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Switching Off At The Mains, Does It Make Any Difference?

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There is a new government awareness advert, showing us how to save electricity etc. by switching off at the mains every night. Does this really make any difference? Is electricity going to seep out if we don't? This is nothing to do with standby, mind.

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1 minute ago, poppet2 said:

There is a new government awareness advert, showing us how to save electricity etc. by switching off at the mains every night. Does this really make any difference? Is electricity going to seep out if we don't? This is nothing to do with standby, mind.

Depends on what's plugged in. Something that could be on standby then it will save a little bit. Something like a lamp or kettle or toaster, or similar, which has a switch on the device, nothing.

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Can't see that this means the switch at the fuseboard as this would also disable outdoor lights, security lights, landing lights, household lights, fish tanks, timers, gas boilers, heaters, clocks and possible the alarm if the battery is down. Do they mean switch off at the socket?

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1 hour ago, poppet2 said:

This is nothing to do with standby, mind.

how did you arrive at that conclusion, post a link


a 10w appliance (eg router) costs about £30pa currently, so switching it off when not in use for long periods clearly saves money

Edited by fools
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23 minutes ago, Rockers rule said:

Not if you couldn't afford to fill them because of the extortionate price of food at the shops :huh: 

Shear extravagance keeping a fridge freezer running just to impress the neighbours :blush:

Excuse me! My neighbours don't go nosying around my freezer not unless they want to end up in there.  Just joking Rockers.  :hihi:

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If the electricity is switched off at the mains every night a torch would be needed get to bed, also I am sure I read that turning a router off and on isn't recommended. What about people who have their meters outside of the house in a box, it is totally impractical to turn the mains off every night, think of the number of falls and the increase in demand for the NHS with all the accidents.

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21 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Excuse me! My neighbours don't go nosying around my freezer not unless they want to end up in there.  Just joking Rockers.  :hihi:

No problems, but far from me wanting to worry you. 

Have you not wondered where all your burgers have gone after your hip swinging nights out entertaining the miscreants of Padders bar 🤣.


Keep safe and all the best for 2023 :thumbsup:


Rocker 8).


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