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Gender Recognition

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18 minutes ago, trastrick said:

The problem is LGT discrimination, is not the only problem in society.. It just happens to be a popular and politically divisive topic these days.


For generations of young men have been  subject to unwanted sexual advances from deviant men. From Scouts, cadets, church groups, boys camping trips, football matches, not to mention public toilets, everywhere from Fitzallan  Square, and Bramall Lane, to the BBC.


If the numbers were actually made known, it might explain why some people are not all that sympathetic to people with "different sexual tastes".


Like every topic these days, there's a "narrative" and a reality hiding underneath!



I think you're conflating two very different subjects: sexual orientation and predatory sexual practices.

Not sure if you know, but most sexual crimes against children, are those committed by men against their own children. Self identifying straight men.

There are straight, gay, bi pedophiles.

Tell me the "narrative" and tell me about the reality hiding underneath, and how you know about it.


Edited by Mister M
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Just now, leviathan13 said:

Outside of the traditional (and realistic) notion of there being only 2 genders - no one can actually explain what a gender actually is!


There are two genders and people thinking there are more are deluded and need professional help.



It's a mental health issue.



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Helen Joyce’s book ‘Trans’ is an excellent source of information about the background to the trans issue.  For people who seek to understand this subject it is well worth reading. It is a factual book and is not anti-trans. 

She speaks about the paraphilia, autogynephilia which is thought to be present in some (usually older, heterosexual) male to female transsexuals. In chapter 2 there is a particularly interesting reference to Alice Dreger’s book, ‘Galileo’s Middle Finger’ which explains why trans activists rage against women, even though it is males who are the perpetrators of almost all anti trans harassment.  

The vast majority of gender critical women have no animosity towards trans identified men.  Being parodied can be offensive to some, especially when there is an element of over sexualisation.  Single (biological) sex spaces are vital to preserve dignity, privacy and safety. Natal women also need fairness, especially in the workplace and in sports.  According to the Haldane ruling, in Scotland this will not be possible with self ID because there will be no difference between a man identifying as a woman and a human female. 

Helen also writes of various studies which show that a high proportion of effeminate boys grow up to be gay men, accept their sexuality and lead happy and fulfilling lives.  IIRC it was something like 90%. 

The book has not been banned by my own public library so may well be available in others. 

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My mind goes back to the overtly effeminate men who were around when homosexuality was technically against the antiquated laws.


They were happy in their life's choice, and weren't, for the most part, the persecuted lot today's gender bender lobby would have you believe.


My four Aunts always had their favorite gay friend come up to join them one night a week, It was a happy time for all.


Even in the hard school of steelworkers, we had "Nancy" who worked in the office at Steelos, and had a lot of fun with the lads, and gave as much fun banter as he took. They would have taken care of anybody who dared harm him.


Fast forward to today, my partner runs a beauty salon, and the "maricon" employee is always the woman's favorite attendant at these places. They compete for them.


All three mentioned above are/were genuinely happy with their lives and had the respect of all who worked with them.


But the "banter" all done in honesty and with a sense of humor, would curl the hair of today's pearl clutchers.  :)




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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

My mind goes back to the overtly effeminate men who were around when homosexuality was technically against the antiquated laws.

They were happy in their life's choice, and weren't, for the most part, the persecuted lot today's gender bender lobby would have you believe.

My four Aunts always had their favorite gay friend come up to join them one night a week, It was a happy time for all.

Even in the hard school of steelworkers, we had "Nancy" who worked in the office at Steelos, and had a lot of fun with the lads, and gave as much fun banter as he took. They would have taken care of anybody who dared harm him.

Fast forward to today, my partner runs a beauty salon, and the "maricon" employee is always the woman's favorite attendant at these places. They compete for them.

All three mentioned above are/were genuinely happy with their lives and had the respect of all who worked with them.

But the "banter" all done in honesty and with a sense of humor, would curl the hair of today's pearl clutchers. 


   The 'Julian and Sandy' stereotype you 'happily' refer to was a creation of the heavily censored British radio, film and theatre.

It did push the boundaries and being 'funny' it was acceptable to the public and did hasten the ludicrous laws that made homosexual acts illegal amongst half of the then adult population.

Your stereotype was based on a tiny minority of men that populated a 'fringe' of some entertainment, service and sex industries who often used Polari. This combination and the British love of innuendo created your myth.

In reality life for all British homosexuals was often extremely difficult and still can be.

Your post is indicative of how far we still need to go before we even get to the start line of discussing gender.



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2 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:


   The 'Julian and Sandy' stereotype you 'happily' refer to was a creation of the heavily censored British radio, film and theatre.

It did push the boundaries and being 'funny' it was acceptable to the public and did hasten the ludicrous laws that made homosexual acts illegal amongst half of the then adult population.

Your stereotype was based on a tiny minority of men that populated a 'fringe' of some entertainment, service and sex industries who often used Polari. This combination and the British love of innuendo created your myth.

In reality life for all British homosexuals was often extremely difficult and still can be.

Your post is indicative of how far we still need to go before we even get to the start line of discussing gender.



You are, as usual, stereotyping, and conflating homosexuals and sexual behavior, with "effeminate men", who are happy  and  and loved the world over, and are a huge and most welcome part of the human culture that surrounds us all.


I can assure you, as a man, that all homosexuals are NOT "effeminate men".  :)


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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

You are, as usual, stereotyping, and conflating homosexuals and sexual behavior , with "effeminate men", who are happy  and  and loved the world over, and are a huge and most welcome part of the human culture that surrounds us all.

I can assure you, as a man, that all homosexuals are NOT "effeminate men". 


   You are of course correct as around  50% of all homosexuals will be women. That of course is not reflected in your limited knowledge of 1960's attitudes when you were not in this country.  

   As I have never before commented on homosexuality on this or any other thread or forum or online I cannot see how I  can be accused of "...as usual, stereotyping, and conflating homosexuals and sexual behavior..."

   Your stories of 'happy' 'gay'  and 'effeminate' 'men' 'loved the world over' (your words) seems based on a popular view held refer to a tiny percentage of homosexual men and bears no resemblance at all to the lives of hundreds of thousands of homosexual men and women then or now.

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