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15 Minute Zones And Climate Lockdowns Explained.

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2 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

I got this from the Oxford 15 minute city plan that I'd read about. A £70 fine apparently if you drive beyond your zone.

You havent read it properly then. I suggest you give it another go. The six new bus gates there, which wont actually stop people leaving areas, have cack all to do with "fifteen minute neighbourhoods".

Edited by HeHasRisen
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1 minute ago, HeHasRisen said:

You havent read it properly then. I suggest you give it another go. The six new bus gates there have cack all to do with "fifteen minute neighbourhoods".

seems to me, a brand new massive control conspiracy has been invented purely by normal everyday town / city additions

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6 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Traffic "filters" designed of course to restrict cars, will be strategically placed around the city with £70 for driving through them.

 This is bound to evolve over time and be even more restrictive. Ultimately they want to stop us leaving our zone in a motorised vehicle.

Right so you are now indulging in whataboutery. Come back to us when the above happens. Want to put a timeframe on it so we can come back in X years time and see which one of the two of us looks the more ridiculous?

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29 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:


 This is bound to evolve over time and be even more restrictive.

Is Bound, Is Bound, thats the crux, its all guesswork, project fear, and those that stay relevant and make money out of this sort of stuff propogate it

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8 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Do you honestly think that this 15 minute city initiative is all carrot and no stick?

Why not give us a number of years that you think, in your opinion, we will all be restricted to our local areas.


We can then bookmark this thread, and all come back and see who looks the silliest.  Deal?

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31 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Why not give us a number of years that you think, in your opinion, we will all be restricted to our local areas.


We can then bookmark this thread, and all come back and see who looks the silliest.  Deal?

well didnt somebody say Sheffields would start in 2024? not long to go to find out what happens then

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4 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

We of course will be at liberty to go where we please on foot, bicycle and public transport but by private motor vehicle it will be extremely restrictive to get around. If you really must leave your zone by car you'll have to do so via specially filtered routes, all designed to be awkward.

So you arent going to put a length of time on it?


And thats changed from your original assertion. Make your mind up.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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