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Well...the thread is, at last, becoming interesting. There are many ex-CTS attendees, I know, that share my point of view. The majority don't write about it, preferring to let sleeping dogs lie. Maybe we'll get some real input now, and reveal exactly what a hell hole it was.


Please, all ex-CTS readers, start to contribute—to balance the discussion.


IR 2011

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Well...the thread is, at last, becoming interesting. There are many ex-CTS attendees, I know, that share my point of view. The majority don't write about it, preferring to let sleeping dogs lie. Maybe we'll get some real input now, and reveal exactly what a hell hole it was.


Please, all ex-CTS readers, start to contribute—to balance the discussion.


IR 2011


Well you have a nerve, you must have been bullied at CTS and the way you hide behind your posts indicates you lack of backbone.

I have many friends who sadly not with us anymore who did not like their time at CT'S, but it gave them a grounding not only academic but a discipline for life after.


Leave the memory of that school alone and have respect for other students that are no longer with us.


Are you trying to pick a fight from your keyboard and feel safe, you Sir are behind talking to because to disgrace the memory of all those that have gone through the system and become a more stable as sensible individual.

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Me hide behind posts? A little irrationality there, methinks!. I am not being disrespectful to anyone, just to an institution that deserves to be opened up to scrutiny. I have seen posts from ex-pupils who refer to CTS as their alma-mater. I'm sorry, but there is no educational institution less deserving of that term.


That is my opinion, and I have a right to express it. Others may think differently, of course. I respect their opinion, nevertheless, as long as it's presented in a balanced, coherent and respectful manner.


IR 2011

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I had already posted 'derogatory' opinions about CTS long before Ian first started slating the place Rob.


My few experiences:


1) First day in metalwork. Lecture about 'not leaving chuck key in'. Somehow got metal sliver in hand and it was bleeding like hell, so tried to pull it out. Next thing, chuck key hits me in the chest, hard. "You aren't listening, are you lad? That's what happens."Sadistic git had thrown it at me.


2) Some big lads are messing around at far end of first floor corridor. A fountain pen is slid along the corridor and someone shouts, "Stop that pen!" I put my foot out to stop it but stamp on it instead. It is crushed. Big lad who owns it goes ballistic, and teacher on the spot and who saw whole thing, tells me that I have to come up with the money to replace it within next few weeks or it is the headmaster's study for me. "You thick child!"


The pen cost 7/6d and I'm on 1/- a week pocket money. I had to steal from my parents to raise the money. I got caught and got smacked.



3) I get six whacks across the back of my thighs from Crisp using a yardrule because I accidentally knocked another lad's wall down after Crisp pushed me into it.


4) I got six on the hand for not having the correct drawing set for Technical Drawing. My parents couldn't afford it.


These are just the incidents I remember.:roll:


Great days:(

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Here's another from 2005:


I was at CTS 1962 to 1965 and I detested every single day. The day that I left was without doubt the greatest day of my life, even better than getting married or the birth of my children.


The staff were only interested in making you 'ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL'. Your education was of secondary importance to making you conform to their very narrowly defined dress code. I was actually sent home one day for wearing trousers that were an inch too narrow at the bottoms.


As for that evil man Herbert Wadge, all I can say is that the world is a far better place for his no longer being with us.


What finished it all for me was the day at Gleadless Road when I refused to be caned by Thornton the science teacher for something for which I wasn't responsible. Having been sent to see Wadge I was told by him to apologise to the teacher which I refused to do. The colour of his face lives with me to this day. He went purple with rage but I stood my ground and was sent home with a message for my mother to be at the school next morning.


That was probably the biggest mistake that old Herbert ever made. My mother gave him a right old rollocking and at a volume that I was assured could, quite literally, be heard all over the school. Herbert suffered a severe dent in the credibility stakes that day and I believe that he retired shortly afterwards. Good riddance! I never went back and was given early release by the Education Committee in February 1965.


I would love to know what became of my two best mates from the time that I was there. One was Derek Poole who lived in the Pitsmoor area and always wanted to join the Fire Brigade. He was affectionately known as Fred because of his striking resemblance to Fred Flintstone. The other was William (Billy) Harling who lived on Gleadless Road near the Carlton Club and was my best mate from our days at Hurlfield Boys School.

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Another from 2006:


40 years ago people had respect for most things including authority.I dont even remember how many times that I was caned.It seemed quite often.If you accumilated a certain number of demerits (for very minor things)there was a weekly or monthly house meeting where you got caned for that.It has not affected me although I remember certain ones for the injustice.I was sent to be caned once to a master by a first year teacher (last years prefect) called Upton even though I was totally innocent of whatever crime had been committed.Strange why that has stuck in my memory as have many chemistry tables that were beaten into us by Pop Gregory.It was pointless complaining to parents as they supported the teachers unlike nowadays when pupils are always supported by parents whether innocent or guilty.
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And my first post on the subject from 2006:


I was there from '65 to '67 and remember hardly anything about my days there other than the endless canings. What they were for, Christ knows. I do remember getting a good belt with a yard stick for tripping in a class and accidentally damaging another kid's work.


Left in '67 to join the army as a junior soldier just to get away from the place. There were some sadistic gits working there under the guise of being 'teachers'.


They wouldn't last five minutes in today's schools where they have to teach using teaching skills alone ... as opposed to abuse and sadism.


There was a middle ground somewhere, but those sickos never found it.



So Ian Rivedon didn't initiate the CTS slagging-fest.

Edited by saxon51
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Honestly Rob, that's so funny, and predictable. If you really are a product of that supposedly 'August' establishment, you would relish the intellectual challenge, would you not?

I'm not malicious, just caustic. And I want to discuss, not fall out!


IR 2011

Opinion seems to be divided re time at CTS I hated pugnose Ken Westnedge because I was not interested in lathes etc and used to break things and get a clip round the ear.

The other teachers were fine and I suppose if you are a person seeing a glass as half empty rather than half full then you can say plenty was wrong with the school.

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