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427 Million Pounds A Year Spent On Diversity Training

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12 hours ago, Longcol said:

Found the problem for you, no need to thank me 😎

It matters not who did the research, it only matters if it is accurate.

Are you saying it isn't ? And if so what evidence have you got for that ?

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12 hours ago, Mister M said:

Incidentally Checkov, did the Times report mention that the Conservative Way Forward group almost exclusively supported Brexit?

How many billions has that cost the economy?

I think the figures that they complained about being wasted on equality and diversity training will be dwarfed by the cost of leaving the EU.

This is slightly off topic and I do not agree with the principle that just because we waste humungous amounts of money on some stuff that means it is fine to waste only huge amounts of money on other stuff, but..... 

I was not in favour of leaving the EU, mainly because I valued my right to travel (or even live) any where in the EU without hindrance. Ironically, hindrance to international travel was exactly what we got, and far more, for over two years from March 2020, and provably for no benefit whatsoever (no scariant was kept out and nor was there any chance it would be).

It is also absolutely certain the figures that they complained about being wasted on equality and diversity training will be dwarfed by the cost of trying (and failing) to suppress Covid.


12 hours ago, Mister M said:

Diversity is a lot more than colour. Though we do know, is that black people face discrimination from some of our public services - such as the police service (you're more likely to die in police custody if you're a black male, than a white one) and from psychiatric services (you're more likely to be sectioned if you're black than white); as well as facing discrimination in the wider employment market and society in general.

I've no problem with making services fully accessible and non discriminatory. Yes the cost aspect does need looking at, but bear in mind that people from a wide variety of backgrounds also pay into the system like everyone else; and we've moved on from the days where people are told that they should be grateful to get a service, no matter how bad the service is.

As a general principle I do not approve of people being told what to think, even worse if it is a condition of their job to be so.

And anyway, as Tomiwa Owolade said, a black American has far more in common with a white American than he has even with a Black British person (much less a Black Nigerian).

Colour really doesn't matter anymore.


1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Waste of money.

What happened to people having common sense?

Oh I forgot, it's the 21st century..... Everyone has to be brainwashed into thinking there are problems so they can make excuses and blame something else.

We are creating a society full of absolutely weaklings.

Much the most sensible post I have read on here in weeks

Edited by Chekhov
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1 hour ago, crookesey said:

Hardly surprising, the left never recognise that there is anything other than the correct side, which they believe that they’ve on, this also applies to those on the right. Some of my views can be interpreted as being political, I prefer to look at them as errors of judgement, I refuse to hate individuals because of where they make their mark on a bit of paper.

ALL of your posts ARE political because you never shut up about THE LEFT,    or even, in this case,   THE RIGHT.

You are perfectly free to have your beliefs,  but so are others.

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5 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

ALL of your posts ARE political because you never shut up about THE LEFT,    or even, in this case,   THE RIGHT.

You are perfectly free to have your beliefs,  but so are others.

Please show evidence of your wild accusations.

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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Waste of money.


What happened to people having common sense?


Oh I forgot, it's the 21st century..... Everyone has to be brainwashed into thinking there are problems so they can make excuses and blame something else.


We are creating a society full of absolutely weaklings.

Very true.

Why don't they stop wasting time and money and tell anyone who deals with the public   -  

"You will be dealing with the public and some will be white, some brown, some red, and some yellow and also these people may be Male, Female, or inbetweeners who cannot decide,

they may be fully fit or they may be physically or mentally disabled.  You are expected to be polite and civil to every one of them and, if you don't, you will be SACKED. 

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:


As a general principle I do not approve of people being told what to think, even worse if it is a condition of their job to be so.


Colour really doesn't matter anymore.


Insofar as long as what people think doesn't affect their behaviour then I agree with you. However, we do know that what people believe does affect their actions.

For example as I said earlier people from BME communities are more likely to be found dead while in police custody, they are more likely to be sectioned, and face discrimination in wider society.

There was a case not so long ago of a registrar who lost her job because her religious beliefs meant that she refused to marry a same sex couple.

If it is a simple matter of common sense that we shouldn't discriminate on the basis of a person's characteristics, why does discrimination still exist in our public services?

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6 minutes ago, crookesey said:

Please show evidence of your wild accusations.

Accusations maybe,  but not wild.

The very post I quoted includes both LEFT & RIGHT and if you go through your own posts, you will find plenty of others.

Why does other peoples political leanings matter to you so much?

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1 minute ago, Organgrinder said:

Accusations maybe,  but not wild.

The very post I quoted includes both LEFT & RIGHT and if you go through your own posts, you will find plenty of others.

Why does other peoples political leanings matter to you so much?

Please quote a selection of ‘The Plenty’.

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12 hours ago, cressida said:

I voted  leave,  mainly because I didn't want to obey rules from beyond our own country - Rule  Britannia

How has that helped us anyway !

Even in the pandemic we did not use our "freedoms" to go our own way. Sweden was the only country that did that and, err, they are in the EU.

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