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1 hour ago, Mister M said:

I should also add that in the real life example I quoted earlier of a woman who was dismissed from her job because she refused to marry a gay couple, she went to an employment tribunal and they upheld the council's original decision. Quite right too. Marrying people is a fundamental part of being a registrar. If she refused to do it, she was silly to think she could continue in that role.

In your opinion.

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1 hour ago, Mister M said:

With regards to "how far should we go when not discriminating", generally when it's in the public realm.

You quote the example of adulterous behaviour. In this instance, that is private behaviour, which shouldn't impinge on their public or legal duties. What consenting adults do in private is their own business. If for example one of the adulterous couple becomes a registrar, and says that she refuses to marry a couple because she doesn't believe in monogamy, then that is impinging on their ability to carry out their responsibility as an employee.

Whatever this employee believes should be irrelevant. They have job to do. If they refuse on principle, well find another job which doesn't conflict with the beliefs.

But it could be argued that adulterous behaviour does impinge on the public realm because it often causes marriage breakups which then affects society in very negative ways.

What about a group of Nazis having a private meeting coming out with anti Semitic and racist stuff ?

Is that OK because what  adults do in private is their own business ?


5 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Yes in my opinion, and in the opinion of the law too 😁

Let me tell you something. Remembering how they used law to suppress me, my family, and the rest of society over Covid I have significantly less respect for the law than I used to.

As an example, had their been anti lockdown riots (and I am still surprised there weren't, not in this country anyway) I would never have helped the police catch any of the protesters, quite the opposite.


1 hour ago, sibon said:

You don’t know where to start, because I’ve taken a totally logically consistent position.

 You could have chosen another school, if you found the online parents’ evenings so problematic.
Just like the people getting married “could have chosen another registrar”.

You can’t have it both ways.

Choosing another registrar is obviously far easier and far more practical then another school for ones child. You are being disingenuous arguing otherwise, and you know it.

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24 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

But it could be argued that adulterous behaviour does impinge on the public realm because it often causes marriage breakups which then affects society in very negative ways.

That could indeed be argued. I'm not disputing that.


What about a group of Nazis having a private meeting coming out with anti Semitic and racist stuff ?

Is that OK because what  adults do in private is their own business ?

Nazism isn't something I agree with. I guess if they are a legally permissible group then I guess so. However there are no nazi groups like The Base which I think are banned.



Let me tell you something. Remembering how they used law to suppress me, my family, and the rest of society over Covid I have significantly less respect for the law than I used to.

Well that is your opinion. However it is not something which is widely shared, and being a COVID refusenik is not a protected characteristic.

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2 minutes ago, fools said:

Paris is getting well and truly trashed at the moment, always something kicking off over there.

A very small area of Paris.


It's like saying London is getting trashed if summat kicks off in Trafalgar Square.

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Ah yes, Paris..


Growing up the very mention of France, especially Paris had your mind wandering about classy ladies, lovely cheeses, warm french sticks and croissants dipped in hot chocolate....


If someone mentions Paris nowadays all you think about is riots, crime and burning vehicles.


Diversity is our strength......... apparently.



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