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Hip Replacement

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47 minutes ago, jonnythefox said:

Has any forum member had a hip replacement,i am due to have one in february and i would like to know how bad the pain is after the operation

and what the first few weeks of recovery are like

I had a hip replacement in February after having a fall which fractured it. I had a hip replacement in the Northern General hospital, and I had no pain afterwards  or since whatsoever.  You  have to do  exercises afterwards supervised by a physiotherapist . Please keep the exercises up otherwise your body will stiffen up.

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12 hours ago, pattricia said:

I had a hip replacement in February after having a fall which fractured it. I had a hip replacement in the Northern General hospital, and I had no pain afterwards  or since whatsoever.  You  have to do  exercises afterwards supervised by a physiotherapist . Please keep the exercises up otherwise your body will stiffen up.

Stop it Pat.

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was it done by key hole surgery ? and how long where you kept in hospital?  as i need one doing in the near future.

15 hours ago, pattricia said:

I had a hip replacement in February after having a fall which fractured it. I had a hip replacement in the Northern General hospital, and I had no pain afterwards  or since whatsoever.  You  have to do  exercises afterwards supervised by a physiotherapist . Please keep the exercises up otherwise your body will stiffen up.


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7 minutes ago, bassett one said:

was it done by key hole surgery ? and how long where you kept in hospital?  as i need one doing in the near future.


You can’t do a hip replacement by keyhole surgery. The new hip replacements are made of a form of metal so can never wear out. I was in hospital for three days.  No pain after surgery and no pain since. Just keep up the excercises that the physio gives you. I can highly recommend this replacement operation.

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20 hours ago, jonnythefox said:

Has any forum member had a hip replacement,i am due to have one in february and i would like to know how bad the pain is after the operation

and what the first few weeks of recovery are like

I've had both hips replaced and was lucky enough to have been offered a choice of where to have my operations.....

To be perfectly honest I was so grateful to be out of hip pain the actual discomfort of recovery was an absolute doddle....

You'll quickly move from two crutches to one to a walking stick and then unsupported .... you'll be surprised how amazingly your body recovers....

As long as you do all the exercises your physio gives you  and keep mobile you'll soon feel like a new person 😁.....

Good luck !!!

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Guest busdriver1
21 hours ago, jonnythefox said:

Has any forum member had a hip replacement,i am due to have one in february and i would like to know how bad the pain is after the operation

and what the first few weeks of recovery are like

A friend of mine had one and had next to no pain (there was a little but managed with drugs) felt fine very quickly and has never looked back, Dont be scared it will be life changing.

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