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When Will The Roadworks At Saltersbrook Bridge (Woodhead) Be Finished ?


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12 hours ago, Resident said:

86 miles in 1hr 40 equates to an average of 51.6mph

I cannot see how you can average 52mph without speeding over a cross country route (absolute max 60mph but with intermittent 50, 40 and even 30mph limits) and with  with frequent slower traffic and slower vehicles, plus occasionally even having to stopp for junctions/pedestrian crossings etc etc

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1 minute ago, Chekhov said:

I cannot see how you can average 52mph without speeding over a cross country route (absolute max 60mph but with intermittent 50, 40 and even 30mph limits) and with  with frequent slower traffic and slower vehicles.

Maybe he actually drives 60 in a 60 😄

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10 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

So you happily admit to not making due progress [doing 50 on a 60 road] when road conditions are perfect, very selfish indeed.

Trolling again, difficult habit to break is it ?


Just out of interest (bearing in mind statistically road accidents are one of the things most likely to kill you) if you think someone doing 50 on a 60mph road is "selfish", why do you think it is a good thing that cameras are banned from school performances or swimming galas when the chances of anyone dying as a result of that would be so low as to be incalculable ?


7 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

>>Chekhov said:
I cannot see how you can average 52mph without speeding over a cross country route (absolute max 60mph but with intermittent 50, 40 and even 30mph limits) and with  with frequent slower traffic and slower vehicles.<<


Maybe he actually drives 60 in a 60 😄

What I said is correct. Even if you drive right up to the speed limit at all times, you would not average 52mph over a cross country route with an over all 60mph limit and many intermediate 50/40/30 restrictions, not to mention junctions/lights/pedestrian crossings where you actually have to stop, plus much slower traffic even including farm traffic.

I'd read up on it if I were you.

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10 hours ago, Resident said:

My estate wasn't one of your common clapped out,  gutless family econoboxes either.

There are hardly any cars on the roads these days where the car's performance would be the limiting factor in how quickly one could drive from A to B. Assuming one was sticking to the speed limits of course. Even most "classic" cars, certainly post about the 1960s, would not really limit your time. Assuming one was sticking to the speed limits of course.

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I regularly drive to Chapel St Leonards from the South East of Sheffield and take typically 1hour 45minutes...ish. I use A roads mainly with a short section of the A1 (70 mph sometimes possible). I drive to the conditions, weather, traffic, road etc and try to not break the speed limits. I get annoyed when I come up behind someone who insists on driving at 10 mph below the speed limit when the above conditions are suitable.  I often find these people slow down to 30 mph in a 40 zone and 20 mph in a 30 zone...why?

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2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

I cannot see how you can average 52mph without speeding over a cross country route (absolute max 60mph but with intermittent 50, 40 and even 30mph limits) and with  with frequent slower traffic and slower vehicles.

It's called being a competant driver with IAM, Blue Light and other addtional vehicle control training.  Having a very capable, extremely well maintained vehicle. Tyres and brakes that aren't budget/part worn (which should be banned IMO). Unlike most drivers on the road, I inspect my car very regularly, at least one a week & before a long trip. 

These mean being able to hold a higher road speed (under the limit before you start crying about speeding again) & not panic braking for every 1° bend in the road. 

2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

There are hardly any cars on the roads these days where the car's performance would be the limiting factor in how quickly one could drive from A to B. Assuming one was sticking to the speed limits of course. Even most "classic" cars, certainly post about the 1960s, would not really limit your time. Assuming one was sticking to the speed limits of course.

Not many hit 60 from zero in under 7 seconds  (not fully loaded but ain't far off)

Driving fast and acheiving a shorter trip time doesn't mean speeding.  


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48 minutes ago, Resident said:

It's called being a competant driver with IAM, Blue Light and other addtional vehicle control training.  Having a very capable, extremely well maintained vehicle. Tyres and brakes that aren't budget/part worn (which should be banned IMO). Unlike most drivers on the road, I inspect my car very regularly, at least one a week & before a long trip. 

Not many hit 60 from zero in under 7 seconds  (not fully loaded but ain't far off)
Driving fast and acheiving a shorter trip time doesn't mean speeding.  

None of which would make any significant difference in point to point times (for drivers sticking to the speed limit).

In fact I'd go further, if you say you are cornering at such speeds that your expensive tyres are making it "safe enough", you are driving too fast for the public roads.

And I am not someone with an excessive risk aversion, as many of my other posts make clear.  


You will note in my earlier answer I do not even bother to mention "tight bends which require a reduction in speed", though there will be a significant number, and the main reason the will require a reduction in speed is because the bend may well have restricted visibility not because ones car is incapable of doing 50 or 60mph round them  :


Even if you drive right up to the speed limit at all times, you would not average 52mph over a cross country route with an over all 60mph limit and many intermediate 50/40/30 restrictions, not to mention junctions/lights/pedestrian crossings where you actually have to stop, plus much slower traffic even including farm traffic.

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6 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

None of which would make any significant difference in point to point times (for drivers sticking to the speed limit).

In fact I'd go further, if you say you are cornering at such speeds that your expensive tyres are making it "safe enough", you are driving too fast for the public roads.

And I am not someone with an excessive risk aversion, as many of my other posts make clear.  

There you go again, making stuff up. This time you are judging the competence of a driver that you haven’t met, who drives a car that you know nothing about.


Just because you are clearly a nervous driver, that doesn’t give you the right to judge others who have superior skills to yours.

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Mods - could this thread be renamed 'the quickest way to get to Skegness' please so that it's not misleading for anyone wanting to find out when the roadworks at Saltersbrook Bridge (Woodhead) will be finished

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The roadworks will be finished......eventually.....probably.  You don't expect anyone to work out in the wilds, in bad weather and during the Christmas break do you?  I  pass loads of 'roadworks ' where there is no sign of any work taking place (for what ever reason before anyone makes an excuse) , and many times with poorly timed/ broken traffic lights. 

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