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Gender Recognition

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44 minutes ago, cloudybay said:

A biological man in a frock, with or without male genitals  is not a woman. Never has been and never will be.  I identify as a tomato. But I'm never going to be a real tomato.  Sad but true.  I'll get over it. 





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Watched one of this year's Royal Institution Christmas Lectures earlier presented by Dame Prof. Sue Black. 


She had a skelton on the table & she demonstrated the processes of trying to identify an unknown skeleton & basically lesson one for medical students, is the skelton male or female?   Obvious clues such as the shape of the pelvis, the brow ridge & other small protruding bumps around the jaw & at the back of the skull which would clearly identify a skelton as male. 


Also, no matter how much gender realignment / reassessment an individual has, their DNA remains either male or female.  So let's say 'Dave' insists on being Deidre, deep down, he's still & always will be Dave. 

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34 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

Watched one of this year's Royal Institution Christmas Lectures earlier presented by Dame Prof. Sue Black. 

it was unwatchable, awful camera work, and 20+ cuts per minute.

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Guest makapaka
11 hours ago, trastrick said:

You are, as usual, stereotyping, and conflating homosexuals and sexual behavior, with "effeminate men", who are happy  and  and loved the world over, and are a huge and most welcome part of the human culture that surrounds us all.


I can assure you, as a man, that all homosexuals are NOT "effeminate men".  :)


Ha ha - Jesus Christ.


Shut that door!

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15 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

   You are of course correct as around  50% of all homosexuals will be women. That of course is not reflected in your limited knowledge of 1960's attitudes when you were not in this country.  

   As I have never before commented on homosexuality on this or any other thread or forum or online I cannot see how I  can be accused of "...as usual, stereotyping, and conflating homosexuals and sexual behavior..."

   Your stories of 'happy' 'gay'  and 'effeminate' 'men' 'loved the world over' (your words) seems based on a popular view held refer to a tiny percentage of homosexual men and bears no resemblance at all to the lives of hundreds of thousands of homosexual men and women then or now.



My stories are based on my experience the world over with real people.


I have found that women can be primarily heterosexual, or homosexual, or bi-sexual, with the latter group in ascendency on a ad hoc experimental basis, in these days of alternate lifestyle choices.


In Western Societies, they are not the persecuted, socially shunned, and demonized lot that the political LBGT lobbyists and the Media "narratives" portray and would have you believe :)


They exist at all levels of society, are among our family members, and generally lead normal productive lives, and rise to the top echelon of all fields, politics (they run for President) popular culture, entertainment, and more and more in sports.


Some of the more committed celebrate their life choices with parades, supported by taxpayers and joined in their revelry by local mayors, police, and politicians on specially designated Gay Pride Days, in most major cities.


Like all humans, they face personal challenges in declaring themselves publicly when deciding to throw off their pretense of heterosexuality, by "coming out of the closet", but when they do they are welcomed by their peers. even lauded as brave and trailblazing heroes,


If you want to be reviled and insulted by today's establishment, try supporting the domestic and foreign policies of one Donald Trump!  :)






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9 minutes ago, trastrick said:


My stories are based on my experience the world over with real people.

I have found that women can be primarily heterosexual, or homosexual, or bi-sexual, with the latter group in ascendency on a ad hoc experimental basis, in these days of alternate lifestyle choices.

In Western Societies, they are not the persecuted, socially shunned, and demonized lot that the political LBGT lobbyists and the Media "narratives" portray and would have you believe

They exist at all levels of society, are among our family members, and generally lead normal productive lives, and rise to the top echelon of all fields, politics (they run for President) popular culture, entertainment, and more and more in sports.

Some of the more committed celebrate their life choices with parades, supported by taxpayers and joined in their revelry by local mayors, police, and politicians on specially designated Gay Pride Days, in most major cities.

Like all humans, they face personal challenges in declaring themselves publicly when deciding to throw off their pretense of heterosexuality, by "coming out of the closet", but when they do they are welcomed by their peers. even lauded as brave and trailblazing heroes,

If you want to be reviled and insulted by today's establishment, try supporting the domestic and foreign policies of one Donald Trump! 

    A pretty good assessment of where we should be right now across the 'western' countries, but there are many who would argue that the need for campaigns that promote awareness, acceptance, legal equality etc. are far from over. In many 'western' countries aspects of the state, religion and politics are actively anti-different-whatever that difference is.

    The deliberate 'in your face' campaigning style of is designed to get maximum notice and keep the issue in the public eye. The media and the entertainment business love a good 'gay' story as do those who wish to promote themselves. So sometimes people do feel swamped, irritate and fed up with the amount of attention paid to 'others'.

     Let us not forget that the vast majority of those who could be described as LGBTQIA+ do not seek publicity and just try get on with their lives but often with very great difficulty.

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