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Nhs Bosses Want Interview Panels To Justify Why They Have Hired A White Person

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If the article below is correct, no wonder the NHS  needs a lot of administrators with all the box ticking to justify appointments. A policy at the Royal Free in north London requires staff to compile reports justifying why the successful candidate was deemed ‘more suitable’.  They are forcing interview panels to explain why they have hired a white person over someone from an ethnic minority, but It does not apply the other way around. how can that be allowed to happen, isn't it Racist? The NHS need more frontline staff not faceless bureaucrats with crackpot ideas. A post should go to the person best suited to the job regardless of sex or ethnicity.


NHS bosses want interview panels to justify why they have hired a white person (msn.com)



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Guest makapaka
14 minutes ago, iansheff said:

If the article below is correct, no wonder the NHS  needs a lot of administrators with all the box ticking to justify appointments. A policy at the Royal Free in north London requires staff to compile reports justifying why the successful candidate was deemed ‘more suitable’.  They are forcing interview panels to explain why they have hired a white person over someone from an ethnic minority, but It does not apply the other way around. how can that be allowed to happen, isn't it Racist? The NHS need more frontline staff not faceless bureaucrats with crackpot ideas. A post should go to the person best suited to the job regardless of sex or ethnicity.


NHS bosses want interview panels to justify why they have hired a white person (msn.com)



You need to stop reading the daily mail.

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Enoch Powell started his notorious speech in the late 60s by saying, "Those who the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad," and his prediction seems to have come true. The only reason the Attlee government encouraged people from Commonwealth countries to come here in the first place was to fill the labour vacancies we had because so many men were killed in the war but then we had political correctness which developed into an extreme version known as wokeness and this is where it's brought us. I wonder what new levels of insanity we can look forward to next year.

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42 minutes ago, despritdan said:

Enoch Powell started his notorious speech in the late 60s by saying, "Those who the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad," and his prediction seems to have come true. The only reason the Attlee government encouraged people from Commonwealth countries to come here in the first place was to fill the labour vacancies we had because so many men were killed in the war but then we had political correctness which developed into an extreme version known as wokeness and this is where it's brought us. I wonder what new levels of insanity we can look forward to next year.



So how is political correctness different to wokeness? I want to understand....

Nevertheless, you let the cat out of the bag, when you quote Powell's saying "Those who the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad."

I think the people who complain that political correctness is driving them mad, are already insane, and are seeking a convenient scapegoat for their insanity.

Though like you I look forward to a whole new bunch of Daily Mail headlines in the new year to finally tip you and the other crazies over the edge.

Should be fun :partyhat:

Edited by Mister M
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2 hours ago, iansheff said:

If the article below is correct, no wonder the NHS  needs a lot of administrators with all the box ticking to justify appointments. A policy at the Royal Free in north London requires staff to compile reports justifying why the successful candidate was deemed ‘more suitable’.  They are forcing interview panels to explain why they have hired a white person over someone from an ethnic minority, but It does not apply the other way around. how can that be allowed to happen, isn't it Racist? The NHS need more frontline staff not faceless bureaucrats with crackpot ideas. A post should go to the person best suited to the job regardless of sex or ethnicity.


NHS bosses want interview panels to justify why they have hired a white person (msn.com)



That's a very confused article- it's claiming that this process is done when a white person is given the job, yet also says this-

'The source said that for the sake of fairness, the policy should be enforced for all failed candidates, not just those from an ethnic background. The ‘extra bureaucracy’ slowed down the already long-winded hiring process.'

What is needed of course, is a link to the actual NHS document rather than a reporters interpretation of it.

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When I attend the Rheumatology dept of the Hallamshire Hospital I  couldn’t care a donkey’s dangler what ethnic origins the folk that treat me originate from. However this stupidity is asking for the wrong people of the right ethnicity to apply for these positions.


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Guest makapaka
5 hours ago, despritdan said:

Enoch Powell started his notorious speech in the late 60s by saying, "Those who the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad," and his prediction seems to have come true. The only reason the Attlee government encouraged people from Commonwealth countries to come here in the first place was to fill the labour vacancies we had because so many men were killed in the war but then we had political correctness which developed into an extreme version known as wokeness and this is where it's brought us. I wonder what new levels of insanity we can look forward to next year.

Deluded ramblings.

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8 hours ago, iansheff said:

If the article below is correct, no wonder the NHS  needs a lot of administrators with all the box ticking to justify appointments. A policy at the Royal Free in north London requires staff to compile reports justifying why the successful candidate was deemed ‘more suitable’.  They are forcing interview panels to explain why they have hired a white person over someone from an ethnic minority, but It does not apply the other way around. how can that be allowed to happen, isn't it Racist? The NHS need more frontline staff not faceless bureaucrats with crackpot ideas. A post should go to the person best suited to the job regardless of sex or ethnicity.


NHS bosses want interview panels to justify why they have hired a white person (msn.com)



Seems divisive

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