diversity and inclusion, while there are a further794in local authorities and 724 in universities, Oxford university said it had 40 full time equality and diversity roles and there are more than 294 such staff in the police

This is frightening. Not just that it is becoming normal to be told what to think, but, particularly in a huge recession, it is costing so much money.


Is there anyone on here who thinks it's a good use of £427 million ?


What throws this into stark relief is a fascinating article in The Times (the day before yesterday) by Tomiwa Owolade.

Basically he was pointing out that a black American has far more in common with a white American than he has even with a Black British person.

Colour really doesn't matter anymore.

Edited by Chekhov
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4 minutes ago, butlers said:

Maybe same Tories might speak up about what will turn out to be £100s of millions in spiv money thier pals made in ripping off the country during covid

Yes  but that's spinning the subject to what could be another topic,  what worries me is where they are getting the money from - they must have spent billions since 1919 

Edited by cressida
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15 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

The Times 12 Dec 22 p4 (or Online)

Nearly 8,000 public sector workers are focused solely on equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives, an analysis supported by 40 Tory MPs has found.
£427 million a year is being spent on the positions. It claimed that one million working days are being spend on
[this sort of] training.
The report states that the NHS has 800 staff who "exclusively" work on equality, diversity and inclusion, while there are a further794in local authorities and 724 in universities, Oxford university said it had 40 full time equality and diversity roles and there are more than 294 such staff in the police

This is frightening. Not just that it is becoming normal to be told what to think, but, particularly in a huge recession, it is costing so much money.


Is there anyone on here who thinks it's a good use of £427 million ?


What throws this into stark relief is a fascinating article in The Times (the day before yesterday) by Tomiwa Owolade.

Basically he was pointing out that a black American has far more in common with a white American than he has even with a Black British person.

Colour really doesn't matter anymore.

Worlds gone mad .

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13 minutes ago, butlers said:

Maybe same Tories might speak up about what will turn out to be £100s of millions in spiv money thier pals made in ripping off the country during covid

How does that answer my question ?

You appear to be saying that because some money may have been wasted (I agree anyway, about £400 Billion was wasted unsuccessfully trying to suppress Covid) it matters not if we waste another £427 million a year.


5 minutes ago, butlers said:

In the scheme of things , it's absolute baubles

Compared to the eye watering £410 Billion spent on Covid, you are absolutely correct.

Edited by Chekhov
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25 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

The Times 12 Dec 22 p4 (or Online)

Nearly 8,000 public sector workers are focused solely on equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives, an analysis supported by 40 Tory MPs has found.

Found the problem for you, no need to thank me 😎

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10 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

How does that answer my question ?

You appear to be saying that because some money may have been wasted (I agree anyway, about £400 Billion was wasted unsuccessfully trying to suppress Covid) it matters not if we waste another £427 million a year.


Compared to the eye watering £410 Billion spent on Covid, you are absolutely correct.

Bzzzzzz! Repetition! Off topic!

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32 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

The Times 12 Dec 22 p4 (or Online)

Nearly 8,000 public sector workers are focused solely on equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives, an analysis supported by 40 Tory MPs has found.
£427 million a year is being spent on the positions. It claimed that one million working days are being spend on
[this sort of] training.
The report states that the NHS has 800 staff who "exclusively" work on equality, diversity and inclusion, while there are a further794in local authorities and 724 in universities, Oxford university said it had 40 full time equality and diversity roles and there are more than 294 such staff in the police

This is frightening. Not just that it is becoming normal to be told what to think, but, particularly in a huge recession, it is costing so much money.


Is there anyone on here who thinks it's a good use of £427 million ?


What throws this into stark relief is a fascinating article in The Times (the day before yesterday) by Tomiwa Owolade.

Basically he was pointing out that a black American has far more in common with a white American than he has even with a Black British person.

Colour really doesn't matter anymore.

As I don't have a subscription to the Times I cannot scrutinise further what has been reported.

Does this figure include things like interpreting services? I'd be intrigued to know. A friend of mine is profoundly deaf, and relies heavily on interpreting services to get by in day to day life.

We already know that even in our public services, people such as those who are deaf, or physically disabled, and those from ethnic minorities face discrimination.


However it is worth pointing out that at my place of work we have equality and diversity members of staff, who take on those roles, not full time, but in addition to their substantive roles. Whether this is included in the figures, I don't know.


Diversity is a lot more than colour. Though we do know, is that black people face discrimination from some of our public services - such as the police service (you're more likely to die in police custody if you're a black male, than a white one) and from psychiatric services (you're more likely to be sectioned if you're black than white); as well as facing discrimination in the wider employment market and society in general.


I've no problem with making services fully accessible and non discriminatory. Yes the cost aspect does need looking at, but bear in mind that people from a wide variety of backgrounds also pay into the system like everyone else; and we've moved on from the days where people are told that they should be grateful to get a service, no matter how bad the service is.


Edited by Mister M
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