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Central Technical School


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Albert if I could find Rayzor1 details I would be delighted to help, late 40's is my time at the tech. maybe he will be the sole survivor who will recognise me.


He may well be one of your old school mates.

Probably he's in bed at the moment because he has always been a lazy sod. Even when he went to the Tech he made me do all his homework. (especially English grammar!!). If he's not gone off to Devon, I'll give him a kick.

I'll be 'ear wigging on the side' in case he says,' Owt about mee!'.

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hi jenner,

i atended cts in 46-49,the head at that time was Dr Thomas who left at the first six month"sterm and along came the lovable wadge(no furthercomment on that score),the pupils that i remember most were,JoeThomas,riley ,keith surgey,cliffe barnsley allan jones,kevin jones,howard winstone,i can"tanyone else,i can recall some of the teachers ,and that i was in bessemer house .i remember the trips to ringinglow playing fields and having the choice of getting a game of football or legging it round the countryside doing crosscountry,turning left at the round house or if you turnd right you ended up half way to castleton,unfortunatley i cannot recall your name sorry about that it may come back just give it time

rayzor 1

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He may well be one of your old school mates.

Probably he's in bed at the moment because he has always been a lazy sod. Even when he went to the Tech he made me do all his homework. (especially English grammar!!). If he's not gone off to Devon, I'll give him a kick.

I'll be 'ear wigging on the side' in case he says,' Owt about mee!'.

Albert just a reminder most of the guys I know, I do not have any statistics on this matter, but I would bet huge sums on, would have been for better at Maths than English, like yours truly I would also guess that the old 11 plus was biased towards English ,Maths was logical ,English was something you rarely heard spoken in Sheffield, obviously dependent on which area of the city you came from.

Jealous you must have earned a fortune.

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Albert just a reminder most of the guys I know, I do not have any statistics on this matter, but I would bet huge sums on, would have been for better at Maths than English, like yours truly I would also guess that the old 11 plus was biased towards English ,Maths was logical ,English was something you rarely heard spoken in Sheffield, obviously dependent on which area of the city you came from.

Jealous you must have earned a fortune.


This is MY personal assesment so I don't want someone accusing me of being a 'Woman hater!!:

I'm of the opinion that mine or our generation were never urged to develop our reading, writing, spelling and grammar potential because that was in the domain of the opposite sex.

Generally, boys who past the Eleven plus were schedule for Managers. Those who did not, but were in the 'A' stream, became the skilled workers, charge hands or foreman. Those below were the unskilled workers with a little skilled training, and those late developers in 'C-D' stream were the labourers.

Females in the 'A' stream became the Secretary' Nurse's or if lucky, professional workers and those below became shop assistants, cleaners etc.

The top managerial positions invariably went to the Public School educated pupils.

Now we had better find another thread because this one is for the Sheffield Technical School

(The (then excepted 1950 - + ?) Managers)

Let me know which thread that we have gone to. Thanks.

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RAYZOR 1, did you have a dekko at my photo , did that ring any bells , did you recognise the lapel badges. I presume you were engineering, I was Telford house, and deputy school head lad, Frank merrill was the school captain. I'm afraid like you the old memory bank is a bit clogged up with more recent things. I used to really like that school, especially when we had sports days, I liked to run 440yds and do the long jump. Really happy days, I hope fate has been kind to you over the years,it certainly has for me.I wish there was a school photo of us lads from then.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The CTS had a mention in Lord Hathersly's autobiography of his childhood. He said he was terrified that he might not pass the 11plus, and, shock, horror, might have to go to the Tech. Socialist ?

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The CTS had a mention in Lord Hathersly's autobiography of his childhood. He said he was terrified that he might not pass the 11plus, and, shock, horror, might have to go to the Tech. Socialist ?


Does anybody remember the Dainties sweet shop at the bottom of West Street in the early 1960,s?I remember a petite,but beautifully formed lady serving there.Its a wonder that I have any teeth left.

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Whie visiting my daughter in Hessle , today I took a trip to Sheffield to wallow in nostalgia . After visiting the Cathedral my next stop was the CTS , I expected to see a demolition site but to my surprise and pleasure I saw a nice clean building with a new modern building next door. It would seem the old tech. is to be given a new life. Doe's anyone know the details?

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Whie visiting my daughter in Hessle , today I took a trip to Sheffield to wallow in nostalgia . After visiting the Cathedral my next stop was the CTS , I expected to see a demolition site but to my surprise and pleasure I saw a nice clean building with a new modern building next door. It would seem the old tech. is to be given a new life. Doe's anyone know the details?




The broken pane of glass in Wadge's study has now been repaired!

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